How To Know If Your Dog Loves You More Than Anyone Else

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How To Know If Your Dog Loves You More Than Anyone Else
How To Know If Your Dog Loves You More Than Anyone Else

Can't tell if your dog loves you more than anyone else? Then you might need some help. Read this article for some hints on how to understand it.


Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 1
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 1

Step 1. Observe if your dog is always following you

One way to tell if he loves you is to see if he follows you. Try to be careful and try to see when your dog is around you.

Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 2
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 2

Step 2. Find out if your dog likes to play with you

If he is a very active dog, play with him and notice his arousal level. If he has a lot of fun, it means he loves playing with you. Conversely, if it's a dog that doesn't really like games, sleeps and relaxes a lot, see if it often sleeps next to you.

Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 3
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 3

Step 3. Pay attention to your dog's behavior when you are with other family members

If your dog knows other people in your family, he may still stay with you when they are around you too. This shows that he loves you.

Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 4
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 4

Step 4. The dog will sit on your lap a lot of times if he is small

Small dogs really like to sit on their owner's lap and love to fall asleep with the people they love the most.

Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 5
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 5

Step 5. See if he licks you a lot

If your dog loves you, he will lick you a lot. Licking is a great way for dogs to show their affection.

Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 6
Know if Your Dog Likes You the Best Step 6

Step 6. When you take him for a ride, try to see if he follows you or tries to outdo you

A good relationship between you and your dog is necessary for the latter to choose you as the pack leader. If he pulls the leash a lot, he is trying to make you understand that he is the dominant animal. Your dog can show you that he is dominant through other behaviors as well, such as not bringing back toys and various objects, guarding, growling, and jumping over you.


  • Your dog will love you if you show him affection and kindness.
  • Satisfy his basic needs (food, walks, games, etc) and he will bond with you, knowing that you are his master and the one who takes care of him.
  • Give him some scratches. Dogs love it when you scratch them under the neck or on the stomach.
  • Give him treats as a gift if he behaves well.
  • Don't beat your dog, he doesn't understand why you do it!
  • Don't yell his angry name. Rather, you say in a firm tone 'no!' or the command you have chosen (sit, stop, down, etc.).
  • Do not suffocate him with affection, otherwise he may become very anxious and nervous due to your absence when you are not around, creating a lot of problems. When you leave, leave him a toy and some food so he knows that when you leave he will have something else to enjoy and be comfortable with.
  • Make him some little gifts.
  • A good way to make him love you is to spoil him! Give him some gifts and scratch him on the belly, he will start to be with you all the time!
