Generally, a pimple does not bleed, unless you have teased it or tried to squeeze it. To prevent scarring, you should avoid squeezing the boils, but sometimes the temptation is overwhelming. If you squeeze a pimple, you need to take action to stop the bleeding and prevent the situation from getting worse. In order to treat it in the best way, apply good pressure on the affected area and apply specific topical products to stop bleeding.
Part 1 of 2: Stop the Bleeding

Step 1. Apply hydrogen peroxide and apply direct pressure to help blood clot
Soak a tissue or clean cloth in hydrogen peroxide, then apply gentle but firm pressure on the bleeding pimple. The pressure facilitates clotting, while the hydrogen peroxide eliminates the bacteria that come out of the pimple. This will prevent the rash from spreading to the surrounding skin.
Remember that hydrogen peroxide can dry out your skin, so be sure to moisturize it once it stops bleeding

Step 2. Make a cold pack
Applying a heat source increases arterial flow to the affected area, while cold has the opposite effect. If direct pressure alone doesn't help stem the bleeding, try making a cold pack. Wrap ice in a clean towel or cloth, then press it onto the bleeding area for 10-15 minutes or until the bleeding has subsided.
Make sure you use a clean towel so you don't risk introducing bacteria into cracked skin

Step 3. Treat the bleeding with an astringent, such as a toner or witch hazel water
Both can be used to close pores and slow bleeding. If you don't have such a product available, you can use vinegar. Soak a cotton swab or clean cloth and press it firmly into the bleeding area. This method should narrow the blood vessels and gradually stop the arterial flow.

Step 4. Use a hemostat to stop stubborn bleeding
It is an antiseptic tool used to quickly and cleanly stop bleeding caused by scratches and cuts. Coats the affected area with alum or silver nitrate, almost immediately containing the blood flow. The waxy substance also creates a thin barrier on damaged skin, protecting it from bacteria and infections. You can buy a hemostat at a drugstore or online.
Wet the hemostatic pencil and apply it on the pimple with a gentle motion until the bleeding stops

Step 5. Press a slice of potato on the bleeding area
Research has shown that potatoes limit small bleeding, such as those caused by cuts and scrapes, in a fast and effective way. Starch absorbs water and plasma, so it promotes rapid coagulation.

Step 6. Apply benzoyl peroxide to disinfect the area and contain bleeding
Soak a cotton swab or tissue in benzoyl peroxide and apply direct pressure to the pimple. It will help stem the bleeding and attack the bacteria responsible for the impurities. This will allow you to prevent bacterial growth on the rest of the skin.
Benzoyl peroxide can dry out your skin slightly, so be sure to apply a moisturizer after washing it

Step 7. If the bleeding does not go away, see your doctor
Minor bleeding (like this one) should stop within one minute, nine at the most. If a superficial wound bleeds abnormally and profusely, this may be a symptom of anemia or another clotting problem. Your doctor will be able to diagnose and treat underlying health problems that may be contributing to the bleeding.
Part 2 of 2: Treating the Pimple After Bleeding

Step 1. Resist the urge to squeeze pimples
You may be looking forward to getting the pus out of the skin, but you should let the boil be squeezed by a dermatologist with professional tools. When you break a pimple, the leaking bacteria can end up in the pores of the surrounding skin, causing the acne to spread to otherwise healthy areas. Squeezing the pimple also risks causing more bleeding, which is never good.
- The development of a pimple should run its course within 3-7 days, so medicate with topical products and wait.
- Think of it this way: undoubtedly a pimple doesn't look good, but at least it's temporary; if you squeeze it a scar could remain, which would not only be just as unsightly to look at, but also permanent. It is better to wait for the pimple to pass on its own than to risk damaging the skin permanently.

Step 2. Continue using benzoyl peroxide
Many acne treatments available on the market contain this active ingredient, so you can find it in different forms. Depending on your preferences, you can use it in the form of lotions, creams, gels, creamy cleansers or foaming agents. In addition to eliminating the bacteria responsible for acne breakouts, it removes excess sebum and dead cells from the skin surface.
Try not to get it on your clothes, as it can discolor fabrics

Step 3. Try applying salicylic acid
The products available on the market that contain this active ingredient have different concentrations, so check the packaging to understand which one best suits your needs. Like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid is also available in various forms: medicated wipes or pads, creams, gels, creamy cleansers and foaming agents, even shampoos.
- Salicylic acid can cause skin irritation on first use, so apply a small amount for a few days. You can gradually increase the use as the skin gets used to the product.
- These products tend to dry out the skin. Make sure you moisturize her regularly. If the dryness worsens, reduce its use.
- If you have open or burst pimples, do not use products containing salicylic acid.

Step 4. Try Retin-A (tretinoin)
It is a topical cream that must be prescribed by the doctor or dermatologist. Wash your hands, then clean your face with a mild cleanser; wait about 20-30 minutes and then apply the cream (if the skin is not very dry, Retin-A could irritate it). Spread a thin layer of it on acne lesions before going to bed or in general at night. Avoid your eyes, ears and mouth and wash your hands again when you're done.
- This cream can make your skin sensitive to sunlight, so be sure to limit sun exposure and use sunscreen and protective clothing if you go outdoors. Never apply it on sunburn.
- See your doctor if you are trying to get pregnant.

Step 5. Wash your face gently
Mistakenly, many think that scrubbing the skin helps cleanse and treat it faster. Instead, vigorous movements can exacerbate acne. They irritate the skin and can weaken its natural defenses against bacteria and infections.
Choose a gentle cleanser, such as Cetaphil, that will help keep the skin hydrated and clean. The best way to apply it is to use your hands and fingers; wash them well before cleaning your face

Step 6. Use a product following its instructions
If you are advised to use it twice a day, don't think that applying it 4 times a day is doubly effective. In fact, just the opposite is true: by upsetting the balance of the skin, you can cause redness, dryness and irritation. The skin will thus continue to have many imperfections and discomfort.