4 Ways to Decorate a School Ring Binder

Table of contents:

4 Ways to Decorate a School Ring Binder
4 Ways to Decorate a School Ring Binder

Tired of your usual old, bland binder? Can't you afford the ones you have your eyes on? Don't be discouraged: with a little creativity, you can transform an absolutely normal binder to make it cooler than a commercially available one. Plus, it will reflect your uniqueness.


Method 1 of 4: Make a Binder Cover

Decorate Your School Binder Step 1
Decorate Your School Binder Step 1

Step 1. Choose the material to wrap it

There is a wide variety of materials you can use to create the cover, but perhaps the simplest and most versatile is paper. Paper covers are easy to work with, and you can change them right away if your mood and interests change or you want a different cover for a new season or holiday. Consider the following solutions:

  • Paper bag, like that of bread. This material is common, easily and quickly available, usually free. In addition, it is quite durable. The simpler the envelope, the more chances you have to add designs and decorations later.
  • Wrapping paper. It's a little less durable and a little more expensive than bread, which is thick, but the patterns and patterns can make the binder quite interesting. Save any leftover pieces of paper after wrapping gifts. Also, try to buy the themed one, often discounted after certain holidays, to have one characterized by particular patterns and motifs.
  • Printed cover. Try using a search engine to find free, printable binder or book covers. In particular, write free printable book / binder covers, because that way you will get more results. You should be able to have a good selection of free, printable templates at home. Make sure you choose one of the right size for your binder.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 2
Decorate Your School Binder Step 2

Step 2. If necessary, iron the paper or fabric

While it's not mandatory at all, you might like the look of the paper or the well-ironed fabric. If you iron the fabric, you need to set the right temperature according to the instructions of the iron. If you are ironing the paper, you need to take a couple of additional steps:

  • Start by lightly misting the crumpled paper with water using a bottle with a spray nozzle. Place a towel on the ironing board, lay the paper down, and then place another towel on the damp paper.
  • Setting the iron on a low temperature, iron the paper through the towel, checking often to see if you have managed to remove the creases.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 3
Decorate Your School Binder Step 3

Step 3. Cut the liner to the right size

The material used to wrap the binder should go past its edges as you unfold it and spread it across the surface. The excess should be at least 1.5-2 cm. If the material does not exceed the edges of the collector, you will not be able to cover it completely.

  • If using a paper bag, cut one side lengthwise from top to bottom. Cut the bottom and spread the paper out on a flat surface. This way, you will have a single flat sheet of paper ready to use.
  • If you use wrapping paper or fabric, simply unroll and spread out the paper or fabric you need, lay the binder on the surface and then cut once you have enough material.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 4
Decorate Your School Binder Step 4

Step 4. If necessary, cut a central strip

Depending on where the binder rings are placed, one side may be wider when unfolded (usually, the left side). If you want to get a clean, finished result when you open the binder, the center strip should also be covered with paper or fabric.

Measure the length and width of this center strip, then cut a piece of material to the right size. It should fit the binder exactly, without excess

Decorate Your School Binder Step 5
Decorate Your School Binder Step 5

Step 5. Apply the center strip

If you have a central strip of paper or fabric, apply it to the surface of the binder with tape or glue.

If you're using fabric, you could spray some spray adhesive on the back of the fabric strip, and then press the fabric firmly to the surface

Decorate Your School Binder Step 6
Decorate Your School Binder Step 6

Step 6. Fold the long edges of the liner

Next, open the binder. The cover should be placed on the paper, which should have the longer sides facing left and right. If you are using wrapping paper or a patterned liner, make sure the front is resting on the table.

  • Fold the top and bottom edges of the paper over the stacker and pinch the crease lightly to avoid losing it. Remove the binder and secure the folds firmly in place.
  • Note that you will not necessarily be able to achieve a defined crease on non-paper materials, such as fabric. If you want, you can very well skip the fold step with the fabric.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 7
Decorate Your School Binder Step 7

Step 7. Fold the short edges of the paper backing

Place the binder back on the paper, lining it with the creases you created earlier. Now, fold the paper over the short edges of the binder and pin these creases just like before.

At this point, it would be better to gradually take care of the front and back folds, not to do everything at once; it can be difficult to keep all the folded edges at the same time

Decorate Your School Binder Step 8
Decorate Your School Binder Step 8

Step 8. Attach the cover to the binder

Now, you simply need to fold the long edges of the paper around the binder, followed by the short ones. The binder at this point should have a tightly fitting cover, but not so tight that it cannot be opened and closed easily. All you have to do is secure it in place so it doesn't come off.

If you use paper, duct tape generally works perfectly. When you remove it, be careful not to tear the binder material

Decorate Your School Binder Step 9
Decorate Your School Binder Step 9

Step 9. Spray some spray glue on the fabric cover and fold it over the binder

If you use a fabric cover and can't get a snug fold, you have no reason to worry. You just have to spray the back of the fabric with spray glue, then place the open collector on it.

  • Start by folding the top and bottom edges, then fold the side edges. Usually, it is best to start in the center of the binder, near the rings, and work from there.
  • Apply more glue according to your needs.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 10
Decorate Your School Binder Step 10

Step 10. Refine the insides of the binder

Cut two pieces of construction paper to create the inner lining of the binder. Spray some spray glue on the cardboard (or apply it around its perimeter) and pin it well on the edges you folded earlier from the front.

This allows you to get a nice and clean result when you open the binder

Decorate Your School Binder Step 11
Decorate Your School Binder Step 11

Step 11. Decide if you want to add more decorations to the upholstery

Congratulations - you've just finished wrapping the binder! However, you don't necessarily have to stop there - you now have a blank canvas to work with. Read the tips below for decorating ideas.

Method 2 of 4: Making an Art Binder

Decorate Your School Binder Step 12
Decorate Your School Binder Step 12

Step 1. Draw scribbles on the binder after lining it

Binders offer great opportunities to express yourself artistically, especially if they have been covered with paper or fabric that is easy to draw on. You could use the binder as a scribble surface. Whenever you are bored, you can simply add a new sketch or drawing. In this way, the binder will gradually become richer and more unique over time.

  • Permanent markers are suitable for almost any surface (even the smooth plastic of a binder) and available in a wide range of colors.
  • If you draw on paper, almost any pen or marker will do.
  • If you've lined the binder with fabric, try fabric pens or markers.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 13
Decorate Your School Binder Step 13

Step 2. Draw sketches on the binder cover

If the simple, messy look of a scribbled cover isn't enough for you, spend more time creating a well thought out and detailed drawing or sketch. This requires a little more skill and effort, but the results can be quite remarkable. You can choose any theme you want for the drawing, from a simple still life (like a single object) to a detailed landscape. It just depends on how much time you would like to dedicate to the project!

  • If you choose neutral colored paper, such as medium gray or brown, you may be able to create effects such as shading and blending. Use graphite pencils and / or charcoals for medium or dark lines, while a white pencil is fine for illumination.
  • Once you have finished your sketch, you may want to protect it carefully by covering it with clear tape. You can also use a protective spray (usually available at art supply stores, sold under the name "workable matte spray protective fixer").
Decorate Your School Binder Step 14
Decorate Your School Binder Step 14

Step 3. Paint the binder cover

Painting takes far more effort than drawing or scribbling, but the results can be artistically gorgeous (especially if you're willing to take the time). However, if you want to prevent the paint from staining the inside of the binder, it is highly recommended that you remove the cover before painting it on a protective surface, such as newspaper.

  • Most acrylic paints or watercolors work well on paper covers.
  • Fabric, on the other hand, may require special fabric colors or even puffy paint. Read the product label before using it to make sure it fits the fabric.
  • For best results, the fabric should be tightly woven so that the paint does not run. Cotton is an excellent choice, but you can also experiment with other tightly woven fabrics like rayon or silk.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 15
Decorate Your School Binder Step 15

Step 4. Use stencils to create cool patterns

Don't have time to draw or paint freehand? Then use stencils! In just seconds, they allow you to easily add beautiful designs to your binder cover. You can outline or fill them, the choice is up to you.

  • If you are using paint, apply masking tape to the stencil so that it adheres well to the binder cover before you begin. Apply the paint sparingly. If the stencil doesn't stick or overdo the product, the paint can run under the edges and leave a messy design.
  • You can also make a stencil, just print some pictures and carefully cut them out around the edges with a pair of scissors or a utility knife.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 16
Decorate Your School Binder Step 16

Step 5. Create artistic labels for the binders

Do you use them for school or work? If so, you might want to label them to remember which discipline or project they belong to. Obviously, however, the label must be beautiful.

For example, write "Chemistry" in bold, with original letters along the front of the cover. Additionally, you could add a beaker containing colored chemicals. Give free rein to creativity, the important thing is that you like the binder. There are no "wrong" labels

Method 3 of 4: Making a Collage

Decorate Your School Binder Step 17
Decorate Your School Binder Step 17

Step 1. Choose your collage images

Making a collage is fun and easy. To get started, get plenty of images to use. The exact choice of the cutouts you will use is up to you, but there are a few ideas to draw from:

  • You could use images of friends, family, or pets. Make sure you have permission before cropping old family photos.
  • You could use clippings from your favorite newspapers, such as photos of celebrities, athletes, or extravagant fashions.
  • You could use newspaper headlines.
  • You could use clippings from old comics or funny pages.
  • You could use interesting postcards or stamps of places you've visited or would like to see.
  • You could use individual letters to write words or phrases (as if it were a ransom note).
Decorate Your School Binder Step 18
Decorate Your School Binder Step 18

Step 2. Crop the images

Cut out each photo you want to use by creating a size and shape that allows you to put it all together more or less like a puzzle. Images can overlap in one way or another, that's perfectly fine (and if you don't want the underlying surface to show through, you should aim for this result).

Organize the images on the surface according to the result you want to achieve, but don't paste them for now. You can very well try different arrangements and motifs. Once you start fixing photos, it will be more difficult to make any changes

Decorate Your School Binder Step 19
Decorate Your School Binder Step 19

Step 3. Paste the images

Once you have everything in place, start gluing each piece. A touch of liquid or stick glue is all it takes to do a good job.

  • You can glue the images to the liner or, if you don't mind spoiling the binder itself, to its base surface. Try attaching a couple of pieces to make sure the glue used sets.
  • On the other hand, if the binder has clear plastic pockets on the outside, you can simply glue the collage onto a sheet of paper and slip it into the opening.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 20
Decorate Your School Binder Step 20

Step 4. Cover or seal the collage

Collages can be great, but since they are made up of so many pieces, it is possible for some to tear and fall off. Fortunately, there are several ways to protect them:

  • You can fix the collage with a fixative to be applied with a brush (the Mod Podge is a famous product that dries creating a transparent coating).
  • You can also look for spray fixatives and sealants (on the market, you will find several products to try).
  • If you don't have these products, you can try carefully covering the entire collage with clear packing tape, pressing each piece firmly to avoid creasing.

Method 4 of 4: More Creative Ideas

Decorate Your School Binder Step 21
Decorate Your School Binder Step 21

Step 1. Use design elements such as negative spaces

So the simple ideas above haven't convinced you? In this section, we will discuss in more detail original alternatives for lining the binder. For example, if the binder and liner are different colors, you could use design elements such as negative spaces for an impact effect.

  • Negative space is the area surrounding an object. Playing with both the negative and positive spaces of the image will help you bring balance and interest to your design.
  • To create a negative space, take a white liner and cut out shapes, letters, images, and so on on it. The binder below will show through the cutouts and give color to these shapes.
  • If you are concerned that the holes in the cover are causing the binder to wear out, cover them with clear packing tape. You will still have the negative space effect, but the binder will be well protected.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 22
Decorate Your School Binder Step 22

Step 2. Make a cover with metallic bubble gum wrappers

Have you ever noticed that chewing gum usually has a shiny aluminum foil? If you have a lot of them lying around, you can use them to give a cool, metallic look to the binder. You simply have to flatten the paper and attach it to the cover (or the binder itself) with a pinch of glue. Repeat until the entire surface is covered. Voila: a metal binder!

  • If you have more of a problem flattening the wrappers perfectly, try scrubbing them with a coin or the front of your nails to smooth them out.
  • You can also use clear masking tape to lay a protective, invisible layer over the wrappers.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 23
Decorate Your School Binder Step 23

Step 3. Use photos from old calendars for large, quality images

At the end of a year, don't throw calendars away. Instead, use the photos or paintings they have inside them to create a cover.

You just have to cut out the image, spread it over the binder, tick the edges to fit the size (if necessary) and cover with clear packing tape to secure it

Decorate Your School Binder Step 24
Decorate Your School Binder Step 24

Step 4. Create patterns with electrical tape

It is a thick and durable material, great for protecting the binder, and can give you a semi-metallic sheen. You can also find it in a wide range of colors. If you don't want to stick the duct tape directly onto the binder, try making a "sheet" with the product by attaching two layers of electrical tape so that the sticky parts stick together.

  • Creating basic motifs like checkers and stripes is pretty simple, and will definitely liven up the binder.
  • On the other hand, you can also create more complex patterns with the negative space method. Cover the binder with one color, then spread a second layer (of a different color) on top. Carefully cut shapes from the top layer with a utility knife and peel them off to create negative spaces.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 25
Decorate Your School Binder Step 25

Step 5. Add your favorite quotes

To the binder, you can also add a touch of humor or inspiration by enriching the cover with your favorite quotes. For example, try writing speech excerpts, song lyrics or poetry that you love on the computer.

  • Make sure you choose an interesting font, print the quote, and then attach it to the binder with clear packing tape.
  • You can also try your hand at calligraphy.
Decorate Your School Binder Step 26
Decorate Your School Binder Step 26

Step 6. Give the binder a retro touch

To try an original method, you can try to "age" a paper cover by dipping it in tea. This can make the binder look like a book or tome from another time.

On wikiHow, read this article to learn more

Decorate Your School Binder Step 27
Decorate Your School Binder Step 27

Step 7. Make the collector shine

As much as it contains boring history or math homework, that doesn't mean the outside can't be nice and fabulous.

Glue on rhinestones or sequins for a brilliant binder

Decorate Your School Binder Step 28
Decorate Your School Binder Step 28

Step 8. Create a cover in collaboration with your friends

You don't have to make it entirely yourself. A nice idea? Choose a plain white cover and ask each of your friends to add something different (like a doodle, a sticker, a hilarious phrase, etc.).

That way, when the binder is returned to you, every single part will make you rethink each of your friends. Plus, the cover will become a treasured keepsake that you will enjoy looking at in the future


  • If you are thinking of adding something bold to the cover of the binder, first inquire about the school or workplace rules. Do not glue anything that is considered inappropriate, otherwise you risk getting yourself in trouble.
  • Be careful when using permanent markers. If you're not careful, they can stain your clothing or work surface. The product you use to remove nail polish can often remove permanent marker stains (especially on smooth surfaces).
