3 Ways to Build a Magnet

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Build a Magnet
3 Ways to Build a Magnet

Magnets are made by exposing ferromagnetic metals, such as iron and nickel, to a magnetic field. When these metals are heated to a certain temperature, they become permanently magnetized. It is also possible to temporarily magnetize them using different methods that you can safely experiment with at home. You will learn how to make a magnetic paper clip, an electromagnet and a compass.


Method 1 of 3: First Method: Create a Magnetic Staple

Make a Magnet Step 1
Make a Magnet Step 1

Step 1. Find what you need

A simple temporary magnet can be made with a thin metal object, such as a paper clip, and a refrigerator magnet. Collect these items and a smaller piece of metal, such as the back of an earring or peg, which you will need to test the magnetic properties of the magnetized paper clip.

  • You can experiment with staples of different sizes, coated or uncoated, to compare the results.
  • Use smaller objects, sorting them by size and type of metal, to see which of them are attracted to the paper clip.
Make a Magnet Step 2
Make a Magnet Step 2

Step 2. Rub the paper clip against the magnet

Always rub it in the same direction, don't move it back and forth. Use the same quick motion you would strike a match with. Repeat this as quickly as possible about fifty times.

Make a Magnet Step 3
Make a Magnet Step 3

Step 3. Touch the paper clip to the smaller pieces of metal

Are they attracted to it and attached to it? If the answer is yes, the experiment was successful.

  • If they don't stick, rub it another 50 times and try again.
  • Try other paper clips and larger objects to check the strength of the magnet you got.
  • You could record the duration of the magnetic effect, relating it to the number of times you rub it. Experiment with objects made from different metals, such as pins or nails, to see which of them produce the strongest magnet and longest lasting effect.

Method 2 of 3: Second Method: Making an Electromagnet

Make a Magnet Step 4
Make a Magnet Step 4

Step 1. Find what you need

Electromagnets are made by making an electric current pass through a metal object which creates a magnetic field. It can be done on a smaller scale using the following items available in any hardware store:

  • A large enough iron nail
  • One meter of thin, sheathed copper cable
  • A type D battery
  • Small magnetic objects, such as paper clips or pins
  • A cable stripper
  • Some duct tape
Make a Magnet Step 5
Make a Magnet Step 5

Step 2. Strip the ends of the cable

Use the stripping pliers to remove a few inches of the coating from both ends of the cable. The ends with no insulation will be connected to the battery poles.

Make a Magnet Step 6
Make a Magnet Step 6

Step 3. Wrap the nail

Starting about 20 centimeters from the end of the cord, wrap it tightly around the nail. Each coil should be attached to the previous one, but without overlapping them. Continue wrapping until the nail is fully coated.

Be careful to wind the cord along the nail always in the same direction. To create a magnetic field, electricity must flow in the same direction

Make a Magnet Step 7
Make a Magnet Step 7

Step 4. Connect the battery

Connect one end of the stripped wire to the positive pole of the battery and the other to the negative pole. Use a small piece of tape to secure the ends of the cable to the battery posts.

  • It doesn't matter which end you connect to the positive or negative pole. The nail will be magnetized in both cases; the only difference is polarity. One end of the magnet is the magnetic north pole, and the other is the south pole. Reversing the battery poles will reverse the magnetic poles.
  • Once connected to the battery, the power cord will heat up, so be careful not to burn yourself.
Make a Magnet Step 8
Make a Magnet Step 8

Step 5. Test the magnet

Put the nail near a paper clip or other small metal object. Since the nail is magnetized, the metal object will stick to the nail. Test with objects of different weights and sizes to check the strength of the magnet.

Method 3 of 3: Method 3: Create a Compass

Make a Magnet Step 9Bullet1
Make a Magnet Step 9Bullet1

Step 1. Find what you need

A compass points north with a magnetic needle that aligns itself with the Earth's magnetic field. Any metal object that can be magnetized can act as a compass. A sewing needle or straight pin may be fine. In addition to the needle, get the following items:

  • A magnetizer. Look for a magnet, a nail, or even a piece of fur to magnetize the needle.
  • A cork washer. Cut a washer from an old cork to use as a base for the compass.
  • A container with water. By floating the compass in the water, you will allow the magnetized needle to align with the Earth's magnetic field.
Make a Magnet Step 10
Make a Magnet Step 10

Step 2. Magnetize the needle

Rub the needle into the magnet, nail or fur creating a small electric current. Always rub in the same direction, at least 50 times.

Make a Magnet Step 11Bullet1
Make a Magnet Step 11Bullet1

Step 3. Thread the needle into the cork washer

Thread it horizontally, so that the needle goes through it on one side and comes out on the other. Push the needle until the two ends of the needle, the same length, protrude out of the cap.

  • If the needle you are using is too large to fit into the cap, simply place it on top of it.
  • If you don't have a cork, use another lightweight object that floats, such as a leaf.
Make a Magnet Step 12
Make a Magnet Step 12

Step 4. Float the magnet

Place the magnetized needle on the surface of the water. See how it moves to align with the Earth's magnetic field from north to south. If it doesn't move, remove the needle from the cap, rub it 75 times on the magnetizer and try again.


  • If you drop the paper clip, it probably won't work and you'll have to start over.
  • Try to attract a small enough metal object to the magnet.
  • The longer you rub the paper clip on the magnet, the longer it will remain magnetized.
  • Be careful to always rub in the same direction.