How to Be a Pagan: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

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How to Be a Pagan: 7 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Be a Pagan: 7 Steps (with Pictures)

Neopaganism is the belief that the natural world is a spiritual realm, that every aspect and element of nature contains spiritual entities, such as plants, animals, rocks, streams, mountains or clouds. The characteristic of these elements is that they are not intellectual, but can be perceived through the senses.

Paganism implies that we believe in both the physical and the spiritual world, in ourselves and in the nature that surrounds us, in God and in the Goddess and in the power that is hidden in everything.

Some choose to work with familiar archetypes or symbols from the natural world. Others believe that everything is connected to the same basic energy that flows from an original source, which is not necessarily God. Pagans and neo-pagans typically worship the female gender and nature.


Be a Pagan Step 1
Be a Pagan Step 1

Step 1. Worship the natural world

The natural world is considered sacred, rich in spirit, and must be respected. Pagans do not exploit the natural world for human ambition, greed, vanity, profit, exploitation, or to feel superior to others.

Be a Pagan Step 2
Be a Pagan Step 2

Step 2. Believe that all living creatures need to use the natural environment to survive

Since every individual life form contains spirit, and since every spirit is sacred, if pagans are to kill other living creatures for their survival, this is done respectfully, only in case of actual need, and is considered a spiritual act.

Be a Pagan Step 3
Be a Pagan Step 3

Step 3. Wrap your being in spirituality

Paganism means living in an already existing spiritual state in harmony with nature.

Be a Pagan Step 4
Be a Pagan Step 4

Step 4. Understand that pagan spirituality is imparted to all that is done by man

Since humans tend to produce artifacts aimed at survival (tools, clothes and weapons), aspects of the original spirit can be said to inhabit these elements. Spirits can also be asked to enter it. So it can be thought that everything that is produced by man contains the spirit and has its own integrity.

Be a Pagan Step 5
Be a Pagan Step 5

Step 5. Communicate with the spirit world

In the pagan view, the physical world containing the spirit is thought to be intelligent and has sensitivities and emotions, is able to communicate, and is regarded as a living entity. Pagans have relationships with this world, like those who have relationships with people who live in a small, tightly-knit community.

Be a Pagan Step 6
Be a Pagan Step 6

Step 6. Define the natural world as the highest art form

The pagans conceive an aesthetic, where the natural world is considered the highest form that no human can even begin to emulate. The pagans live in a world of incredible beauty.

Be a Pagan Step 7
Be a Pagan Step 7

Step 7. Understand that the above statements are generalizations, and that no two pagans follow the same path, or view the world in the same way


  • Listen to yourself and what your heart tells you.
  • Keep an open mind towards everything you read and learn, but don't feel obligated to accept everything as truth, but simply as another creed.
  • You are the only one who can decide what you believe in.
  • Read as much as you can about paganism, both ancient and modern.
  • Think for yourself and don't accept third-hand propaganda.
  • Find other neo-pagans or wicca followers and talk to them.
  • Attend festivals and gatherings if you have the chance.
  • Pagans can be atheists, so don't feel left out if you don't believe in any deity.


  • Pagans can be persecuted by extremists. Be careful.
  • Never do anything that doesn't make you feel comfortable.
  • It is not necessary to be involved in any sexual activity to be paid.
  • Paganism, witchcraft, wicca are not necessarily the same, but the terms are often used interchangeably. Paganism and witchcraft in particular are not the same, although all non-Semitic religions are called pagan.
