Eight Ball Billiards is a world famous game. It's not that easy to become a champion, but with this article you can at least learn the rules and understand how to play.

Step 1. Learn how to play
Eight ball is played with one cue ball and 15 balls, numbered from 1 to 15. One player must pocket the balls numbered from 1 to 7 (the full ones) while the other ones from 9 to 15 (empty). The player who pots all the balls in their group and finally the 8 wins the game.
Indications for billiard cues: all cues must have the following characteristics:
- No shorter than 1.34m and no longer than 1.6m
- No lighter than 425g and no heavier than 708g.
- The center of gravity of the cue must be at least 83 cm from its end.
- End of the splint in leather.
Play 8 Ball Pool Step 2 Step 2. Learn to "split"
In the beginning, the balls are placed in a triangle at the foot of the table with the number 8 ball in the center and in the 3 corners the number 1 ball, an empty ball and a full ball.
Step 3. Learn to do a regular "split"
To make a regular "split", you have to hit the cue ball before the white line and you need to be able to pocket a ball, or make sure that at least four balls are close to one of the banks. If the shooter fails, it is a foul, and the next player can continue where they left off, or put the balls back into the triangle and smash, or maybe let the opponent retake the shot.
Committing a splitting foul - if a player commits a splitting foul:
Play 8 Ball Pool Step 3Bullet1 - All pocketed balls stay where they are
- Do it
- The table is open
Balls leaving the table after a split - if a player throws one or more balls off the table at the split it is a foul and the next player can continue where they left off, or take the cue ball in hand and place it before the white line and execute his shot.
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8 ball pocketed at the split - if the splitter has committed a foul by throwing in the 8 at the split, the next player can split again or leave the 8 in the pocket and continue playing by placing the cue ball before the white line and shooting.
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Combo shots - combo shots are allowed; however, the number 8 ball cannot be used as the first ball in combo shots unless it is the only ball left on the table for the shooter. If not, it is foul.
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Open table - the table is said to be "open" when the choice of the group of balls (empty or full) has not yet been made. When the table is open, it is common to hit a full one to bring in both a full and an empty one.
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Penalty for foul - opponent takes jack in hand. This means that he can put it anywhere on the table.
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Loss - a player loses when he commits one of the following infractions:
Play 8 Ball Pool Step 3Bullet7 - He makes a foul when he throws in the 8 (exception: see 8 Ball pocketed at the split).
- Pocket the number 8 ball in the same shot with which he pocketed the last of his balls.
- Throw the number 8 ball off the table at any time.
- Pocket the number 8 ball in a hole other than the designated hole.
- Pocket the number 8 ball when he can't.
- Hold the cue - use one hand to rest the cue (support hand). You will need the other to strike (hitting hand).
Body Position - Your body must be stable and comfortable as you aim the cue, prepare the shot and hit the cue ball. That's how:
- Your feet and shoulders must be aligned.
- Step forward with your supporting foot.
- If you are right, use your left foot and vice versa.
- Your chest must be parallel to the floor.
- Put the cue in your hitting hand.
- Look straight past the cue.
Take aim:
- Put the cue in the direction of your target.
- The end of the cue should be approximately 6 inches from your hand.
- Keep the splint at your hips.
- Hit the cue ball - bring the end of your cue about 10cm away from the ball. Then take the cue with your striking hand. When you strike, you should be perfectly still - except for your arm. Make sure you have good stability.