Bricks have always been used to build walls, but they can also become decorative elements. Historically, bricks are made from clay and baked in an oven. But that's not the only way to make bricks: another technique, popular with DIY enthusiasts, involves the use of concrete. You can learn too, by following a few simple steps.
Method 1 of 2: The concrete bricks

Step 1. Build the mold needed to pour the concrete
This step requires basic carpenter's tools and a 19mm sheet of plywood and two 5x10cm joists, 2,40m long. The bricks will have a size of 22x10x9cm.
- Cut the plywood sheet into strips 30.5cm wide and 1.20m long. This way you can make 8 bricks per strip, and the whole plywood sheet will allow you to make 64 bricks at a time.
- Cut the 5x10cm joists into two parts of 1.20m and then make 9 pieces of 23cm.

Step 2. Assemble the mold with the two long beams placed in parallel
Nail the 23cm long pieces together using nails or screws. Once finished, you will have 8 spaces of the size of 5x9x23cm.
- Lay the plywood strips on the ground and spread a plastic sheet to keep the concrete from sticking. The work area should not be touched for at least 24 hours.
- Place the mold on the plastic-covered plywood. Nail them together to prevent the mold from moving.

Step 3. Use a non-stick spray to help you remove the mold later
Method 2 of 2: Knead and pour the concrete into the mold

Step 1. Knead the concrete and pour it into the mold
This is the hardest part of the whole process. The simplest thing is to use ready-made cement, usually sold in 25kg bags. Use a wheelbarrow to knead.

Step 2. Empty a bag of ready-made concrete into the wheelbarrow
Make a hole with a shovel or trowel in the middle.
- Start adding a small amount of water. Better to use a bucket to better control the quantity.
- Mix the cement and water with a shovel or trowel until the mixture has the right consistency. If it is too wet it will escape from under the mold, if it is too dry it will not compact well and will leave air pockets in the brick.

Step 3. Pour the concrete into the mold with the shovel
- Tap the edges of the mold after filling it to release the air bubbles from the concrete.
- Use a level or trowel to smooth the surface of the concrete and let it dry for 24 hours.

Step 4. Remove the bricks from the mold the next day
Keep them cool and let them dry for another 2 weeks. Keep them covered with a sheet of fabric that you will wet and cover with another plastic sheet. This will prevent the bricks from cracking during drying. After 2 weeks you will be able to use them.

Step 5. Finished
- Keep the mold aside to reuse it in the future.
- The natural color of the concrete is gray, but you can change the color by adding dyes to the mix.
- If you don't want to build the mold, there are different plastic shapes on the market. They are available in many different shapes and sizes.