If you have woken up with a monstrous pimple and want to get rid of it, you can use a solution of chopped aspirin and water to reduce its size and redness. However, be very careful when doing such a treatment, as the long-term effects of this use of aspirin are not fully known. Of course, however, we know that it is a drug that dilutes the blood, so applying too much on the face (the skin absorbs the active ingredient and introduces it into the circulation) can be harmful.
Part 1 of 2: Using Aspirin on the Face

Step 1. Chop an aspirin
You have to chop it up completely for it to be effective. You can use one to three tablets - do not go further. Remember, just as you wouldn't take a handful of aspirins by mouth without first consulting your doctor, you wouldn't even apply them to your face if you ignore the consequences.
Using more than a couple of aspirins, especially over a short period of time (for example, five to ten a day) can cause your blood to thin too much. In fact, you have to remember that the medicine is then introduced into the bloodstream. While it doesn't cause ulcers, taking too much is certainly not good for you

Step 2. Mix the chopped aspirin with the water
Use 2-3 parts of water for one of aspirin. You need to get a thick, slightly grainy solution, so a few drops of water are enough (because you only use one tablet).

Step 3. Apply the solution directly on the pimples
Make sure you use a clean cotton swab, or, if you prefer, your finger. In the beginning, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and / or massage in isopropyl alcohol to make sure you don't further contaminate your skin.

Step 4. Leave the aspirin on for 15 minutes
You should not exceed 15 minutes, otherwise the skin will absorb too much of it and introduce it into the bloodstream, where it will remain for some time.

Step 5. Use a clean, damp wipe to remove the aspirin
It is a good opportunity to perform a light and gentle exfoliation.
Part 2 of 2: Use More Natural Remedies to Reduce Pimples

Step 1. Use tea tree oil
It may actually be more effective than benzoyl peroxide for reducing blemishes and fighting acne. Apply a drop on a pimple and stop once you get rid of it.

Step 2. Apply a slice of raw potato to the skin, which can have an anti-inflammatory action on the epidermis
Leave it on for a few minutes, then rinse off any residue with cold water.
- Wash your face before applying the solution.
- Wash your hands first And after having a facial treatment. Bacteria can cause pimples to swell and further blemishes to form.
- Try to be patient with skin problems. They don't go away overnight and usually get worse before you start to see improvement, then Not give up!
- Uncoated tablets are easier to crush.
- The active ingredient in aspirin, called acetylsalicylic acid, is very similar to salicylic acid (but not the same), used in acne treatments.
- Don't try adding other pain relievers. Use only aspirin. The method does not work with acetaminophen (or paracetamol), ibuprofen and most other medicines of this type. Do not even use drugs containing different active ingredients.
- If you are under 18 and you notice classic cold or flu symptoms, avoid all products containing acetylsalicylic acid.
- Although rare, there are people who are allergic to aspirin. To find out if you are, try this behind-the-ear treatment.
- Aspirin can cause tinnitus, a hearing disorder characterized by the perception of sound despite the lack of external sound stimuli. If you already suffer from this problem, avoid the procedure described in the article.
- Do not prepare an aspirin-based mask; if you really want to do it, do not use more than three tablets, apply it on the face for less than 15 minutes and repeat only occasionally.
- Do not use this method if you have Reye's syndrome, have consumed large amounts of alcohol, are pregnant, breastfeeding, or are taking other medications.
- Since it is possible to absorb chemicals through the skin and the long-term impacts of topical application of aspirin are still unknown, it is not recommended to routinely use this method.