Do you wish you could always make a good impression on women just by talking to them? Do you know that once you get a woman's attention, your sweet and interesting personality will do the rest? This article explains how to talk to a woman to generate a lot of attraction.
Method 1 of 2: Part One: The Preparation

Step 1. Speak mainly you at the beginning
This will of course depend on the woman and the situation, but you will want to avoid doing what most guys do, which is to let her have the responsibility of carrying on the conversation. Try to cover 75% of the conversation, or slightly less. Your aim will be to show your fantastic personality and great value. Try to keep the conversation light, fun, and playful. What phrase could you use to start the conversation? There are many:
The arrogant and playful dominant male:
- "I know a lot of people probably tell you this, but you are absolutely the most beautiful woman I have seen… in the last three minutes."
- "My friend had to drag me to get out, but I'm glad he did, because seeing you here and now was worth it."
The slightly shy and shy guy:
- "I'm sorry if it's an awkward situation, but I get very shy around beautiful girls."
- "I'm glad you're still here. I've been trying to find the courage to talk to you for half an hour, and I was worried about embarrassing myself in front of you completely sober."
The straight guy who goes straight to the point:
- "Hi, my name is [name], what brings you here tonight?"
- "This is the part where I show up, you smile and let me offer you a drink, right?"
- "I tried to think of an excuse to talk to you, but I couldn't find any. Can I tell you an interesting story that happened to me the other day?"
Attract a Woman Step 2 Step 2. Avoid trivial topics like work, politics, or negative topics
Stay in control of the conversation, but don't dominate it. Don't fall for interrogation questions, like "Where are you from?" or "What are you doing here?". Try to appeal to your more dangerous, yet controlled side, and be fueled by that energy.
- If she talks about topics that could lead the conversation in the wrong direction, gently push her in another direction. Say something relevant to the topic, but that is fun and light and can lead to a change of subject.
- If it keeps coming back to the topic you want to avoid, you have two options:
- Harness the energy of that topic, because it seems like she wants to talk about it.
- Find a respectful and elegant way to end the conversation, and focus on someone else. A simple "It was nice talking to you" will do.
- If a woman says to you "I have a boyfriend, I'd rather you not talk to me" smile, tell her it was a pleasure to talk to her, and move on to another candidate. In some cases, life doesn't smile at you.
- If a woman just says, "I have a boyfriend," you can say, "Okay, I respect that. Do you mind if we keep talking?" If she says it's okay, go ahead.
- Don't think you can get a busy woman's number. Maybe you don't even want to be that kind of person. If a girl says she has a boyfriend, you should probably look for another one unless getting her number is a matter of life and death.
- You can use many techniques to not look desperate, but for now the best thing you can do is not to worry about the result. Remember: this woman, even if she was beautiful, funny and smart, is just one of the many beautiful, funny and intelligent people in your universe. If she's not the girl for you, someone else will be.
- Don't cover her with compliments. A single targeted compliment to start the conversation is all a woman needs to know you like her. In fact, women are smart, and they will often understand that you are attracted to them even without the need for compliments. So spare her the cheesy compliments and focus on impressing her with your wit, your humor, and your points of view.
- If he says something that you disagree with, mention it. In other words, don't go along with it. When you contradict it, don't be rude or insulting; express your opinion rationally and motivate it. If you do it right you will carry on the conversation and have something interesting to talk about. If you're sure of yourself, you can joke about how not cute he is at all that he doesn't share your opinion.
- Stay composed. Very, very composed. You need to know exactly where you want to go and everything you say or do has a purpose. Nothing can make you lose control, not even a rejection. Expect the best, but prepare for the worst.
- Never force a girl to do something she doesn't want to do. You'll get rid of it right away.
- Keep practicing! Try to talk to a random girl on the street at least once a day.
Attract a Woman Step 3 Step 3. Overcome obstacles with grace
Many women will say they have a boyfriend if they aren't attracted to you. At the same time, a lot of those who say it really do have a boyfriend, so you've run into an obstacle. Don't be afraid though, because obstacles are meant to be overcome. And you will do it with grace.
Attract a Woman Step 4 Step 4. Try to be independent of the result
Be prepared not to worry about whether you will get her attention or not. If it were good; otherwise you will move on to another interesting girl.
If you tell yourself that you need his attention because your ego cannot handle rejection, you will be hurt, all the time, because you will be rejected sooner or later. Rejection is natural. If it hurts you or you are disappointed that you have missed a single opportunity, you will miss out on the thousands of other possibilities that await you
Method 2 of 2: Part Two: Closing the Deal
Attract a Woman Step 5 Step 1. Don't look desperate
If a woman thinks, even for a moment, that she is worth more to you than you are to her, you will be at a disadvantage. Because? Because people want to have to "sweat" at least a little to get what they want, to savor their conquest more.
Attract a Woman Step 6 Step 2. Use the technique called "Reverse Reading"
Here's how it works: Find something about her that you are sure is not true. Then, say you don't like that quality in a girl. Since she doesn't have that quality, she'll explain and let you know she isn't like that. It will do this because it is trying to get your consent. Your purpose will be to get her to obtain your consent; subconsciously she should feel more attracted to you, because you have some things in common, or at least similar opinions.
Attract a Woman Step 7 Step 3. Relax and don't put too much weight on what's going on
Your main purpose should be to have fun, because if you remove the ego from the equation, talking to a beautiful and interesting woman is something incredibly exciting. Flirt, make fun of her, and be slightly arrogant if that's your temper, and use sarcasm (but make sure she understands you're just kidding). Think about talking to an old friend.
Attract a Woman Step 8 Step 4. Remember that dating a girl is primarily a matter of timing
Why waste time on a conversation that gets you nowhere? In addition, distractions may arise that will steal his attention, so every minute matters. With a little practice it will be easy to get his number in seconds rather than minutes.
It may be helpful to talk for just a few minutes before asking a girl for the number or asking her to dance. This is because it is difficult to maintain a direct, bright and witty conversation for a long time, even when you are in top shape. Don't carry on the conversation without a specific purpose in mind
Attract a Woman Step 9 Step 5. Finally, constantly evaluate its attraction
Look for open body language, dilated pupils, giggles and touches. Regardless of her personality or culture, women often use the same signs of attraction. With a little practice you will be able to catch them very quickly. Follow your nose, he's often right. Thanks for reading!