Skin rashes that affect the face have various causes, including the use of detergents, the application of creams, the consumption of foods, exposure to certain substances, or the intake of medicines within 24-48 hours prior to the onset of the rash. They generally heal on their own within 1-2 days. If the rash is acute or does not show any improvement, then you need to go to a doctor to treat it. If it has recently appeared and you want to try to get rid of it yourself, you can give it a try with some home remedies.
Method 1 of 3: Soothe the Skin

Step 1. Make a cold pack
Applying a cold compress to the face can help relieve itching and rash. To make a compress, soak a clean cotton towel in cold tap water until it is soaked well, then squeeze it and put it on your face. If the rash affects a particular area, fold it and apply it to the affected area.
- Repeat this process as needed throughout the day.
- Do not share the towel with anyone, as it is possible that the rash is contagious.
- The heat can exacerbate the rash and irritation. Always use cold water, which is effective for fighting inflammation.

Step 2. Rinse with cold water to relieve the rash
Adjust the faucet handle to make sure the water is cold, but not icy. At this point, lean over the sink closing your eyes and spray it on your face 3-4 times. Blot it with a clean towel.
- Repeat the process as needed throughout the day.
- You can also use a dab of a mild cleanser to remove makeup or other products that you fear caused the rash. Pay special attention to any cosmetics you have recently started using.
- Do not rub or exfoliate your face, otherwise you risk extending and sharpening the rash.

Step 3. Avoid wearing makeup and using other products for a few days
To figure out if the rash was caused by a particular cosmetic, stop using makeup, creams, lotions, serums, and other chemicals until it heals completely.
For a few days, wash your face using a mild cleanser or plain water. Do not apply moisturizers or other products after washing

Step 4. Try not to touch or scratch your face, otherwise you risk worsening the rash and increasing the chances of infecting other people if it is contagious
Keep your hands away from your face and don't rub or irritate your skin with other objects.
Method 2 of 3: Using Natural Remedies

Step 1. Use a few drops of hemp seed oil
It is effective for relieving itching and moisturizing rashes accompanied by dryness. Pour a few drops on your fingertips and massage it on your face. Repeat the treatment twice a day. Do this after washing your face.
- To make sure you don't have any allergic reactions (which would only exacerbate the rash), test hemp seed oil on the inside of your elbow before applying it to your face.
- Make sure you wash your hands after touching your face to avoid extending the rash.

Step 2. Apply aloe vera gel, which has antibacterial properties and helps soothe rashes
Try applying a veil on your face and let it dry. Repeat this process a couple of times a day.
Remember to wash your hands after applying the aloe vera gel

Step 3. Use colloidal oats
It is effective for soothing body rashes, but also those affecting the face. This product is available in pharmacies.
- Pour a couple of tablespoons of colloidal oats into a bowl of warm water, then soak a clean cotton towel in the solution.
- Gently pat your face with the soaked towel.
- Leave the solution on for a few minutes, then rinse it off with warm water.
- Repeat this process several times a day until completely healed.

Step 4. Make a herbal compress
Some plants have soothing properties that help get rid of rashes. How to use them? Make a tea and use it instead of water to make a cold compress.
- Measure a teaspoon of hydraste, calendula, and echinacea.
- Place the herbs in a cup and pour boiling water over them. Leave them to infuse for about 5 minutes, then strain them.
- Let the water cool to room temperature or put it in the refrigerator for about an hour.
- Soak a clean cotton towel in the solution, squeeze out any excess liquid and leave it on your face for about 5-10 minutes.
- Repeat this process twice a day.
- If natural remedies make the situation worse, stop using them. Sometimes using too many products only exacerbates the rash.

Step 5. Use a witch hazel skin toner, followed by a coconut oil moisturizing lotion
Dip a cotton ball in witch hazel. Then rub it on your face. By doing this you apply witch hazel to your skin, which gives it a calming effect. After applying the witch hazel, rub some coconut oil on your face to rehydrate the skin. This should also relieve the discomfort.
- You can buy witch hazel on its own or a toner based on this substance.
- You can find coconut oil alongside other types of oil in the supermarket. Prefer the unrefined, extra virgin one.
Method 3 of 3: See a Dermatologist

Step 1. If the rash is associated with severe symptoms, see a dermatologist immediately
In some cases it can be symptomatic of an allergic reaction that requires prompt medical attention. Call an ambulance if it is accompanied by:
- Shortness of breath or difficulty in breathing.
- Lump in the throat and / or difficulty swallowing.
- Swollen face.
- Purplish skin, similar in color to bruises.
- Urticaria.

Step 2. See a doctor if the rash does not go away within 2 days
Healing often happens on its own, but if this doesn't happen within a few days, then go to the doctor, as it is possible that the rash is due to a condition that needs treatment.
- If you are currently taking a certain medicine or have recently started taking it, call your doctor right away. It is possible that the rash is a side effect of the drug. Do not stop using it, unless you are told otherwise by the specialist or symptoms of a certain severity occur (in which case you should go to the emergency room immediately).
- Remember that there are different types of rashes and causes. Your doctor can help you determine the reasons that caused the rash, identifying the most effective treatment and preventing it from happening again in the future.

Step 3. Learn about the use of hydrocortisone creams
This product is available without a prescription and helps relieve rashes on the face. However, you shouldn't apply it without first consulting a dermatologist, as the skin on the face is particularly sensitive.
Cortisone creams have different concentrations and are recommended for short-term use because they can thin the skin surface

Step 4. Take an antihistamine, which is effective for treating rashes caused by allergies
Before taking it, check with your doctor to find out if it is right for you. In case the rash is causing itching, consider one of the following antihistamines:
- Fexofenadine
- Loratadine
- Diphenhydramine
- Cetirizine dihydrochloride

Step 5. Apply antibiotic cream
Some types of rashes are accompanied by pus-filled, pimple-like pustules that can become infected. In this case you can use an antibacterial cream for local application. But first consult a dermatologist. Also make sure you read and follow the instructions on the leaflet.
- If the infection is acute, the dermatologist may prescribe a locally applied antibiotic cream based on mupirocin.
- Remember that there are no topically applied creams or ointments designed for viral eruptions, which often heal on their own.
- Fungal rashes can also be treated with topically applied creams containing clotrimazole. A dermatologist will help you figure out if the rash you are suffering from was caused by pathogenic fungi.