How to get away with breaking the heel of a shoe

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How to get away with breaking the heel of a shoe
How to get away with breaking the heel of a shoe

If you wear high heels, you will likely break one in your lifetime and the consequences could compromise the health of your feet, as well as create embarrassment. Celebrities like Mariah Carey and supermodels also face this kind of risk.

Apart from the emotional and physical impact, there are also some practical aspects to consider when a shoe is no longer useful for walking or dancing, but is still there all day or all night before returning home. It doesn't just happen in movies. In everyday life, it happens to anyone who breaks a heel, so be prepared for such an eventuality. This article gives you some tips for dealing with it.


Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 1
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 1

Step 1. Try to fall carefully

When you feel that the heel is no longer supporting you, if you can, try to stretch and immediately lean on a piece of furniture, a railing or a sturdy person.

  • Most of the time it happens so fast that you don't have much time to react, other than to fall!
  • Forget about looking graceful at this juncture, but keep your confidence in mind. The moment you realize you are falling, avoid anything that could hurt you. Try to relax rather than tense up.
  • Be careful in case you have to lean on someone, because they could tumble with you !!
  • If at any point you feel the heel is wobbly, check the shoe! You could save yourself the pain of a possible tumble.
  • Read the article How to Fall Safely for more tips.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 2
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 2

Step 2. Find the damaged piece or pieces

If you can, retrieve the broken heel or broken pieces to try to fix the problem. If you normally wear high heels, you should always keep a tube of quick-drying strong glue in your bag for this kind of unexpected.

  • Sit down and look at the shoe. In some cases it is possible to simply reinsert the heel into the holes or crevices from which it escaped. Check the position of the nails and other pieces and reinsert everything as best as possible. If you can't get by on your own, ask someone who has more strength for help. Don't push too hard, though, or you risk breaking the heel or some other part.
  • If you have quick-drying glue on hand, try to temporarily repair the shoe. Remove any dirt or dust, carefully set the heel in place and glue it on. Since the glue takes time to dry (even the quick one), you will need to rest the shoe somewhere for it to dry for at least a few minutes. Sit back and have a drink or have a chat with someone. When wearing the temporarily glued shoe, try to keep your weight on your toes, resting it forward rather than back on your heels. However, be careful if the heel is dancing, as this is a point where the pressure on the shoe is greatest.
  • If you cannot repair the shoe, proceed by following the next steps.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 3
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 3

Step 3. Take off both shoes

If it is practical, safe and hygienic, the easiest way to remedy this situation in the shortest possible time is to walk barefoot. This way you can immediately restore your posture and balance, as well as move freely.

  • Avoid taking your shoes off in places where you could be injured by broken glass, excessive heat or cold, dirty floors or sidewalks, sharp objects (like syringes in a nightclub toilet), or other hazards. Don't forget that other people may step on you or dance on your feet either!
  • Don't take off your socks if you're worried about dirt or germs. This way you won't run the risk of slipping.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 4
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 4

Step 4. Ask your host for help

If you are in someone's home, you may want to ask the landlord to help you temporarily reattach the heel with a sticker or to temporarily lend you a pair of shoes. It depends on where you are when your heel breaks, but don't let shyness stop you from asking for a hand.

Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 5
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 5

Step 5. Rush out and buy a new pair of shoes

Obviously, this solution is not possible if you are in the middle of a fancy dinner or at the club until 4 am, but it is not that unlikely that the opportunity presents itself to go away and buy something with which to remedy this situation. Choose something cheap and not too fancy, especially if you're in a hurry and plan to give your purchase to charity after using it, and quickly get back to where you were.

  • If you live in a large city, shops are likely to be open until late at night near where you are. Ask your host for information.
  • You can also buy an inexpensive pair of sneakers or canvas at a grocery store or nighttime drugstore. It will be enough to go home safely!
  • Better yet, you may find a shoemaker who makes repairs instantly. You can have a laugh about what happened to you, make up for lost time by reading some news and go back to where you were with the heel intact.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 6
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 6

Step 6. Deal with the feeling of embarrassment

When a heel breaks, you mostly feel a strong embarrassment generated by the fall and by the idea of having had an inelegant pose. Throw it in laughter: it's the absolute best way to deal with this inconvenience and make sure no one feels uncomfortable. By doing this, you will show everyone that you are not hurt and that you are willing to see the fun side of the situation. Remember that if you really need to get a good mood back, you can always buy a new pair of shoes!

  • Keep in mind that falling to the ground generates a moment of panic in the friends around, but also of embarrassment and discomfort in all the others. For a split second no one knows what is going on - one might think of a heart attack or an aneurysm. Reassure people before laughing, so you will ease the tension.
  • No doubt it's not a pleasant experience, but it shouldn't ruin the rest of the day - or the evening if you're out partying, dancing or for dinner. Keep having fun; after all, it happened and you can't go back, so try to go ahead and enjoy your exit!
  • If you have a spare pair of shoes with you that don't match your outfit, who cares! What matters is that you are comfortable and safe.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 7
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 7

Step 7. Go home by taxi

If you were planning to go home on foot or by public transport, consider that you are in an emergency situation where you need to get home safely. You can ask to call a taxi if you are a guest in someone's home, so you may only wobble when you have to get in and out of the taxi.

If you can't afford the taxi or don't like the idea of taking it, see if someone you know can give you a ride home

Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 9
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 9

Step 8. Bring the shoe you temporarily fixed to a cobbler so that he repairs it properly

  • If the shoes aren't worth much, buy a home repair kit.
  • If, on the other hand, they have a certain value (in terms of price or sentiment), the shoemaker is the best option for them to last over time.
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 8
Cope when Your Shoe Heel Breaks Step 8

Step 9. Bring a pair of collapsible ballet flats with you

It is an almost recent solution that comes with a small compact bag with drawstring closure, available in pharmacies and shopping centers. It might also come in handy when your shoes hurt, but you want to keep dancing!


  • If you love heels but fear they might break, "just in case" keep a spare pair of shoes in your car, work locker, or any other accessible place. It's a good idea even if you're not worried about a heel breaking, as this will allow you to easily put on a more comfortable pair of shoes for driving, walking, doing manual work, and so on.
  • Regardless of everything, always keep a spare pair of shoes close at hand on important occasions! It could be your wedding day, someone else's wedding, a party outside the home that you are the organizer (whoever organizes is always on the go!), A formal occasion and so on. Also, you should always have a comfortable spare pair of shoes at work, in the event of a catastrophe, such as a violent earthquake (high heels and rubble don't marry), or a severe sore foot. They are even more important when you are on your feet for a long time, perhaps if you are a product salesman, shop assistant or model.
  • Carry a bag with a couple of ballet flats. Depending on where you live, you can find them in shoe, accessory stores, and drugstores.


  • In case of need, ask the people around you for help. This is not the time to be proud especially if you got hurt.
  • If you feel pain or have sprained your ankle, or even if you have injured your foot or leg, don't hesitate to see your doctor.
