So, this girl would be beautiful, smart, talented and almost looks like a goddess. While you are clumsy, you drink milk from your nose and live in a shack by the river. This is the guide for you! You are about to learn how to get the girl of your dreams, who now seems totally out of your league.

Step 1. Be a gentleman
Don't be silly to get her to notice you. Whether pretending to be different or being rude, you would put a huge distance between you and the girl.

Step 2. Find out what you really want
Before anything else, ask yourself why you want to impress this girl. Is it because she is the most popular girl in school, or because you really enjoy being around her?

Step 3. Get closer to her
Stay close to her and her friends and try to understand what they are saying to each other. Don't make it obvious that you're spying on them. Approach them and say, "I couldn't help but hear, etc." The conversation should develop spontaneously. Otherwise, you should reevaluate this girl. Chemistry in a relationship is important!

Step 4. Develop your sense of humor
Beautiful girls don't go around looking for guys who have pretty faces like theirs. They see YOUR face and those of other guys. What they are really looking for is someone who can make them laugh. Try to be upbeat and fun.

Step 5. Self-confidence is the key
You've seen people walking with their heads enough, dragging their feet as they walk. They look downcast, unhappy, defeated. That's the best way to push others away! If you want to own a woman who is out of your league, you need to show her that you have faith in yourself. Keep your head up, walk confidently, be proud of yourself - but not arrogantly, make eye contact when you talk to her. Observe others, how they move and how they behave and try to imitate people who show that they have faith in themselves.

Step 6. Leave it pending
Don't wait for her to interrupt the conversation the first few times you talk to her. Your conversations should be short, interesting and active. Let her know that you have to go (there is no need to explain why), wish her a good day and leave.

Step 7. Do not comment on its appearance
Find out what other qualities she has that make her an exceptional woman. Ask her questions about herself and what she likes. Beautiful women are not impressed with compliments on their outward appearance because they are used to receiving plenty of it. Stand out from the crowd and seek out its inner beauty (you can still continue to admire its outer beauty in your thoughts).

Step 8. Compliment her anyway
Did you do a memorable job while reading the history test in class? Tell them and be honest when you do. Highlight some parts that you liked or discuss with her an article you read on the subject.

Step 9. Hide in plain sight
Sometimes, after spending time with a girl, you find that you have feelings for her, and you're not sure if you can hide them. You don't have to. Take it easy and start courting her. Say it like you're telling a joke: “She's crazy about me,” or, “Of course I'm staring at you. You are the girl of my dreams! Tell her in the presence of her friends, and as you say it, raise your eyebrows and give her a nice smile. It's a nice way to break the ice, but be careful: if she doesn't laugh, doesn't seem smug, and isn't a little flattered, this won't work and will bother her more than anything else. Watch their reaction and adjust accordingly.

Step 10. Ask for a date with friends
Ask her to hang out with you as friends so you will find out how much the two of you have in common. And if she's the cocky type, you'll be glad you didn't ask her on a real date.
- Hygiene is important. If you look beautiful, you feel beautiful.
- Be his friend. Let's face it - she may take your breath away, but if you really have nothing in common, it won't be worth it. If you manage to become her friend, find out what interests you have in common, and you'll get along with her when you get to know each other better, then it will be worth the wait.
- Get to know his friends. If her friends don't like you, she probably won't be so inclined to spend time with you.
- Don't be mean to her and don't try to pull her hair - there are other ways to get a girl's attention! When you have to form study groups, try to join his group and try to show off a bit.
- The last thing she needs is another puppy that follows her all over the place wagging her tail. If you can't be her friend, leave her alone and worship her from afar.
- Have some respect. That means: don't fool her just to get your hands under her skirt.
- Don't be honeyed, especially if you talk to her while she's in a group. The last thing you want is her and her friends to laugh at you.
- If she insults you without smiling, back off; doesn't want you around. Or, if she pays close attention to other guys but runs away when you are around, take her aside, look her in the eye and say, "I can't imagine being anywhere but here with the smartest, most beautiful girl. and witty to the world."