Skin rashes can occur for a wide variety of reasons. Although in most cases they are not serious, it is important to learn how to treat the most common ones to keep yourself and your family healthy. Learn how to diagnose the most common rashes and treat them at home.
Part 1 of 3: Diagnosing Skin Rashes

Step 1. Examine the spread and location of the rash
Some outbreaks can begin to occur for a variety of reasons, but in most cases they are easily cured. Treating a particular rash depends on the cause. First take a look at how it is distributed. Where is it located? When did it appear?
- If it is found in different places on the body or has spread all over the place, it is more likely that it is an allergy to something you have ingested, such as a drug or food.
- If it's just under your clothes, it could be an allergic reaction to the fabric you're wearing or the heat. Usually, if it occurs in the form of scattered pimples, the cause is environmental.
- If it is accompanied by other symptoms, such as fever, nausea, chills, or pain, see a doctor. It is likely that the source of the rash is an infection and that this rash indicates a food allergy that needs to be treated with medication.

Step 2. Look for the rash
The color and texture can tell you more about the possible cause and that way you will be able to identify the most effective treatment. Try not to touch the vent while looking at it, avoiding scratching or poking it. Rinse it with warm water and mild soap, then dry it thoroughly.
- If your skin is red, itchy, and turns white when you press it, it could be an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis caused by some local irritation.
- If it looks odd, scaly, or smelly, it's likely a fungal infection.
- If the rash develops evenly from a single red bump, it is likely an insect bite.
- If the rash is swollen, has a yellowish color with a red base and is very painful to touch, then it is infected and should be referred for medical attention.

Step 3. Try to establish the cause
All rashes are caused by something. To treat them effectively, you need to try to determine their etiology. Therefore, ask yourself the following questions to try to narrow down the causes:
- Have you come into contact with fabrics, chemicals, or animals that may have caused a skin rash? Is the rash located in an area of the body where sweating is particularly important? If over the course of the day it seems to worsen when it comes into contact with clothes or when you sweat, it is likely caused by some irritating element in the surrounding environment, such as a fabric or product. Have you recently changed your soap, fabric softener or have you used a new personal hygiene product? This could be the cause.
- Have you eaten anything unusual lately that may have caused an allergic reaction? Have you used a new cosmetic, a new cream or a new medicine? Some medications, whether over-the-counter or prescription, can also cause skin rashes. If the problem is accompanied by other symptoms, such as swelling, difficulty breathing, or nausea, it could be a symptom of an allergic reaction that needs to be treated immediately.
- Does the rash appear to disappear and reappear without an explanation or any warning sign? Some skin rashes can be caused by genetic autoimmune diseases. Although they can be treated with over-the-counter medications, you need to see a doctor to know how to act on the cause.

Step 4. See your doctor
Go to your doctor's office for any unusual rashes or rashes that don't heal quickly. Often, they are difficult to diagnose and very similar to each other, for these reasons it is difficult to treat them at home. If a rash, treated locally, does not heal within two weeks, you should see your doctor.
Skin rashes can be caused by various autoimmune disorders and simple stress. If they are extremely painful or do not heal within approximately one week of taking over-the-counter medications, they should be referred for medical attention
Part 2 of 3: Treating Skin Rashes

Step 1. Choose a treatment appropriate to the cause
There are two main types of therapeutic approach that must be used based on the underlying cause of the irritation. As always, consult a doctor if you are unsure, so that you can follow a more appropriate method of treatment.
- Allergic reactions are the most common cause of skin rashes and should be treated with antihistamines or corticosteroid treatments, topically or by mouth. Look for a local use product that contains diphenhydramine. Corticosteroids with a 1.5% to 1% hydrocortisone concentration can be used to treat allergies twice a day for up to two weeks.
- Athlete's foot and other fungal infections must be treated with antifungal drugs. To definitively solve this kind of problems, it is possible to use pharmacological products that contain miconazole or clotrimazole every day, up to 3 months.

Step 2. Apply a thin layer of another topical medication
There are many over-the-counter medicines on the market, such as creams, ointments, and lotions, which are specially made to treat skin rashes.
- Ointments are fatter and take longer to absorb. They are mainly used when the skin is very dry.
- The creams are absorbed faster, but are equally moisturizing. They should be used on more delicate areas, where the skin is thin, such as where it folds, in the groin and on the face.
- Lotions are less moisturizing and absorb faster than other products. People often prefer to use them on the face because they are less fat.

Step 3. Make sure the affected area is not exposed to the risk of irritation
If you suspect that you are allergic to a perfume, body powder, soap, shower gel, or other product, try choosing a hypoallergenic brand. If the irritation is due to contact with some tight fabric or clothing, try changing clothes more often and keep your skin dry.
If a baby has diaper rash, allow him to go without it for a while. Change it often and apply a rash cream. It will form a waterproof layer between the skin and the diaper

Step 4. Wash the affected area regularly with mild soap and warm water
It is important to keep the area affected by the rash clean and dry. Use a mild, mild soap with some warm water to clean the rash. Do not immerse it, but gently wash the area and let it dry quickly.
- Keep your skin dry. If your skin is too sensitive to towel-rub, pat it gently and let it air dry. In most cases, if you have the patience to follow a grooming and cleaning routine, the rashes are not dangerous and heal quickly.
- Wear loose fitting clothing to make sure the rash doesn't cause new irritation.

Step 5. Don't scratch yourself
Of course, these rashes are itchy, but try not to scratch them, otherwise secondary infections could arise in place of a simple rash. Use your fingertips only if necessary, but remember that scratching usually increases itching. To get better, you should be distracted.
It is important to wear loose clothing made from natural fibers and to make sure that the skin can breathe. Do not cover up rashes unless directed to do so by a doctor
Part 3 of 3: Resorting to Home Remedies

Step 1. Use a cold pack to control pain
If the rash causes severe itching and burning, it may be very helpful to use a cool towel to control the discomfort. Just take a clean cloth or paper towel and dip it into very cold water. Place it on the irritated area to cool the skin. Let the area dry thoroughly before repeating the treatment.
If you use ice, don't leave it for more than 10-15 minutes. If the application takes too long and the skin becomes numb to burning or irritation, there is a risk of chilblains. Therefore, be very careful when using ice

Step 2. Apply olive oil to the rash
Extra virgin olive oil acts as a moisturizer, as it helps relieve dry or itchy skin. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamin E, making it an excellent and natural remedy for itching.
- Turmeric powder has anti-inflammatory properties and is sometimes added to olive oil to be used as a skin treatment.
- Coconut oil, castor oil, and cod liver oil are commonly used as skin treatments.

Step 3. Apply baking soda
Some people like to use baking soda mixed with a little oil, such as coconut or olive oil, to create an itch conditioner. Baking soda helps dry out the skin, sometimes helping to relieve the burning and itching associated with rashes.
If you try this method, rinse the rash area after a few minutes and keep it clean and dry. Sometimes dry skin is one of the ideal conditions for numerous exanthematous problems, such as eczema, and therefore leaving the baking soda for too long, you run the risk of making the situation worse

Step 4. Apply the oats
Baths and oat packs are commonly used remedies to combat rashes caused by heat, contact with poisonous plants, chicken pox and other types of mild rashes. In these cases, oats provide relief to the skin and help keep the itching associated with the rash at bay. To make an oatmeal remedy: