How to Lighten Hair Dyed with Vitamin C

How to Lighten Hair Dyed with Vitamin C
How to Lighten Hair Dyed with Vitamin C

Table of contents:


Have you dyed your hair and realized that the final effect is too dark? Instead of panicking, you can lighten them by applying vitamin C! This method does not involve risks or damage for any type of hair. Using a compound made from shampoo and vitamin C tablets, you can change the color of your hair if it has unintentionally turned too dark, bringing it closer to a lighter shade.


Part 1 of 3: Crush the Vitamin C Tablets

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 1
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 1

Step 1. Use white tablets for best results

You can buy them at a pharmacy or on the Internet. Be careful to get white ones, rather than orange or red ones, to avoid staining your hair during application.

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 2
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 2

Step 2. Put 10-30 tablets in a resealable plastic bag

If you have long hair, you probably need 20-30; if it is short hair, 10-15 should be enough. Make sure you seal the bag properly after inserting them inside.

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 3
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 3

Step 3. Crush them with a rolling pin

Place the bag on a flat surface, such as a table or kitchen counter. Roll the rolling pin over the bag to squeeze the tablets until they form a fine powder.

Alternatively, you can put them in a spice grinder and chop them

Part 2 of 3: Apply Vitamin C

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 4
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 4

Step 1. Mix the powder from the tablets with 45-60ml of shampoo in a bowl

Use a dye-free lightening shampoo. If you have very long hair and have crushed more tablets, you should use 75-90ml of shampoo. Mix everything with a spoon until it forms a thick paste, which has the consistency of glue.

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 5
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 5

Step 2. Moisten your hair and apply the paste

Use a spray bottle to sprinkle hot water on your hair until it is moist to the touch, but not completely wet. Spread the mixture over your head with clean hands, massaging it into the strands from root to tip. Cover the entire hair with the pasta.

  • If you have thick or long hair, you may want to apply it strand by strand to make sure you distribute it well. Just divide the entire hair into 4-8 sections before starting.
  • Make at least one pass all over the head in order to properly cover the hair.
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 6
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 6

Step 3. Put on a shower cap and let the mixture sit for at least a couple of hours

This will give the paste the time it takes to be absorbed by the hair.

You can also use a hair dryer or direct the heat from the hair dryer to your head to speed up the process

Part 3 of 3: Rinse and Dry the Hair

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 7
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 7

Step 1. Discard the pasta with water for at least 5 minutes

Lower your head into the sink or step into the shower. Make sure you remove the paste completely as this will allow the vitamin C to remove the old color from the hair.

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 8
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 8

Step 2. Apply a moisturizing conditioner for dry or frizzy hair

If you feel like your hair is a little dehydrated after rinsing, try using a moisturizing conditioner to make it softer.

It can also be a great precaution for hair that tends to be frizzy after drying, especially when you dye it

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 9
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 9

Step 3. Dry your head

If you usually use the hair dryer to dry your hair, use it again in order to evaluate if the paste has managed to lighten them. If you prefer to air dry them, let them melt for a few hours or until the following day.

If you use a hair dryer, apply a heat protector to your hair to limit the damage caused by the heat

Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 10
Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C Step 10

Step 4. Repeat all the treatment if you want to lighten your hair further

Apply the vitamin C paste again if you want to make your hair even lighter. You can safely use it 3-4 times in a row, although you should be careful as it can dry out your hair and promote flaking or itchy scalp. If you apply it several times in a row, don't forget to use the moisturizing conditioner at the end to protect your hair and scalp.
