4 Ways to Lighten Skin in Two Weeks

4 Ways to Lighten Skin in Two Weeks
4 Ways to Lighten Skin in Two Weeks

Table of contents:


Whether you are trying to get rid of those annoying dark spots, or just looking for a lighter and healthier skin tone, this guide will show you how to achieve the desired result in just two weeks, using quick and easy home remedies. Preparation.


Method 1 of 4: Maintaining Healthy Skin

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 4
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 4

Step 1. Increase the amount of water you take

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 5
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 5

Step 2. Daily, exfoliate your skin with a gentle scrub

If you have sensitive skin, do the treatment every other day. Thanks to this trick you will favor a rapid cell turnover, making the skin softer and smoother, and bringing to light the lighter tones of the new skin.

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 6
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 6

Step 3. Apply a protective sunscreen every day

Your complexion will remain clear and protected from free radicals that cause aging, and you will also reduce the risk of skin cancers.

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 7
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 7

Step 4. For an excellent result, consider using a sponge following your daily facial cleansing, it will help you perform a gentle scrub, and apply a beauty mask 3 times a week

Experiment with the recipes in the next section!

Method 2 of 4: Beauty Recipes

Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 8
Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 8

Step 1. Gently rub half a lemon into your face, and any other areas you want to lighten

Let the juice dry on your skin, then rinse it off with warm water. After this treatment, avoid sun exposure!

Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 3
Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 3

Step 2. Mix 1 teaspoon of milk and 1 teaspoon of honey

Apply and massage the mixture into the skin of the face. Use skim milk if you have oily skin, and whole milk if you have dry skin.

Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 9
Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 9

Step 3. Grind 100g of dried azuki beans to a coarse, floury consistency

After that, pour 2 teaspoons into the palm of your hand. Add a few drops of water to create a paste, and gently massage it into the skin of the face. Store leftover powder in a food bag.

Method 3 of 4: DIY Beauty Masks

Get Rid of Redness on the Face Step 3
Get Rid of Redness on the Face Step 3

Step 1. Blend one teaspoon of turmeric and three tablespoons of lime juice

Apply your beauty mask and leave it on for 15 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water. Be careful, this mask could stain fabrics, so protect your clothes!

Get Rid of Redness on the Face Step 20
Get Rid of Redness on the Face Step 20

Step 2. Beat an egg white until fluffy, then apply it to the skin of the face

Let it dry, then rinse it off with warm water. Do not apply this mask to any scratches or wounds!

Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 16
Conceal Red Spots on Your Face Step 16

Step 3. Blend 2 tablespoons of honey with 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt

Apply the mask to your face and leave it on for about 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 1
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 1

Step 4. Mash and blend a soft avocado with a cooked carrot

Add 120ml cream, 1 egg and a small amount of honey. Apply the mask to your face and neck, and let it sit for 15 minutes before rinsing it off with cold water.

Method 4 of 4: Choosing Skin Products

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 2
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 2

Step 1. Look for products that contain hydroquinone (or quinol), which is the only skin whitening ingredient approved by the FDA

Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 3
Get Fair Skin in Two Weeks Step 3

Step 2. Apply fuller's earth

Fuller's earth, or smectic clay, has the ability to absorb sebum, and is perfect for all those who, despite suffering from acne or oily skin, wish to lighten their skin. Minerals, including calcium oxide, alumina and iron oxides, can significantly lighten the complexion. The ideal fuller's earth for skin care is a mixture of clay minerals (montmorillonite and bentonite).
