Dandruff is a fairly common scalp disorder and is characterized by flaky skin. It is caused by several factors, including too dry or excessively oily skin, inflammation (dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis), fungal infections, and too much or too little use of hair products (shampoo, hairspray, gel). It is not contagious and rarely leads to serious health problems, but it can be uncomfortable and embarrassing. Although it is sometimes difficult to diagnose the causes and cure it, it is much easier to control the formation of skin flakes with special shampoos and some home remedies.
Part 1 of 2: Using Medical Treatments

Step 1. Use a zinc pyrithione shampoo
It is an antibacterial and antifungal agent that reduces the infections of the scalp potentially responsible for dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis. Malassezia fungus is also believed to sometimes cause dandruff in some people. You can then buy this shampoo, instead of the regular one, at major supermarkets or pharmacies.
- The main cause of dandruff is seborrheic dermatitis, which usually affects the scalp, ears, face, upper chest, and central area of the chest and back.
- This disorder causes itching and reddish patches of skin (scales) that flake off like dandruff.
- You can find zinc pyrithione shampoo from different brands; do a careful search on the supermarket shelves or ask your trusted pharmacist.

Step 2. Try a coal tar shampoo
This substance slows the decay process of the epithelial cells of the scalp - essentially, it prevents cell death and the formation of scaly patches; fewer scales equals less dandruff. The main disadvantage of such a shampoo is the bad smell and a painful irritation, in case it gets into the eyes.
- This tar is actually a byproduct of coal processing and is considered effective in preventing dandruff caused by seborrheic dermatitis, eczema and psoriasis.
- Remember that eczema is characterized by itching and reddish patches, while psoriasis causes raised patches covered with silver scales.
- Again, you can find different brands of tar shampoo; just check the shelves of hair products carefully or ask your pharmacist.

Step 3. Consider using a selenium sulfide shampoo
This is another substance that slows down the aging and turnover process of scalp cells, thereby reducing the formation of scales and dandruff. Unlike coal tar, this substance also has antifungal properties and is believed to be able to fight the Malassezia fungus. For this reason it is a bit more versatile as it can treat a greater range of scalp problems. The main downside to using this dandruff shampoo is that it can discolor blonde, gray, or dyed hair.
- If you want to reduce the risk of discoloration of your hair, use it strictly following the directions on the package - do not leave it on your hair for too long and rinse it thoroughly.
- Some brands that sell selenium sulfide based shampoos are L'Oréal, Sensun Blu, and Ducray.

Step 4. Look for a shampoo that contains salicylic acid
This active ingredient (the same present in Aspirin) is also able to reduce scales and eliminate dandruff, because it can soften dead skin, exfoliate the scalp and soothe inflammation. The main contraindication of this substance is that excessive use can dry out the skin, consequently forming dandruff and thus making the treatment counterproductive.
- To minimize the dehydrating effects of salicylic acid, use a conditioner after applying the shampoo.
- Among the best known brands that also sell this type of shampoo are L'Oréal, Eucerin and Garnier.
- Some of these shampoos may also contain sulfide. Keep in mind that such products can have a stronger smell and make your hair stink.

Step 5. If other shampoos aren't effective, try ketoconazole-containing shampoos
It is a very potent broad-spectrum antifungal compound, effective against many types of fungi and yeasts. It is usually recommended or advised when others, such as those described so far, do not work; it is basically a treatment to be used as a last resort. You can find it on sale in pharmacies and it tends to be more expensive than other anti-dandruff shampoos.
- Unlike most other products, ketoconazole shampoos usually need to be applied a maximum of 2 times a week.
- Among the most popular ones you find in pharmacies are Triatop and Nizoral.

Step 6. Contact your doctor for a prescription for stronger shampoos and creams
Although over-the-counter dandruff shampoos are generally effective, stronger products may need to be used for "difficult" cases. These shampoos do not actually contain any substances other than those mentioned so far, but they are more concentrated, making the active ingredient more effective; however, there is no scientific evidence to show that prescription shampoos are better than common over-the-counter products.
- Ketoconazole is an ingredient often used in prescription shampoos.
- Your doctor may examine your scalp to determine the cause of the dandruff and may refer you to a skin specialist (dermatologist) for a more precise diagnosis.
- If your dandruff is caused by an inflammatory problem, such as psoriasis or eczema, your dermatologist may recommend and prescribe a corticosteroid lotion or cream. Betamethasone is the most common steroid used to treat dandruff and is the active ingredient in several products, such as Diprosone and Gentalyn Beta. These drugs are available in different concentrations, based on the area of the body for which they are intended (for example, the scalp can tolerate a higher concentration of steroid than the face or neck); you must therefore make sure you find the right one for your needs.
Part 2 of 2: Using Natural Home Remedies

Step 1. Shampoo with tea tree oil
It is an antiseptic substance extracted from an Australian tree that has been used for centuries for its antibiotic and antifungal properties. If the dandruff is caused by some type of infection, this shampoo or other products can be very effective; rub it into your scalp (making sure it doesn't get into your eyes), let it sit for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly.
- Tea tree oil is known to cause allergic reactions in some people. Then do a test by rubbing a small amount on the back of your hand; if the skin does not show adverse reactions, you can go ahead and use it on the scalp.
- If the test shows that the product is too aggressive for you, try replacing it with green or black tea (both are astringent and contain antioxidants). Boil a few leaves in water and let the tea cool before using it to rinse your scalp.

Step 2. Consider other oil-based treatments
Dandruff can be caused by too dry skin; in this case, the problem can be solved by using coconut oil, olive oil or baby oil. When in the shower, massage your scalp with an oil and let it sit for 5-10 minutes; at the end, rinse your head with water and a mild shampoo to remove all traces of greasiness. The oil has a moisturizing effect and makes the hair softer; coconut is an excellent antibacterial that can kill bacteria and fungi.
- Consider massaging the oil and leaving it on your head overnight; wear a bathing cap to avoid staining the pillow.
- Do not perform this treatment if you are concerned that dandruff is caused by too much sebum.

Step 3. Soften your hair with natural yogurt
Yogurt with no added sugar acts as an excellent emollient for the skin in general; therefore consider using it for your scalp if it itches and / or is inflamed. The live bacteria present in yogurt and its alkaline nature can improve the health of the skin and fight any irritation, not to mention that this food makes the hair softer and more voluminous. Rub it into your scalp after washing your hair; leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing and washing your hair again with a little shampoo.
- Avoid yogurts that contain sugar, flavorings or fruit; instead try the Greek one, which tends to be denser and more natural.
- True Greek yogurt contains strains of "good" bacteria called probiotics; by applying them to the skin you can reduce redness, itching and irritation.

Step 4. Spend more time in the sun
Sunlight is important for fighting dandruff because it can stimulate the production of vitamin D and ultraviolet (UV) rays can kill microorganisms such as fungi and bacteria. But be careful not to overdo it, because excessive exposure to the sun can cause more flaking.
- Start spending a little more time outdoors every day, without covering your head.
- Don't be too exposed to the sun, though, as too much UV light can cause damage to the epidermis (scalp) and increase the risk of skin cancer.
- When outdoors, apply sunscreen to your face and body to reduce the harmful effects of ultraviolet light.

Step 5. Change the power supply
Dry scalp can be the result of a low intake of important nutrients, such as vitamin B, zinc and healthy fatty acids. A nutritional deficiency is increasingly common in Western countries and can be related to various skin problems and other diseases.
- Foods particularly rich in zinc include oysters, seafood, red meat, poultry, eggs, pork, dairy products, and the main edible seeds.
- Foods high in vitamin B include clams, oysters, mussels, liver, fish, beef, cheese, and eggs.
- Fatty acids are found in fish oil, flax seeds and many varieties of dried fruit.
- In addition to vitamins and minerals, it is also important to drink an adequate amount of water. Dry, flaky skin is a fairly common symptom of dehydration; Aim to drink at least 8 8-ounce glasses of water each day.
- You can use most dandruff shampoos every day or every other day, although stronger ones need to follow the directions on the package as they often need to be applied differently.
- Make sure you keep the shampoo on your hair only for the time indicated; Most manufacturers recommend a 5 minute waiting time before rinsing, but for some detergents (such as those containing selenium sulphide) a shorter time is sufficient.
- When you start getting results with dandruff shampoo, use it only 2-3 times a week, until the dandruff is completely gone. at this point, discontinue use and see if the problem returns.
- Use a few hair styling products, such as gels, mousses, and hairspray, as they can make your scalp dry or greasy when they build up.
- Other factors that can be responsible for dandruff include chronic stress, poor hygiene and climatic conditions (an environment that is too hot and humid or too cold and dry).