Are you an Italian girl dating a British guy? Sometimes things can get complicated, but this guide will (hopefully) help you find your way to being happy in English style.

Step 1. Don't try to be "more British"
He fell in love with you even though you belong to a people of poets, saints and navigators; so don't try to change yourself to please him. In addition to always being yourself, it should be borne in mind that many Italians feel sorry for trying to imitate the British.

Step 2. Keep his sense of humor in mind
The British have a completely different sense of humor from that of the Italians; so, don't be offended if he doesn't laugh at your jokes and don't be surprised if you can't understand his. British kids are stinging and sarcastic most of the time and part of their cultural heritage is making fun of other peoples, but it's nothing personal. Keep in mind that he loves you and that's just his way of being. The jokes about Italians are still funny because there is often some truth in them.

Step 3. Try to learn the mysteries of your language
In Italy, the English we study is the language they speak in the United States. Many words have a different meaning overseas. Having a British English dictionary handy would be of great help. For example, take the word "pants". In England, "pants" is used for men's underwear, while in America it can mean any pair of trousers. "Jeans" or "trousers" are used in England to indicate trousers. For this reason, if your boyfriend were to buy a new wallet or something like that you should never, ever suggest that he put it in his "pants". You would embarrass him and an awkward silence would follow. Also, if he were to invite you to a "fancy dress party", you shouldn't be wearing an evening dress or ball gown. Try something like a hat with bunny ears or a clown suit because by "fancy dress party", unlike Americans, the British mean a costume party.

Step 4. Take an interest in its culture
For one reason or another, the British still have a queen and princes, they drink tea, write "favorite" instead of "favorite" and call cookies "biscuits" instead of "cookies" as Americans do. These things might seem a bit strange to you, but remember that England existed well before the United States; try to be interested in their customs. You may discover aspects of their culture that you never imagined existed.

Step 5. It is perfectly normal to have some minor differences of opinion
Hey! After all, you come from two different worlds. Your relationship will be complicated, but remember that, although there are differences, there is something that unites you because you love each other.
- Many Brits love to drink tea. If you don't like it, that's fine, but if you like it and are good at making it, you could impress him by making him a cup of tea. It's much easier than making a sandwich.
- Music is a universal language; use it to bond with him. There are many bands in England that you have probably never heard of and vice versa. Create CDs for each other or go shopping for some. You may find that you like the same genres.
- Do not comment on his accent. You would end up bothering him.
- His English friends may be making fun of you. Try to ignore them. Don't ignore his friends entirely, but try to show him that you are not a "silly Mediterranean girl who dresses fashionably and believes herself to be above the world".
- Don't mention Italian politicians when you are with him. The British don't have a good opinion of them.