Do you want a man to lose his mind for you? By playing the right cards, it's easy. If you want him to not be able to give up on you just like he cannot give up video games, chocolate or his iPhone, you need to make sure you stay in his orbit and let him know you like him. Either way, avoid being too direct. While using strategies to make him fall completely at your feet, continue living your life. He will soon realize the truth, which is that he will no longer be able to do without you.
Part 1 of 4: Learning to Know

Step 1. Introduce yourself
It may seem ridiculous to you, but it is very important. First of all, you have to make sure that it is truly perfect as you think, it is not enough that it is the personification of your ideal of prince charming only from a physical point of view. Also, he needs to know that you exist. So take a deep breath and go talk to him.
Just a very simple: "Hello, my name is …". Try to behave as normal as possible. Address him as you would address a person with whom you want to make friends: the seduction will come later

Step 2. Find out about his account
If you want to win him, you need to know him better: what he likes, what he hates, what his job is, what his hobbies are. The more information you get, the more tools you will have to attract it to you.
- If you find out what they like, you can bring up the interests you share by talking about this and that. This way, they will know that you have something in common and will consider doing activities together.
- For example, if you find that he likes to play golf, tell him that you accompanied your father to a game the previous weekend.
- Also, if you stimulate him to talk about his passion, he will feel comfortable and later link this positive feeling to the interaction he had with you.

Step 3. Talk about yourself
To get to know someone better, it helps to see how they react when they are told something. As a result, tell him something about yourself and watch his reaction. However, don't go into too much detail, or you risk discouraging him.
You can also talk about sports, cinema, music, politics, whatever you want. The important thing is to have a conversation to get to know him better

Step 4. Use social networks to your advantage
Follow him on Instagram and start delving into the relationship. To begin with, indicate that you like some photos, but not too many. Once you follow each other, "Like" some of his selfies to let him know that you appreciate him aesthetically. Just make sure you "like" shots that refer to his interests as well.
If he starts reciprocating with "likes" and comments, that's a good sign. At this point, you should pull back slightly so that he asks where you are and why you aren't giving him the same attention. From time to time, "Like" a few photos, but be very careful not to overdo it
Part 2 of 4: Entering its Orbit

Step 1. Try to see it regularly
At this point, he knows who you are. Don't worry if your first interaction wasn't perfect, because now your goal is to get them to see you more often and start piquing her interest. When you know that at a certain time he will be in a certain place, try to "accidentally" run into him.
- Rely on logic: Would you ever care about someone you barely know? This is exactly the situation he is in.
- By seeing you often, you are more likely to start feeling something about you. If he has been attracted to you since the first meeting, his interest will only increase as he sees you more often.
- To spend more time with him, start by going to the places he frequents (bars, restaurants, bookstores, and so on) or try to get invited to some social events that he will also attend.

Step 2. Try to look your best
Physical appearance is by no means everything, but it can play a very important role in attracting someone in the beginning. For this reason, it is important to prepare yourself carefully before seeing it. Even if you dress casually, a little makeup will make him think you're a soap and water beauty. Also make sure you smell good, so that you associate yourself with a pleasant smell.
Remember that everyone likes a beautiful smile. When you see him, then remember to smile openly at him

Step 3. Use your contacts
If you have mutual friends (be careful, they must be friends, not acquaintances, otherwise you will arouse suspicion), try to date them more often. If he is there too, talk to him. When he says something, comment and react. Don't be too direct, but try to give him the feeling that you are someone you need to know.
If your circles of friends don't match, don't lose hope. Use a strategy. If you see him alone at lunchtime, invite him to join you. If you see him in the hall, try to strike up a conversation

Step 4. Don't scare him
Don't follow him wherever he goes, don't sign up for his own courses. You have to be nice and cheerful towards her, but the encounters don't have to be forced. If he suddenly sees you everywhere, you will scare him. Finding the right balance is one of the hardest steps, but in the end you will succeed.
- Don't become a stalker, but be open and friendly. You have to let him know that you care, this way, if he wants to get to know you a little more, he will feel comfortable.
- Some behaviors to avoid? Going too often to the same places he frequents, calling or texting him repeatedly, "Like" or commenting on everything he does on his accounts, or visiting his workplace too often.
- Remember you can't force time. If you continue to show "friendly" interest in him, he will come closer to you.
Part 3 of 4: Get him to think of you

Step 1. Include him in your circle of friends
Now that you are no longer distant acquaintances, try to befriend him. Many people would say this is the wrong move, but in most cases it is quite the opposite. Establishing a friendship helps you prevent a great risk, which is to make him fall in love with what you are not. Among friends, you are yourself: if you want them not to know how to do without you, you have to be yourself from the beginning.
- Also, becoming friends will help them understand that you have a lot in common. If you show that you are warm, friendly and interesting (aspects you undoubtedly already have), you will make friends as spontaneously as possible.
- Do you remember how you made friends with all the people around you? If it worked with them, it will work with him too.

Step 2. Make him feel special
Once you become friends, you have to make him understand that for you he is not "one of many". Don't let your intent out, but try to give it exclusive attention. Don't tell him your biggest secret, or you will scare him, but do something special to show him that you feel close to him or that you think about him.
For example, if you don't express your feelings easily, try saying, "I'm feeling a little down today." If you mentioned a cake he likes, try bringing him a slice (buy one for yourself too)

Step 3. Be discreet
Your goal is to gradually convince him that you have a lot in common. By showing him trust and giving him special attention, he will subconsciously realize that something is happening.
- It doesn't have to be too obvious. Going back to the previous example, don't tell him, "I feel really depressed. I'm really sad, it's horrible." You would scare him. He wouldn't understand why all of a sudden you started talking so much about yourself. It has to be all natural. Maybe a little strange, but never forced.
- To get started, try telling him a story (when you are alone) that you intend to share with your friends as well. Knowing that he heard it before the others will make him feel special. You can also try touching it a little more than the others. Touch his arm as you speak or hug him when you see him.

Step 4. Don't tell anyone what you are doing
In the first place, if you find that deep down you don't care that much, you will feel embarrassed. In addition, you will avoid uncomfortable situations, for example your friends will not ask at the top of their lungs "Is it him?" a few meters away from the person concerned and will not try to help you. They may have good intentions, but it often ends up making a mess.
You can tell it to other people (including friends) without any problems only if it is not even remotely possible that they will meet him or if one of the steps described in this article is not feasible without their cooperation. If not, do it all yourself
Part 4 of 4: Attract him

Step 1. Try to be more direct
After spending enough time in an intermediate zone, you can proceed to the next stop. How long to wait? This varies depending on the guy in question: when the right time comes, you have to feel it. Basically, you'll know you can move forward when he too starts giving you some extra attention. At this point, you can enter the flirting zone, or almost.
Say phrases like "I miss you / I miss you", "I saw / did / met… and I thought about you"

Step 2. Touch it more
For example, if you are tired, lean on his shoulder. At this point, you will have reached a level of confidence that you can do such a thing.
- Physical intimacy is essential, as it will cause him to question his feelings. Don't overdo it, though: at this point, he'll still be just a friend. Physical contact must therefore be occasional.
- You must always have a plausible reason: tiredness, sadness, or in need of a hug. Also in this case it is essential to avoid scaring him.

Step 3. Make yourself wanted
You never have to let it slip that you want it. Guys like to fight for what they want, so let them chase you a bit. Let him know you're interested, but don't be so helpful that he thinks you don't have anything better to do.
- Don't reply to messages right away. Don't answer the phone every time he calls you. Don't accept every time he invites you out.
- Ignore it only a few times. If you do this too often, you will likely have problems in the long run. Being slightly distant has a big advantage: she'll wonder if you like her or not.
- After the friendship stage, don't always seem available. That way, he'll miss you and wonder what you're doing. He will know that he is not at the center of your life, so he will always hold on to you more and his feelings will intensify.

Step 4. Invite him out
Perhaps he will do it himself (in which case, congratulations!), But that is not necessarily the case. However, don't panic. Remember that asking someone out is difficult even for guys. If he doesn't come forward, that doesn't mean he doesn't care. It is possible that he is afraid.
She throws the hook and says, "I'd like to see this movie, but unfortunately my friends have already seen it." If he still doesn't invite you out, do it yourself. After all, the roles they take on during courtship are no longer what they used to be
- Be patient. It will not be easy. Being a challenge, it will be difficult and full of obstacles. There will be times when you want to throw in the towel, but don't, it's worth it.
- If the strategies used do not allow you to obtain the desired result, do not worry. You have done everything possible. It's not your fault. You are beautiful and charming in your own way, one day you will find someone who will truly appreciate your qualities. While failing to conquer it, in the meantime you will have gained a friend.
- Try not to be too helpful, but be friendly at the same time. Keeping your distance is sometimes helpful.
- Remember that the female brain is different from the male one. If he doesn't get your signals, that's normal. If you sometimes feel exasperated because she doesn't seem to understand anything, don't worry. Sometimes it is as if you are speaking to him in another language.