How to Deceive Your Opponent in Chess

How to Deceive Your Opponent in Chess
How to Deceive Your Opponent in Chess

Table of contents:


This is a system that doesn't always work, especially if you play against someone really good, but if you play against someone inexperienced you can fool them. You have to leave a piece unprotected, pretending you don't know.


Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 1
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 1

Step 1. Think of a plan

Usually, when you want to deceive your opponent, you have to sacrifice a pawn for a higher value or to easily checkmate.

Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 2
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 2

Step 2. Let's say your opponent is black, perched next to the king

Now he must move the rook or pawn, while your queen blocks the center pawn. Your bishop is going to H6 and preparing for checkmate, while your opponent is preparing to take a guarded piece with all precautions, but if he does, he leaves the king uncovered. What do you do? If you move the protected piece you lose a move, but if you move the protector you can win. Then move the protector to an unprotected place and your opponent takes the piece. BAM! Your bishop threatens checkmate in H6 and your opponent is out of hope!

Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 3
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 3

Step 3. Having prepared your plan, you need to think about how to deceive your opponent

If your opponent is not very experienced, you can simply leave the token face up and he / she will fall into the trap. If your opponent is an expert, you need more than a face-up token.

Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 5
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 5
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 4
Fool Your Opponent in Chess Step 4

Step 4. This type of trap is good for beginners, but the better you are and the stronger your opponent, the more you have to learn how to beat him on positions, and also with tactics

Step 5. Ultimately, to win at chess you have to think ahead of your opponent and anticipate his moves


  • Often when playing against a strong opponent it can be helpful to use tricks. For example, taking a deep breath or clenching your jaws after the move can make your opponent think you made a mistake.
  • The center of the board (E4, E5, D4, D5) is very important. If you can check these boxes, you can have access to the king for your tokens.
  • Make moves that counter your opponent's choices and force him to fall into your trap. Your opponent will think you want to trap them, so don't wait, take matters into your own hands and win.
  • If you think you've found the right move, there's always a better one.
  • If you are a child, you can clap your hand on your forehead and exclaim: "Oh no I was wrong!". But if you are an adult don't do it.
  • The best way to win a tournament is to participate in tournaments often. Otherwise, you may not be able to handle the stress of very long games, and make stupid mistakes that you wouldn't make at other times.
  • "A bad plan is better than no plan."