How to get rid of a rash caused by hair removal cream

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How to get rid of a rash caused by hair removal cream
How to get rid of a rash caused by hair removal cream

Depilatory cream is a very popular product for removing unwanted hair, since it is easy to use and allows you to remove hair from areas that are difficult to reach with the razor, in addition to the fact that the result is longer lasting than shaving. The depilatory cream uses the action of chemicals to remove hair and unfortunately these substances often irritate the skin to the point of causing a rash (dermatitis). Read on to learn what to do if your skin experiences adverse reactions to the hair removal cream and how to prevent future breakouts.


Part 1 of 3: Treating the Rash Immediately

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 1
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 1

Step 1. Remove the cream as soon as you notice a reaction on the skin

A certain tingling sensation is normal, but if you start to feel stinging on your skin you need to wash off the cream immediately. In some packages of these products there is a spatula to remove the cream, use it or take a soft cloth.

Do not rub the skin and do not use any abrasive or rough elements (such as an exfoliating glove or a vegetable sponge) to remove the cream. You don't have to scratch yourself or irritate your skin further

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 2
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 2

Step 2. Run cold water over the area for at least 10 minutes

The best thing is to go in the shower so that you have a steady stream of water running over your rashes. Make sure you get rid of any residual lotion on your body.

  • Do not use soap or any cleansing product to clean the areas of the body that you have rinsed.
  • When finished, gently pat the skin.
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 3
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 3

Step 3. Go to the emergency room if you experience dizziness, a severe burning sensation, numbness, or if you have open lesions oozing fluid around the hair follicles

In this case, you may have a chemical burn that requires medical treatment.

If the rash is on the face, around the eyes or genitals, see your doctor for prompt treatment

Part 2 of 3: Soothe the Skin Reaction

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 4
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 4

Step 1. Apply a moisturizer to the rashes

Some moisturizing lotions consist mostly of water and their frequent use can even make the situation worse because it removes the protective sebum layer from the skin. For this reason, you should use a cream or lotion that is based on natural oils.

  • Aloe vera is able to soothe and moisturize skin that has breakouts. You can buy a gel or extract the sap directly from the plant.
  • Make sure the product you decide to use is gentle, with no fragrances or added ingredients that could irritate the already aching skin even more.
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 5
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 5

Step 2. Apply hydrocortisone cream to reduce swelling, redness and itching

Hydrocortisone is a moderate corticosteroid and can take away the discomfort of rashes during the healing period. This drug can only be taken for a short period of time, unless directed otherwise by your doctor.

  • Discontinue use immediately if you experience further irritation, redness, or acne develops in areas where you have applied hydrocortisone.
  • Leave a damp cotton fabric on the area where you applied the steroid cream to help the skin absorb the active ingredient faster.
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 6
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 6

Step 3. Take antihistamines to manage itching

You can take over-the-counter antihistamines that may or may not make you sleepy. To protect itself from infection, the body releases histamines, which however cause itching (they are the same responsible for runny nose when you have an allergic reaction). Antihistamines suppress the side effects caused by histamines, freeing you from itching.

  • If the itchiness does not make you sleep at night, you can take antihistamines that include drowsiness as a side effect (which is often indicated; drugs that expressly state that they do not make you drowsy are rare).
  • Since antihistamines often cause fatigue as well (sometimes even those that don't make you sleepy have this side effect), be sure not to take them if you have to drive or perform activities that require special attention and concentration.
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 7
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 7

Step 4. If the rash does not go away after a few days or does not respond to treatments, see your doctor

If you start experiencing other side effects, such as hives, fever, or symptoms already worsening, go to the emergency room immediately.

Part 3 of 3: Avoiding Worsening of the Rash

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 8
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 8

Step 1. Do not scratch or touch the affected area

You could irritate and damage your skin even more, even causing some infection, because you may still have traces of hair removal cream under your nails.

  • Wear loose-fitting, comfortable clothing that does not create friction on the skin rash causing abrasions.
  • If you use a cloth to remove the cream, don't rub too hard and don't wipe the fabric too many times over the same spot.
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 9
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 9

Step 2. Don't put soap on the rash when you shower

The situation would get worse.

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 10
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 10

Step 3. Do not shave and do not reapply the cream for at least 72 hours after putting on the depilatory product

You must wait at least 24 hours before putting deodorant, perfume, make-up or sunscreen on the area treated with the hair removal cream. These products can cause further breakouts or potential chemical burns.

Also wait 24 hours before going to the pool or sunbathing

Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 11
Get Rid of a Rash from Nair Step 11

Step 4. Use baby wet wipes instead of toilet paper

If the rash is present in the bikini area, choose wipes that are fragrance-free and that contain aloe vera instead of toilet paper.
