Katniss Everdeen is a fictional character from the Hunger Games trilogy written by Suzanne Collins. If you are one of her most avid fans, learn how to replicate her famous braid!

Step 1. Separate a section of hair

Step 2. Divide it into three parts

Step 3. Take lock number one and slide it under lock number two

Step 4. Pass number three under number one

Step 5. Now add some more hair to section number two

Step 6. Pass section two under section number three

Step 7. Add more hair to section number one

Step 8. Pull it under lock number two

Step 9. Continue adding hair to the three sections, as you would in a French braid

Step 10. Continue to the ends of the hair

Step 11. Secure the end of the braid with a hair elastic

Step 12. Finished
- Start by practicing, the first few attempts will most likely not be perfect.
- It may be easier to braid damp hair.
- Start by braiding your hair down, then sideways.
- Katniss has bangs, if you have them too let them go. Otherwise, weave all your hair back.