How to Reduce the Size of a Pimple During the Night

How to Reduce the Size of a Pimple During the Night
How to Reduce the Size of a Pimple During the Night

Table of contents:


Do you have a big pimple on your face? Don't crush it! This guide teaches you how to reduce their size and redness overnight, to be perfect for going to school or work the next day!


Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 1
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 1

Step 1. Wash your hands and face

Use soap and water!

Step 2. Put a small amount of toothpaste on the tip of a finger

Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 3
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 3

Step 3. Apply it to the pimple (s)

If the face is wet, the toothpaste will not stick. So dry yourself well first.

Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 4
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 4

Step 4. Go to sleep

Try not to lie on the side where you have the toothpaste or you will take it off with the pillowcase.

Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 5
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 5

Step 5. After a few minutes the toothpaste dries and you can sleep without worrying about it

Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 6
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 6

Step 6. As soon as you wake up in the morning, use warm water and a towel to remove any remaining toothpaste

Be careful while doing this! If you rub too hard you irritate the pimple and it will become even bigger and redder.

Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 7
Decrease the Size of a Pimple Overnight Step 7

Step 7. You should notice that the pimple has become smaller and paler


  • A toothpaste in paste is more effective than a gel.
  • Put your toothpaste on before bed so you don't sweat it out.
  • If you need to reduce the size of a pimple for an important occasion the next day, put on the toothpaste and cover it with a small piece of paper towel.


  • It is normal to feel cold when you apply toothpaste.
  • Don't forget this in the morning!
  • If the toothpaste irritates your skin, stop using it!
