Using dye or bleach to lighten your hair can dry out your hair. Honey, on the other hand, has been the best moisturizer for centuries and also serves as a lightener. Learn to lighten hair with honey and use it as a conditioner to maintain your color.
Method 1 of 2: Honey Lightening Treatment

Step 1. Prepare the lightening compound
Since honey is sticky, it helps to add water to dilute it and make application easier. Mix 4 parts honey and 1 part water or apple cider vinegar (works as a conditioner) in a bowl until you get a smooth paste.
- If you want a more drastic change, add some hydrogen peroxide drops. It reacts with the hair and bleaches it by a couple of shades. Don't use it if you have black or dark brown hair, or you'll find yourself orange.
- For a reddish tinge, add henna, ground cinnamon, or coffee grounds to the concoction. Adding hibiscus petals will add a hint of auburn blonde to the tint.

Step 2. Apply the honey mixture to your hair
Place a towel over your shoulders to protect your clothes, then pour the mixture into your hair in small doses and massage it with your fingers. The hair must be completely covered, evenly.
- Better cover the floor with a towel or rag to protect it from drops, honey is sticky and difficult to clean.
- If you've added a red powder to honey, don't wear clothes or use towels that could get stained.

Step 3. Cover your hair with plastic wrap and let the honey sit
Use a cap or film to cover the hair. Leave the honey on for at least 2 hours for a clearer result.
- If you have long hair that is difficult to hold under plastic, twist and pin it with pliers to hold it in place while the honey works, then wrap the hair in plastic wrap.
- If you can leave the honey on overnight, you will have a much clearer result. It is also a moisturizing treatment. Place a towel on the pillow and wear a swimming cap while you sleep.
- You don't have to use a hairdryer to heat. Honey works well at room temperature.

Step 4. Wash the honey out of your hair
Rinse with warm water, then wash them as usual. Dab them with a towel and let them dry in the sun or with a hairdryer. Your hair will now be honey colored.
Method 2 of 2: Honey Maintenance Conditioner

Step 1. Mix 60ml of honey and 125ml of conditioner
You can use any conditioner, as long as the scent goes well with that of honey. Mix the ingredients well in a bowl to combine them.
- Store the leftover conditioner in another bottle to use it later.
- Use the same amount of honey and conditioner to make more.

Step 2. Use conditioner after each shampoo
After washing your hair, use the honey conditioner like a regular conditioner. Distribute a small amount over your hair and wash it off when you're done.
- Leave the conditioner on for 5-10 minutes while you finish washing for a stronger lightening effect.
- If your hair is sticky after rinsing, decrease the amount of honey and increase the amount of conditioner.
- Honey does not damage hair like peroxide or chemical bleach, but it will take longer to lighten it: one application of bleach against 10-15 applications of honey.
- Don't be discouraged if you don't see results from the first time; it may take a couple of applications.
- Make sure you wash off the honey well.
- There are other natural products that you can add to honey to increase its lightening effectiveness. Two of these are lemon juice and cinnamon.
- Honey works best on brown or blonde hair.