How To Get A Night Out With Women

How To Get A Night Out With Women
How To Get A Night Out With Women

Table of contents:


The rules of society are changing and today more and more people have sex outside the boundaries of a fixed relationship. The most informal of sexual encounters, the one night stand, is an exciting and spontaneous experience between two people who feel free, knowing they may never see each other again. To enjoy a good one-night stand, you need to find a willing partner, practice safe sex, and cut out dating after the episode.


Part 1 of 3: Finding Available Partners

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 1
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 1

Step 1. Search in bars and nightclubs

Nightlife is the best time to find a partner willing to go on a one night stand. Go to your favorite bar, nightclub or pub and look around for a while. Look at the women present, especially those who are alone and who seem to want company. When you find a girl you like, approach her, talk to her and offer her a drink.

Don't harass a woman who doesn't want to be bothered, and don't immediately propose to have sex with you

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 2
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 2

Step 2. Use a dating application

In the 21st century, having a one-night stand is enough to own a smartphone. Download a dating or dating app, designed to connect singles looking for adventures, and start digitally flirting with the girls you find interesting. You will be able to introduce yourself to potential partners and find out about them. If you get a "match" from someone who hit you, you can start discussing the possibility of meeting each other.

  • It is often easier for people to get right to the point when they use technology and don't have to talk face to face.
  • Some applications, such as Tinder and Down, have been designed with the sole purpose of bringing together people who are looking for casual sex, which is why they are the most suitable for your situation. Conversely, women who sign up for services like Meetic or OkCupid are often looking for lasting relationships.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 3
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 3

Step 3. Talk to single girls at parties

Attend an evening organized by someone you know and get involved. Often there are many willing women at events like this, and a mutual friend might introduce you to one. Flirt with multiple girls to figure out which ones are willing to accept casual sex.

  • Consider the limits of decency. If a woman has drunk too much, she can make decisions that she will regret.
  • Before you step forward, make sure the girl you're talking to isn't at the party with her boyfriend.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 4
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 4

Step 4. Ask a friend to introduce you to a girl

One of your closest friends may know a woman in a similar situation to yours who wouldn't mind an arranged date. He could put in a good word for you and reassure you about the personality of the girl you will meet, so no one will get any nasty surprises.

In an ideal scenario, you will be dating a girl you've never seen before and who is just an acquaintance of your friend. If you run the risk of ruining a friendship by sleeping with someone, you should avoid doing it

Part 2 of 3: Conquer the Girl

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 5
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 5

Step 1. Look after your appearance

Since one night stand adventures are purely physical in nature, you need to try to be as attractive as possible. Take a shower and take care of all the details. Choose clean, elegant clothes that show off your best features. Spray yourself some perfume and, above all, try to exude confidence. The more convinced you seem of your possibilities, the more desirable you will be.

Spend a few extra minutes cleaning your intimate areas if you feel there is a possibility of intercourse

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 6
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 6

Step 2. Show your interest in her

When you find a suitable partner, try to remember her name and find out about her. This information will be enough to create a temporary bond between you. Put her at ease by treating her as an intelligent person and not as a sex object. There's nothing wrong with having a fun adventure, but no one wants to feel used.

  • Don't rush things, you will look desperate. Nobody wants to sleep with someone who is just looking for easy sex.
  • Pay attention and see if she reciprocates your interest. Shy looks, smiles, raised eyebrows, and a willingness to flirt in a sensual way are good signs. If she licks her lips or curls them, touches her hair or body in a provocative way, and brings out her erogenous zones for you to notice, you've hit the mark.
  • You have no time limit for planning a one night stand. Spend all the time you want to get to know your potential partner. Talk, go out for dinner or have a drink. At best, both of you should also be aroused by everything that comes before sex.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 7
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 7

Step 3. Make your intentions clear

As the conversation turns to the subject of physical intimacy, express your wishes directly. Don't lie to her, don't hide your feelings, and don't fool her into getting what you want - a one night stand has to be a consensual experience. You are both mature and responsible adults, able to decide whether you want to accept casual sex.

  • When it's time to step forward, don't be aggressive. Try saying, "I think you're beautiful and I'd love it if we had a good time together for a night if you like."
  • If she is hoping to see you again in the future, she may feel pressured to do something she would rather avoid.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 8
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 8

Step 4. Bring condoms

Always prepare in advance. If you are a man, put condoms in your wallet so you don't risk finding yourself without protection. If you are a girl, you can bring a Dental dam, a plastic protection that isolates the mouth during oral sexual intercourse. Be honest about any sexually transmitted diseases you suffer from and ask your partner to do the same.

  • It is always better to prepare in advance than to face the consequences of unprotected sex.
  • Never hide a sexually transmitted or other disease. Your partner's health matters.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 9
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 9

Step 5. Make sure your partner feels comfortable during the act

Since you have never been together before, you should communicate and reveal each other's wishes, taboos and habits. Before trying a technique, a position or a behavior, ask her permission. Respect her, do not make her feel judged, do not pressure her and explain in turn what you think is not acceptable. If you're on the same page, a night of intimacy will be a lot of fun for both of you.

  • A one night stand is the perfect time to unleash your hottest fantasies, without worrying about making the situation awkward. However, we all have limits that we are not willing to overcome. Remember that you are working together for the satisfaction of both of you and that you are not in total control of the situation unless you have established well-defined roles in advance.
  • You should always be sure that you have your partner's consent. Never pressurize her, either before or after taking her to bed.

Part 3 of 3: How to behave after intercourse

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 10
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 10

Step 1. Spend the night together

When your sexual encounter is over, make yourself comfortable and stop for a while. Sex must be accompanied by a certain level of respect, and if your partner doesn't let you know otherwise, it's rude to sneak away or come up with an excuse to leave. Relax and enjoy her company for a night, then when the sun comes up, greet her politely and go back to your everyday life.

  • If you left immediately after sex, your partner would get the message that you don't want to be with her and that could ruin her experience.
  • Remember, you are with another human being, who has emotions and that you can hurt.
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 11
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 11

Step 2. Don't give her confused signals

Resist the pressure of cuddling her and giving her lots of kisses after sex, even avoiding telling her how much you like it. You may feel compelled to leave room for emotions, but that would only complicate the situation for both of you. Behave kind and friendly, but don't make promises you don't want to keep. If you have been honest from the start, there is no reason why your meeting might seem like a more important gesture than expected.

Never say "I'll call you" if you don't intend to

Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 12
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 12

Step 3. Make her understand that she shouldn't feel like she has to call you

Before saying goodbye, clarify what the type of communication will be between you. You may both feel happy about the fun night you spent together and not feel the need to see or talk to each other again. Alternatively, you may like the idea of becoming friends and writing to each other from time to time. Repeat that you both knew this was an adventure destined to end in the early morning light.

  • Don't give too much weight to what happened. You don't have to become friends on Facebook or plan another date just because you've shared a night of love.
  • In some cases, it is possible to develop unexpected feelings. If you don't want a relationship, say so. Remind her of your original agreement. If you have to do this, be firm (but not rude).
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 13
Pull a One Night Stand With Women Step 13

Step 4. Conclude with a nice memory

Instead of running away with your clothes in hand and your head down in shame, appreciate the moments you spent together. Thank her for making you feel good and let her know you enjoyed meeting her. Sex should be a pleasant exchange, with no regrets. There is no reason to seek one-night stands if you feel worthless the next day.

  • Reassure her by telling her that you will not reveal the details of your meeting to anyone.
  • If done right, one night stand adventures can be thrilling and rewarding experiences for both people, with no side effects.


  • If your goal is a one night stand, you need to look for someone who thinks like you, who is open to intimacy without desiring a commitment, and you shouldn't try to convince a girl who isn't interested in an experience of this. guy.
  • Encourage a girl to sleep with you by complimenting her on her looks, with strong jokes, and using implicit sexual language.
  • Don't focus too much on the physical aspect. It is more important that your partner is willing, enthusiastic and available to your attempts to approach. You may not have a chance to take the most beautiful woman in the club home with you.
  • Avoid banal hookup phrases. If you try similar approaches, women will usually laugh in your face.
  • Non-committed sex is often the most exciting, because you don't have to worry about seeing the other person again. Take the opportunity to unleash your fantasies and don't be afraid to dare.
  • Make sure she's having a good time too. That's the least you can do.
  • If there is an opportunity to bring a woman to your home, make sure your home is clean and presentable.
  • The presence of a roommate can complicate things if you are spending the night in your house. Ask him to go out for a couple of hours or not to show up when you have company.


  • Don't overdo the alcohol. Having a couple of drinks can help you feel more relaxed, but if you drink too much, you'll end up putting a spanner in the works on your own. Goofy drunk attitudes are not attractive and keep you from flaunting your charm. At worst, you might wake up without remembering anything from the previous night.
  • Always have safe sex with people you don't know. Failure to take precautions can lead to unexpected pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases and, at the very least, paranoia.
  • Know when a girl is being tough and when she wants to be left alone. Never try to force a woman to do something she doesn't want to do.
  • In some circumstances, you or your partner may develop feelings after having sex. Consider this and be prepared to deal with it.
