How to Make a Rainbow Rose (with Pictures)

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How to Make a Rainbow Rose (with Pictures)
How to Make a Rainbow Rose (with Pictures)

Rainbow roses make a beautiful gift or decoration for the home, and best of all, you can make your own. To create a rainbow rose using real flowers you will have to work a little, while if you don't feel like experimenting you can make a paper version. Here's what to do in both cases.


Method 1 of 2: Using Authentic Roses

Select the Rose

Make a Rainbow Rose Step 1
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 1

Step 1. Choose a white rose

You have to start with white or a light color to create the rainbow.

  • If you can't find a white rose, you can choose a peach, yellow or light pink one. Avoid red and dark tones. Dark colors don't work because the deep shades of the color prevent others from standing out once you dye the flower. For pure colors, a white rose is better.
  • Note that the degree of flowering of the rose will change the rate of color absorption. A rose that is close to flowering or already partially open will accept the color more readily than one that is still in bloom, which however will last longer.


Make a Rainbow Rose Step 2
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 2

Step 1. Cut the stem

Cut the rose to the desired length.

  • Use sharp shears or a small knife to cut the end at an angle.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 2Bullet1
  • To determine the right length, base the height of the stem on that of the vase or container in which you will be immersing the rose. The stem should be a little higher than the total length of the pot. However, check that it is not too long from the edge of the container with the dye or the rose will become heavy and will not stay upright once it is set.

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Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet1
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet1

Step 2. Divide the stem into two sections

Use a sharp blade to divide the end of the stem into multiple sections. You can use scissors or shears but however, whatever tool you use, it must be sharp. The stem of the rose is quite woody and if you use a blunt blade you could break or crush it, damaging the flower.

  • The cut should be about 2.5cm deep from the bottom of the rose.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet2
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet3
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet3

Step 3. Divide the stem into two sections, up to a maximum of four

If you cut too many, you could risk making the stem too weak.

  • Note that the number of sections will determine the number of colors on the petals.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 3Bullet4

Add the Colors

Make a Rainbow Rose Step 4
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 4

Step 1. Mix different food colors in a few cups of water

Fill a few containers with water and add in each of the drops of dye. Choose a different color for each container.

  • As mentioned in the previous step, the number of colors should match that of the sections you engraved.
  • The more dye you use, the brighter the colors will be.
  • The best containers will be tight and solid ones. Avoid thick-edged ones because each section of the stem has to stretch in and that would be difficult. Popsicle molds are ideal or even votive jars.
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 5
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 5

Step 2. Place each stem section in a different container

Insert the stem carefully into the colored water, making sure that the cut part is completely submerged in the liquid.

  • Be very careful when folding and adjusting each section of the stem. A split stem is particularly weak and if you use too much force you could break it.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 5Bullet1
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 5Bullet2
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 5Bullet2

Step 3. Arrange the containers side by side to keep the entire structure intact and to avoid over-stretching the sections

Make a Rainbow Rose Step 6
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 6

Step 4. Let the roses soak for a few days

The color change should take place within 30 minutes, but if you want to get a vibrantly colored rose you should leave it in the colored water for a couple of days at least.

  • It may take up to a week, but after just one day each petal will already be full of color.
  • The colored water will be absorbed through the stem of the rose just like normal water from a vase. As soon as it reaches the rose, hydrating it, the color will settle in the petals. Since they are white, the color will show up well.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 6Bullet2

Method 2 of 2: Use the Card

Choose the card

Step 1. Cut out a square of paper with all the rainbow colors

To make the most of the colors, choose a paper that is decorated with rainbows on both sides.

  • You can also choose a square piece of paper with a white, monochrome or patterned side. Play around with different types of paper to find the one you like best.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 7Bullet1
  • Origami paper works particularly well. The standard one is 2, 2 x 2, 2 cm.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 7Bullet2
  • If you start with white paper you can use markers or paints to create your rainbow all over the paper. For best results, try making several layers diagonally, from corner to corner.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 7Bullet3

Making a Rainbow Rose

Make a Rainbow Rose Step 8
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 8

Step 1. Begin to cut out a circular shape

Start from the middle of one edge of the paper and start cutting out a circle, getting as close to the other three sides as possible.

  • Don't trim the edges yet.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 8Bullet1
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 9
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 9

Step 2. Turn the circle into a spiral

As you approach the starting point of the circle, move the cutting line about 1.25 cm. Continue cutting around the inside perimeter of the spiral until you get to the center.

  • The thickness of the spiral should be constant, approximately 1.25 cm along the entire length.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 9Bullet1
  • Freehand crop. You don't have to be precise with this technique. Roses are better if you stick to the Japanese principle of "wabi-sabi", based on the beauty of imperfection.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 9Bullet2
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 10
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 10

Step 3. In the center of the spiral, cut out a kind of quotation mark

It should be in the exact center and will appear a little wider than the thickness of the spiral.

  • The quotation mark should be circular with a slight narrowing.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 10Bullet1
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 11
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 11

Step 4. Remove the outer square

To remove it, just make a cut where you started the spiral.

The corners and edges of this section would ruin the final shape of your rose

Make a Rainbow Rose Step 12
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 12

Step 5. Roll up the spiral starting from the outside

Going from the outside to the inside, roll the spiral along the top edge of the paper.

  • As you begin, roll the spiral as tightly as possible. Use both hands; hold the roll between two fingers of one hand and use the other to arrange the remaining paper, incorporating it as you go.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 12Bullet1
  • The appearance will not be that of the rose but of a tight roll.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 12Bullet2
  • Adjust the density of the spiral. Let it open slightly, but keep it from losing its main shape. Loosen the tension of the paper by opening the petals a little.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 12Bullet3
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 13
Make a Rainbow Rose Step 13

Step 6. Paste the quotation mark at the bottom of the rose

Add a drop of hot glue to the inside of the quote and press firmly against the outside surface of the rose. Check that each spiral is glued.

  • Use hot glue or quick-setting glue.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 13Bullet1
  • You also need to make sure that the edge of each spiral is secured with glue, otherwise the rose may come undone as soon as it is released.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 13Bullet2
  • As soon as the glue is dry, lay your rose. It should now be fine.

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    Make a Rainbow Rose Step 13Bullet3
