How To Be Kissable: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

How To Be Kissable: 9 Steps (with Pictures)
How To Be Kissable: 9 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


A person's ability to attract kisses can be adversely affected by many factors, including bad breath and chapped lips. However, there are many other things you can do to minimize these problems and make yourself more "kissable".


Be Kissable Step 1
Be Kissable Step 1

Step 1. Try to always have fresh breath

Start by brushing and flossing twice a day. Don't forget your tongue because 90% of bad breath is the result of a dirty tongue. Use mints, breath strips, or gum during the day. If you use mouthwash, take a clear, alcohol-free one - colored formulas stain your teeth over time and alcohol deteriorates gum tissue. If you want to chew gum, make sure you can get rid of it easily before kissing.

Be Kissable Step 2
Be Kissable Step 2

Step 2. Your lips need to be well hydrated

You should wear lip balm frequently (carry one with you in your pocket or purse). This way your lips will always be soft. The best brands are Labello, Nivea, Vaseline (in moderation because I guess you don't want the other person to worry about having sticky cocoa butter all over their face). Don't take a too cheap balm that dries out your lips and forces you to apply it more and more often.

Be Kissable Step 3
Be Kissable Step 3

Step 3. DO NOT lick your lips

Saliva dries lips, causing them to crack, crack or crack. And nobody wants to kiss rough lips.

Be Kissable Step 4
Be Kissable Step 4

Step 4. Don't forget to take care of your skin

Always wash your face with a mild, fragrance-free soap DESIGNED for the face. And don't forget to hydrate! Hydration protects pores from dirt, which can cause acne, and prevents oil build-up (who will want to kiss you if your skin is shiny like sweat?).

Be Kissable Step 5
Be Kissable Step 5

Step 5. Look in the eyes often

This way you will have an intimate contact that is an invitation to kiss. If you have large glasses, take them off, or get some contact lenses for the future. Some people absolutely hate it when glasses interfere with eye contact. Take them off before you start kissing, as a flick of your hand towards the glasses could be unromantic. Rest assured, and welcome eye contact. Don't stare, it could scare and / or make the other person feel uncomfortable.

Be Kissable Step 6
Be Kissable Step 6

Step 6. Being comfortable will make you appear more relaxed and therefore more "kissable"

Wear comfortable clothes. And if you're a guy, know that most people love smooth, shaved faces so remember to shave if necessary.

Be Kissable Step 7
Be Kissable Step 7

Step 7. Be careful not to stare at your (future) partner's lips

Because staring at the lips is usually understood as the urge to kiss and hopefully he / she will take the suggestion immediately. But, often, you'll end up making your interlocutor believe that that's all you want to do, and that you're not listening to him. Relax and let nature take its course, and try not to be too obsessed with lips.

Be Kissable Step 8
Be Kissable Step 8

Step 8. Make sure your mouth isn't carrying a river of liquid

Just before kissing - swallow discreetly. As you move your tongue around your mouth (French kiss) and make a slight suction motion (standard kiss), the glands on your tongue and in your mouth will produce more saliva. You don't want your lips to dry out but I guess you don't want to drool in your partner's mouth either!

Be Kissable Step 9
Be Kissable Step 9

Step 9. Smile and relax

When you are tense, your whole body responds, including your tongue and lips. Don't worry - the other person is probably as nervous as you are, on a first kiss ever or a first kiss in a new relationship. Now you can be the expert for once.


  • When you kiss someone (especially if it's a casual kiss), DO NOT pucker your lips (in other words, don't "snap kiss")! Repeat the word "bis" silently inside you - your lips will be in the perfect position. It will also help you not to lick your lips; no one likes a messy, too wet kiss.
  • A surprise kiss is often memorable, but if you don't know if the other person cares more than a friendship from you, it can be a disaster. You should always ask for consent.
  • Sometimes it's fun to run your fingers through your partner's hair while kissing, and the same goes for him or her. So it could be a deterrent if your hair is greasy or all glued. Avoid wearing products that can weigh down your hair if you think you might be kissing someone that night!
  • When you notice your partner leaning towards you and staring straight into your eyes, he or she wants to kiss you. If the environment isn't suitable for a kiss, wait for the next opportunity.
  • Make your kiss last a long time and, if you want to remember it, hold the position and keep kissing. A kiss that ends in a second is quickly forgotten.
  • If you are a girl, put on a light lipstick or scented lip gloss. However, if you are a foresighted type, avoid lipstick or lip gloss, but use a balm or cocoa butter. That way, it won't look like you have sandpaper for your lips, and they won't be sticky.
  • Don't snap kisses; it is a kiss for relatives and distracts from intimacy by creating space between you and your loved one.
  • Many people want to kiss during the first stage of a relationship. If you feel like kissing, the person you're with probably wants to kiss too. So go for it!
  • Mint cocoa butter also refreshes the breath.
  • Be prepared to find a foreign tongue in your mouth. Sooner or later it will happen. Make sure you are ready and check "How to Kiss".
  • Having a nice smooth face is best. The beard stings and after a while the continuous rubbing annoys.
  • If you smoke or use tobacco… stop! In addition to being bad for your health, smoking or rolling tobacco makes your teeth yellow and causes terribly bad breath, which will keep others from even thinking about kissing you!
  • Mix a teaspoon of sugar with a dash of vanilla extract, a splash of cocoa and a couple of drops of water to create a thick, sticky substance to exfoliate your lips. Take some with your finger and massage it into your lips gently in small circles twice a day. Finish by applying a thick layer of Vaseline and your lips will be super soft in NO time.
  • You don't have to wait for the first move on his part. Throw yourself.
  • Play with your lips; for example by touching and biting them. You will draw his attention to them.
  • Set yourself limits: if all you want to do is kiss, make it clear right away and don't go beyond your comfort zone.
  • If you want to put on lipstick, put on a balm first and put a light color in the middle of the lips.
  • If you get a rejection, don't take it personally, everyone gets rejected sooner or later!


  • Don't be surprised if your partner's lips come closer than you think. It just means that he really wants to kiss you and that he has been waiting for a while. It probably applies to you too, so let yourself go.
  • If you brush your teeth after every meal and still have bad breath, remember: most of the bacteria in your mouth are on your tongue! Get a tongue scraper - it will remove more bacteria than a regular toothbrush.
  • Be careful not to have thick, sticky cocoa butter sticking out of your lips. The oils in the product can settle and cause boils to form.
  • If you have a severe bad breath problem that doesn't go away with flossing, brushing your teeth, etc., consult your dentist or doctor.
  • Bad breath isn't just caused by bacteria! Dehydration, stress, and fatigue can all contribute to bad breath. Drink lots of water, relax and sleep a lot!
  • If your lips are dry and you don't have cocoa butter on hand, DON'T LICK THEM! Over time, dry lips will get worse.
