3 Ways to Empty an Irrigation System for the Cold Season

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3 Ways to Empty an Irrigation System for the Cold Season
3 Ways to Empty an Irrigation System for the Cold Season

As the temperature drops below freezing, the water contained in the pipes of the automatic irrigation system can freeze and break pipes and fittings. To prevent this problem, you need to empty the pipes as indicated in this article.


Method 1 of 3: Pressure evacuation

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 1
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 1

Step 1. Turn off the main tap that gives water to the system

At this point, all you have to do is remove all the water present in the system.

  • The water tap should be located inside the house, garage or in any case indoors, perhaps in a well or near the circuit that regulates the system itself.
  • In some cases, there is a safety tap placed at a variable depth in the ground, and perhaps a tool might be needed to reach and operate it.
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 2
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 2

Step 2. Get a compressor and find a way to hook it to the irrigation system hose as well as where the tap is just closed

  • You need a compressor that delivers enough pressure to push the water to the end of the irrigation system, therefore powerful enough, i.e. with a flow rate of about 150 liters per minute or higher for systems up to 5 centimeters in diameter. The tools you need are often also available for hire.
  • Beware that an amateur or small compressor may not be suitable for getting the job done.
  • There are methods and tables to calculate the pressure required to empty a system based on the overall length and number of nozzles present, do a search on the net or ask whoever installed the system.
  • It releases the air into the system before the compressor reaches maximum charge, so as not to risk overdoing the power.
  • Make sure that the compressor is properly connected to the piping, and check that the tap that connects the irrigation system to the aqueduct is closed.
  • Do not introduce compressed air into the aqueduct or domestic pipes.
  • Pay attention to how you use compressed air. Compressed air is potentially dangerous and you risk injury or damage.
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 3
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 3

Step 3. Open the furthest outlet valve

This is located on the joint furthest from the inlet of the irrigation system hose, or on the sprinkler located in the highest position.

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 4
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 4

Step 4. Close the non-return valve or water tap (if not closed yet) and operate the compressor valve to allow air to flow into the system

The pressure acting on the sprinkler system should always be less than the maximum pressure supported by the weaker components of the system, such as joints and sprinklers. Also, keep in mind that the pressure should not exceed 80 PSI for PVC plumbing systems, and 50 PSI for black flexible polyethylene plumbing

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 5
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 5

Step 5. Operate the remaining valves

Operate each valve in succession, starting with those that are furthest away from the compressor and ending with those closest.

  • Each valve must remain open until there is no more water flowing out of its sprinkler. This process can take a few minutes for each valve.
  • Try to operate each valve for a short period repeated several times, rather than a single opening of longer duration. This method is also useful if the water does not seem to empty completely in one pass.
  • When no more water comes out, you must stop the flow of compressed air, which otherwise could damage the pipes by exerting a friction that increases the temperature.
  • Never run the compressor without opening at least one valve.
  • You must be careful not to let compressed air pass through more than one circuit at a time, otherwise you risk damaging pipes and joints.
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 6
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 6

Step 6. Turn off the compressor

As soon as you have emptied the water from the system, disconnect the compressor from the irrigation system, so as not to risk damaging the pipes.

Open the valves on the sprinkler system to release any excess pressure

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 7
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 7

Step 7. Remove any standing water near the valves or water inlet

Leave the valves open and tilt them 45 ° making the water completely empty

Method 2 of 3: Manual emptying

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 8
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 8

Step 1. Close the water tap entering the system, so that no water enters and you only have to empty the one already present in the pipes

  • The tap that supplies water to the system must be placed indoors and away from the elements, often in the cellar or garage.
  • In some cases, there is a safety tap placed at a variable depth in the ground, and perhaps a tool might be needed to reach and operate it.
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 9
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 9

Step 2. Open the manual drain valves

The valves are located at the end and lowest points of the pipes. After opening the valves, the water in the system empties automatically.

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 10
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 10

Step 3. Also drain the remaining water between the faucet and the non-return valve, and open each valve in the system to release the water in the end sections of the sprinklers

If you need assistance in locating and understanding the various components of the irrigation system, refer to the instruction manual or contact the installer who will be able to give you the necessary information

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 11
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 11

Step 4. If your sprayers have shut-off valves, you must release each one in sequence to allow the water stored within each final run to run down the pipes and drain

Most sprayers have a shut-off valve, but if your system does not have one, you just have to hope that each sprayer is emptied of water or that the little residual liquid does not ruin the system if it freezes

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 12
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 12

Step 5. Pay attention that there are no deposits of water in the pipe, perhaps due to an incorrect slope or other installation or design defects

If you want to remove any small residues of water, you can use a liquid vacuum cleaner

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 13
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 13

Step 6. Close any valves you may have opened in the previous steps

Before this step, make sure you have given enough time for the water to run out of the pipe.

Method 3 of 3: Automatic emptying

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 14
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 14

Step 1. Close the water tap entering the system, so that no water enters and you only have to empty the one already present in the pipes

  • The tap that supplies water to the system is located indoors and away from the elements, often in the cellar or garage.
  • The tap can be swivel, handle or other shape.
  • In some cases, there is a safety tap placed at a variable depth in the ground, and perhaps a tool might be needed to reach and operate it.
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 15
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 15

Step 2. Open a valve

Open the drain of one of the valves along the pipeline to release pressure from the system and prevent damage to the piping.

This method is effective if there are drain valves for draining the system, positioned at the extreme and lowest points of the system. Usually these valves open and empty the water if the pressure is below certain minimum values, and for this you have to manually act on a valve along the pipe

Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 16
Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 16

Step 3. Also drain the remaining water between the faucet and the non-return valve, and open each valve in the system to release the water in the end sections of the sprinklers

  • If you need assistance in locating and understanding the various components of the irrigation system, refer to the instruction manual or contact the installer who will be able to give you the necessary information.
  • If the sprinklers have shut-off valves, you must release each one in sequence to allow the water stored within each final run to run down the pipes and drain.

    Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 17
    Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 17
  • Most sprayers have a shut-off valve, but if your system does not have one, you just have to hope that each sprayer is emptied of water or that the little residual liquid does not damage the system if it freezes.

    Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 18
    Winterize a Sprinkler System Step 18
  • If you want to remove any small residues of water, you can use a liquid vacuum cleaner.


  • If necessary, turn off the sprinkler system control panel. Often on the control panel there are timers to regulate the delivery times, and these should be turned off or deactivated, so that they do not consume electricity that would be wasted in the months when the system is inactive.
  • On the other hand, you shouldn't disconnect the power from the control panel, because the heat keeps moisture away and prevents corrosion.
  • If the system is equipped with a rain sensor with a container that collects rainwater, remove any water present in the container and cover it with a sheet or plastic bag to prevent any rainwater from freezing inside.
  • If your sprinkler system has a pump, unplug this and store it indoors for the cold season.


  • If you are not sure what type of emptying is foreseen for your irrigation system, the most suitable method is the one with compressed air, which guarantees the most optimal result.
  • If you do not know how to proceed, the best thing is to contact a professional in the sector, in fact the high pressure can easily ruin the entire system, a mistake that a professional definitely avoids, but which can happen to those who are beginners.
  • If you decide to go it alone, wear appropriate clothing and protection, especially if you are using compressed air.
  • Do not stand on components of the irrigation system, such as pipes, sprinklers or valves, especially if you are using compressed air.
