The Nyan Cat, meme of a cat with the body of a Pop-Tart that flies and leaves a rainbow behind, is super easy to draw and will brighten your day. Just follow the instructions in this article.
Draw Nyan Cat Step 01
Step 1. Draw a rectangle with rounded edges
Draw Nyan Cat Step 02
Step 2. Draw a second, slightly smaller rectangle inside the first one
Draw Nyan Cat Step 03
Step 3. Erase the part of the rectangle on the far right and draw a cat's head
Draw Nyan Cat Step 04
Step 4. Draw a tail on the other end
Draw Nyan Cat Step 05
Step 5. Draw two paws under the cat's head
Draw Nyan Cat Step 06
Step 6. Draw two paws on the bottom left
Draw Nyan Cat Step 07
Step 7. Draw a rainbow by extending it from the left side of the rectangle
Draw Nyan Cat Step 08
Step 8. Draw circles distributing them evenly in the rectangle
Draw Nyan Cat Step 09
Step 9. Add other details to the image, such as stars and a background that recalls space
Draw Nyan Cat Step 10
Step 10. Color it
If you fail to draw it the first time, give it another try and express your creativity even more: for example, change the colors of the rainbow, make the cat assume different expressions, transform it into another animal and so on.
The Nyan cat has a song of its own: try listening to it while you draw it.
By using different types of stars, the final result will be more realistic.
If you forget the order of the colors of the rainbow, you risk getting a sloppy result. The order should be as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo.
Many people - besides artists - want to draw, but often there seems to be no inspiration. You find yourself sitting and bored in front of a piece of paper while wondering where to start… If you've ever found yourself in this situation, read this simple guide to drawing a masterpiece even without having any idea!
Drawing a cat is easy. Follow this tutorial to draw a cartoon cat or a realistic cat. Steps Method 1 of 4: Draw a Cartoon Cat Step 1. Make a sketch for the head and body Use a head hoop. In the center, draw a vertical and a horizontal line that intersect.
Do you love cats, especially Pusheen? This kitty is a cartoon character developed by Claire Belton and Andrew Duff for the "Everyday Cute" website. If you want to learn how to draw it, follow the instructions in this article which will guide you through all the steps necessary to outline the various elements until you realize that you have made the whole cat.
Drawing anime and chibi characters can be a lot of fun, especially if it's a cat girl. In this article you will find a quick tutorial for drawing a cat girl's face. Steps Step 1. Draw some guidelines Draw a circle to create the head.
The cat's face is highly appreciated by all lovers of the species - it is well proportioned, mustachioed and seductive. Drawing your cat's face will be a unique experience, but not unrepeatable. You will discover, in fact, the desire to always want to do better and to represent it in a different way every time.