We speak of drought when the amount of rain is below average for a certain period of time. Drought can harm families by reducing the resources they need on a daily basis, such as agriculture, livestock, trees and hydroelectricity. Rivers and lakes also dry up after long periods without rain, slowing water trade and ship travel. Read on to learn how to prepare for this.
Step 1. Limit your water consumption in your home
Repair leaking taps. This alone can save you more than 500 liters of water every week. If you don't have the skills or tools to do this yourself, call a professional plumber. Not only will you save water, but you will also see a drastic reduction in your bills.
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Purchase or build a rainwater harvesting system. Water the garden and plants only with the water previously collected. Although it is not recommended to drink it, you can boil it to wash yourself.
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Take more sustainable showers and baths. When you wash, do it quickly, and turn on the water just to get wet and rinse. When taking a bath, put the cap on before filling the tub and adjust the temperature when it warms up. Wash the younger children together.
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Turn off the water while brushing your teeth. Open it only to wet the toothbrush and rinse your mouth. Allow the children to brush their teeth together. Play who can make the most bubbles with their mouth.
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Be more aware when washing clothes and dishes. Use the washing machine and dishwasher only with full loads. If you wash by hand, fill the sink instead of running the water continuously.
Prepare for a Drought Step 1Bullet5 - Throw the tissues in the bin instead of throwing them down the toilet.

Step 2. Promote water conservation in your community
Attend restaurants that serve water on request only. Work with schools to teach children best practices for water use. Volunteer to write an article on saving water in the local newspaper.

Step 3. Prepare your garden for drought
Plant drought tolerant lawns, such as the grass varieties Bermuda, Zoysia, and Festuca Arundinacea. Plant bushes and flowers with similar needs together to reduce water waste.

Step 4. Buy as much bottled water as possible if you feel drought is on the way
Store everything for the worst days.

Step 5. Follow the fire rules
Do not use fireworks, do not light fires in the fireplace or in the bushes. Fires are easy to spread during a drought, so avoid endangering yourself and your surroundings. Some areas allow the use of pellet stoves during these periods, but others forbid it. Check your local laws to be sure.

Step 6. Follow government water restrictions
They could lead to the obligation to water the lawn only on certain days, or the prohibition to wash the machine.