3 Ways to Treat Your Hair with Conditioner

3 Ways to Treat Your Hair with Conditioner
3 Ways to Treat Your Hair with Conditioner

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Using conditioner allows you to keep your hair shiny, smooth and free of frizz. Its application is recommended after each shampoo, especially on the tips that tend to dry out more easily than the roots. A treatment with a deep conditioning such as coconut oil, done once a month, will add shine and shine to your hair.


Method 1 of 3: Treat Your Hair Daily

Condition Your Hair Step 1
Condition Your Hair Step 1

Step 1. Always apply conditioner

The shampoo is designed to remove dirt and oils from the hair; if you want them clean, you must necessarily eliminate the natural oils produced by the scalp, but you risk that your hair can dry out. This is where conditioning comes in: every time you wash your head, use the right product for your hair type.

  • Choose a moisturizing conditioner to restore the shine to your hair if it is very dry or damaged.
  • If you have them thin and light, opt for a lighter one: you will avoid them looking withered.
Condition Your Hair Step 2
Condition Your Hair Step 2

Step 2. Use only the necessary amount

When it comes to conditioner, any excess is harmful. You should use the amount strictly necessary for the type and length of your hair; an overdose can make them look dull and even greasy. Then apply only enough product to lightly coat the hair and be able to untangle the knots.

  • If you have short hair, you will need only a quantity of conditioner equal to the size of a 10 cent coin.
  • If they are of medium length, use an amount equal to a 50 cent coin.
  • For the long ones, a dose equal to a 2 euro coin.

Step 3. Focus on the tips

The roots don't need much conditioner, as the scalp naturally produces oil; the ends, on the other hand, dry out much more easily and can come to flake and form split ends. Rub the conditioner between the palms of your hands, then apply it with your fingers on the hair starting from a couple of centimeters below the roots and comb it towards the tips, rubbing gently; finally, go back to the roots and massage them with the balm that is left on your hands.

Step 4. Rinse thoroughly when done

A light layer of conditioner will remain on the hair after rinsing: it is good that enough remains to provide hydration and protection against external agents, but not too much to weigh down the hair or make it look greasy. Comb your hair with your fingers while rinsing to avoid areas with product accumulation remaining.

Step 5. Shampoo less often to keep your hair hydrated

You should wash them and apply conditioner no more than twice a week, at most three. When you shampoo, the natural oils produced by the skin are eliminated and no conditioner is really able to restore them enough to keep them healthy and shiny. Know that hair greases faster by washing it too often, as the glands in the scalp increase sebum production.

If you stop shampooing every day, your hair will look greasy rather quickly, but try to last as long as possible (hats are a great help in these cases): next time you wash your head, it will take longer. time for hair to look dirty

Condition Your Hair Step 6
Condition Your Hair Step 6

Step 6. Consider using a silicone-free conditioner

If you notice that your hair looks faded despite the products you use claim to make it shiny and smooth, try changing the conditioner. The commercial ones contain silicones, which at first actually make the hair shiny, but after some time these substances accumulate and the hair could lose its shine. Solve the problem by looking for a conditioner that says "silicone free" on the label.

You should also use sulfate-free shampoos. These strip the hair of their natural oils too effectively. If you have dry hair, sulfates will increase the problem and no conditioner will be able to make it look healthy again. Use a shampoo that is free of it, combined with a silicone-free conditioner

Condition Your Hair Step 7
Condition Your Hair Step 7

Step 7. Look for a leave-in conditioner

It is a great choice for those with hair that tends to dry out or curl. It should be sprayed or combed on the hair and left on to dry, without rinsing it. If you have very fine hair or hair that tends to grease easily, this may be the best solution.

Method 2 of 3: Use a Deep Conditioner

Condition Your Hair Step 8
Condition Your Hair Step 8

Step 1. Apply deep conditioning every few weeks

A higher frequency could really damage the hair and make it more brittle - once every two weeks should be enough interval. You can understand that it is time to apply it when the hair looks dry or split ends are starting to form.

Condition Your Hair Step 9
Condition Your Hair Step 9

Step 2. Choose a deep conditioner

You can find hundreds of ready-made products and at many hairdressers you can carry out trichotherapy treatments, but if you don't want to spend a lot, consider using some homemade ingredients that can be just as effective. Here are some deep conditioning you will likely have on hand:

  • Coconut oil (unrefined)
  • Olive oil
  • mayonnaise
  • Almond oil

Step 3. Comb a tablespoon of product through your hair

Increase or decrease the dose according to the length of the canopy. Start near the roots and work your way down to the tips, making sure to coat each strand; you can use your fingers or, better, a wide-toothed comb.

Step 4. Put on a shower cap

It will capture the heat emanating from the body, which will heat the deep conditioner making it more effective. In addition, it will prevent the product from leaking onto clothing and furniture. If you have long hair, you can fasten it with a clip and then cover it with the cap.

  • Alternatively, you can use cling film or a plastic bag attached around the hair.
  • Make sure you use something waterproof; porous materials, such as a towel or t-shirt, do not retain heat.
Condition Your Hair Step 12
Condition Your Hair Step 12

Step 5. Leave on for at least an hour

It will be enough time for the conditioner to penetrate your hair and exert its magical powers, but if you have time, you can keep it for several hours or even overnight.

Condition Your Hair Step 13
Condition Your Hair Step 13

Step 6. Shampoo

In some cases it may be necessary to repeat this two or three times to rinse out any residue, particularly if you have used coconut or olive oil, both of which are very rich and therefore difficult to remove. Wash your hair until the oil is completely eliminated. Once dry, you will feel them silky and supple.

Method 3 of 3: Treat Extremely Dry Hair

Condition Your Hair Step 14
Condition Your Hair Step 14

Step 1. Use hair masks

You can use them more frequently than deep conditioners, as they don't penetrate the hair, but provide a light coverage that protects and keeps it hydrated. Moisten your hair when you start taking a shower, then comb about a tablespoon of product on your hair; leave on for 10 minutes and rinse. You can purchase a specific mask in a store or make your own using one of the following ingredients:

  • Honey
  • Egg whites
  • Milk or yogurt
Condition Your Hair Step 15
Condition Your Hair Step 15

Step 2. Use a boar bristle brush to distribute your natural oils

This type of bristle is designed to spread the sebum produced by the scalp from the roots to the ends of the hair, so that the entire length benefits from it. Unlike plastic brushes, they do not break or damage the hair, but are rather difficult to use on curly hair; on the other hand, they work very well on wavy or straight ones.

Step 3. Try the shampoo-free method

There are people who have found the solution to the problem of very dry or frizzy hair: stop using shampoo altogether. Instead, try using conditioner to wash your hair. Wet them when you start showering, then massage the conditioner into your scalp and along your hair, from roots to ends and rinse. This technique weighs down thin hair, but works for thick and dry ones.

Step 4. Reduce frizz

Dry hair is often also wrinkled. You can try some changes to your daily routine to reduce and potentially eliminate frizz altogether, such as the following:

  • Dab dry hair instead of rubbing it with a towel.
  • Let them air dry instead of using a hair dryer; reserve the hot fold for special occasions.
  • Use a wide-toothed comb instead of the brush.
  • Touch your hair as little as possible during the day.
Condition Your Hair Step 18
Condition Your Hair Step 18

Step 5. Use a finishing oil

It is similar to leave-in conditioner, but provides additional protection for particularly dry hair. You can find the oils and serums for sale at hairdressers and beauty shops. Look for those that contain the following ingredients:

  • Argan oil
  • Moroccan oil
  • Jojoba oil
  • Rosehip oil
