How to Draw Nyan Cat: 10 Steps

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How to Draw Nyan Cat: 10 Steps
How to Draw Nyan Cat: 10 Steps

The Nyan Cat, meme of a cat with the body of a Pop-Tart that flies and leaves a rainbow behind, is super easy to draw and will brighten your day. Just follow the instructions in this article.


Draw Nyan Cat Step 01
Draw Nyan Cat Step 01

Step 1. Draw a rectangle with rounded edges

Draw Nyan Cat Step 02
Draw Nyan Cat Step 02

Step 2. Draw a second, slightly smaller rectangle inside the first one

Draw Nyan Cat Step 03
Draw Nyan Cat Step 03

Step 3. Erase the part of the rectangle on the far right and draw a cat's head

Draw Nyan Cat Step 04
Draw Nyan Cat Step 04

Step 4. Draw a tail on the other end

Draw Nyan Cat Step 05
Draw Nyan Cat Step 05

Step 5. Draw two paws under the cat's head

Draw Nyan Cat Step 06
Draw Nyan Cat Step 06

Step 6. Draw two paws on the bottom left

Draw Nyan Cat Step 07
Draw Nyan Cat Step 07

Step 7. Draw a rainbow by extending it from the left side of the rectangle

Draw Nyan Cat Step 08
Draw Nyan Cat Step 08

Step 8. Draw circles distributing them evenly in the rectangle

Draw Nyan Cat Step 09
Draw Nyan Cat Step 09

Step 9. Add other details to the image, such as stars and a background that recalls space

Draw Nyan Cat Step 10
Draw Nyan Cat Step 10

Step 10. Color it


  • If you fail to draw it the first time, give it another try and express your creativity even more: for example, change the colors of the rainbow, make the cat assume different expressions, transform it into another animal and so on.
  • The Nyan cat has a song of its own: try listening to it while you draw it.
  • By using different types of stars, the final result will be more realistic.
  • If you forget the order of the colors of the rainbow, you risk getting a sloppy result. The order should be as follows: red, orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo.
