How to Naturally Heal Dental Caries

How to Naturally Heal Dental Caries
How to Naturally Heal Dental Caries

Table of contents:


The teeth are made up of a hard, multi-layered tissue inserted into the gums. When dentin (the second layer of the tooth as well as the outermost one) and dental enamel are attacked by caries, caused by the proliferation of bacteria, a cavity begins to form. Most dentists agree that the only way to remedy this is to fill the tooth by filling the cavity. Nonetheless, there is a lot of evidence supporting the possibility of treating tooth decay through home remedies, including the acquisition of healthier eating habits. It is also important to emphasize that proper oral hygiene can greatly contribute to the prevention of caries formation.


Part 1 of 3: Treating Caries the Natural Way

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 2

Step 1. Get more vitamin D

Widely known for its bone health benefits, vitamin D improves calcium metabolism and induces the production of cathelicidin, an antimicrobial peptide that attacks bacteria known to cause tooth decay.

Vitamin D is fat-soluble and difficult to assimilate through food, although oily fish such as salmon, tuna and mackerel are an excellent source. The best thing to do is to expose yourself to the sun, but since it is not possible to metabolize vitamin D using a sunscreen, it is good to limit the exposure time to a maximum of 15-30 minutes at a time. During the winter months, when sun exposure can be very difficult, vitamin D supplements can be taken

Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 3
Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 3

Step 2. Eat more foods that contain vitamin K2.

Similar to Vitamin K, Vitamin K.2 it is a natural compound essential for the development of the bones of the skull, including the teeth. Since modern Western diets are generally lacking in it, consciously increasing your intake will help you heal tooth decay naturally. Vitamin K2 it is commonly found in fermented foods and foods of animal origin, including:

  • Animal entrails (especially of crabs and lobsters)
  • Purebred liver oil
  • Bone marrow
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 4

Step 3. Try Fermented Cod Liver Oil, which is a great source of fatty vitamins

Some studies suggest that one of the reasons for the appearance of caries is a lack of fatty vitamins (vitamins A, D and K) in the contemporary diet. The fact that this fish oil is fermented, rather than distilled, means that it is still rich in vitamins A and D, both of which are essential for remineralizing teeth.

  • If the idea of taking fermented cod liver oil doesn't appeal to you, you can increase your vitamin A intake through your diet by consuming large amounts of chicken liver, goat cheese, or whole milk. If so, note that to match just one teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil, you will need 60g of chicken liver, 500g of goat cheese and 8 liters of milk.
  • Similarly, you can get more vitamin D by eating lots of salmon, eggs, and, as before, drinking lots of whole milk. To equal the amount of vitamin D contained in one teaspoon of fermented cod liver oil, you'll need to take 540 g of salmon, 5 dozen eggs, and 80 liters of whole milk.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 5

Step 4. Eat foods rich in calcium

Calcium helps strengthen your teeth, so get more. The simplest way is to increase the quantities of dairy products: milk, cheese, yogurt. Calcium contributes to the remineralization of the teeth.

Try to eat cheese. Cheese stimulates the production of saliva, which in turn helps restore minerals in the tooth enamel and remove food particles

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 6

Step 5. Use a remineralizing toothpaste

The advice is to choose a fluoride-free toothpaste that favors the remineralization of the teeth, strengthening them. Note that these toothpastes tend to be more expensive than ordinary ones.

If you want to limit your spending, you can make your own remineralizing toothpaste. Blend 4 tablespoons of coconut oil, 2 tablespoons of baking soda, 1 tablespoon of xylitol (or 1/8 teaspoon of stevia), 20 drops of peppermint oil, and 20 drops of trace minerals (or calcium magnesium powder)

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 7

Step 6. Monitor the healing process

A decayed tooth is stained by acids and bacteria. The discoloration indicates the extent of the damage: the darker the color, the greater the severity of the caries. If you are trying to heal tooth decay naturally, monitor it for color variations.

  • The presence of pain is also important. If the discomfort seems to change from constant, throbbing pain to more occasional pain, or sensitivity to cold or hot foods, the tooth may be healing. If, on the other hand, the pain increases in intensity, consult your dentist.
  • Notice the effect of food. In the presence of a broken tooth, food tends to get trapped in the cavity. The resulting sensation is unpleasant and increases the sensitivity of the part, as well as slowing down the healing process.
  • Pay attention to any cavities or missing tooth parts. Depending on the extent of the original caries, the diseased tooth could weaken considerably. Keep this in mind if you are not planning to have a dental visit.

Part 2 of 3: Preventing Tooth Decay the Natural Way

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 8

Step 1. Brush your teeth regularly

You should use the toothbrush at least twice a day. Theoretically, teeth should be brushed 30 minutes after drinking or eating anything other than water. Hold the toothbrush at a 45 degree angle to the gums, then gently move it back and forth in short strokes. Make sure you brush the entire surface of your teeth carefully: internally, externally and on top.

  • Don't forget to brush your tongue too, as it can be an additional carrier of bacteria and food particles.
  • Choose a soft-bristled toothbrush. Too aggressive rubbing or the hardness of the bristles could damage the teeth. Also remember to replace it every 3-4 months.
  • Let the toothpaste work before rinsing off. Spit out the excess foam, but wait before rinsing your mouth with water. The aim is that the minerals contained in the toothpaste have time to be absorbed by the teeth.
  • If you have sensitive teeth, use toothpaste to help reduce gum inflammation.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 9

Step 2. Floss daily

Using about 50 cm of thread, wrap most of it around the middle finger of one hand and the rest around the middle finger of the other. Firmly grasp the thread between your thumb and forefinger. Gently guide the floss between ALL teeth, gently moving it back and forth. Make sure you curve it around the base of each tooth. After placing it between two teeth, move it up and down (gently) to rub them on all sides. When you're done with one tooth, unwind a new piece of floss, then move on.

If you are not sure you know how to use it at its best, carry out a targeted search on YouTube, there are several illustrative videos available, some of which are recommended by dental associations

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 10

Step 3. Use fluoride

Contained in toothpastes and mouthwashes, fluoride replaces hydroxyapatite (one of the calcium compounds) with fluorapatite, a substance resistant to demineralization caused by acids, therefore useful in preventing tooth decay. Fluoride toothpastes promote the strengthening of dental enamel. As an antimicrobial, capable of killing the oral bacteria responsible for caries, fluoride also helps keep them healthy.

  • Although some have expressed concerns about the use of fluoride, the 2007 "National Research Council" report indicated that it is an essential, safe and necessary mineral for healthy teeth and bones.
  • You can also use a toothpaste specially designed to replenish tooth enamel, such as REGENERATE Enamel Science ™ (usually containing fluoride). Note that if you decide to use a fluoride-free toothpaste, you may increase the risk of developing tooth decay.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 12

Step 4. Cut down on snacks and drinks

By munching or drinking frequently throughout the day, you are constantly putting your teeth at risk. Whenever you eat or drink anything (other than water), oral bacteria produce acids that break down tooth enamel.

If you want to snack, choose a healthy food, such as cheese, fruit, or yogurt. Avoid foods that are enemies of the teeth, such as sweets and chips

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 13

Step 5. Reduce your sugar and carbohydrate intake

The bacteria responsible for the formation of caries need nourishment, namely sugars and carbohydrates. They are able to turn food into acids, which weaken the teeth. Limit your intake of sugars and carbohydrates so that the bacteria have nothing to feed on. This means trying to avoid all packaged and processed foods, such as cookies, cakes, chips, crackers, etc.

  • You should also avoid sweet or carbonated drinks as they usually contain high amounts of added sugar. Also, carbonated drinks are very acidic, so they could damage your tooth enamel.
  • If you just can't resist the craving for something sweet, opt for honey, which has antibacterial properties. Alternatively, you can use stevia, a herb 200 times sweeter than sugar.
  • To satisfy the craving for grains, try fermented ones, such as bread made from sourdough, but only in moderate amounts.
  • On occasions when you are unable to give up sugar and carbohydrates, brush your teeth immediately to remove any residue that may stick to the tooth enamel, accelerating the formation of cavities.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 14

Step 6. Eat certain types of fruit that can be beneficial for dental health

Most fruit contains sugars that bacteria don't like, so enjoy apples, pears, peaches, etc. without any guilt. Fresh fruit, as well as vegetables, also stimulates the production of saliva, favoring the detachment of food residues from the teeth.

Try to moderate the quantities of citrus fruits as, due to their high acidity, over time, they can favor the decay of tooth enamel. Eat them as part of a meal (not alone), plus rinse your mouth as soon as you're done to get rid of any remaining particles

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 15

Step 7. Chew each bite carefully

Chewing stimulates the production of saliva, a natural antibacterial that also helps to detach food particles that adhere to the teeth. Saliva contains calcium and phosphate and can help neutralize the acids in food, also killing some bacteria.

Even acidic foods tend to increase the production of saliva, but given their high acidity, it is good to chew them for a long time to further increase the doses, protecting the mouth

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 16

Step 8. Consider reducing the amount of phytic acid you take

Some recommend limiting the intake of foods that contain it, for example legumes, based on the idea that phytic acid hinders the absorption of minerals. In fact, there is no scientific evidence to support this thesis, so it is perhaps only a story that is the fruit of popular imagination. Phytic acid fixes minerals, but some of them are eliminated through cooking, soaking legumes in water and the acidic environment of the stomach.

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 17

Step 9. Take a mineral supplement

If you're taking a multivitamin, make sure it also includes minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. both (especially calcium, the mineral of which teeth are mainly composed) are essential for having strong teeth. In general, a mineral supplement should contain:

  • A quantity of calcium that guarantees you a daily intake of at least 1,000 mg (men over 71 years of age and women over 51 years of age should take 1,200 mg).
  • A quantity of magnesium that guarantees you a daily intake of at least 300-400 mg. Children have different needs (40-80 mg of magnesium per day is recommended for children under the age of 3, 120 mg per day for those aged 3 to 6 years, and 170 mg for children under 10 years of age. per day). It is also good for children to use a multivitamin specially designed for them.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 18

Step 10. Get enough vitamin D

Vitamin D controls the balance of calcium and phosphate in teeth and bones. Foods that contain vitamin D are: oily fish (such as salmon, mackerel and tuna), soy milk, coconut milk and cow's milk, eggs and yogurt. Alternatively, you can meet your vitamin D needs by exposing yourself to the sun or through a supplement that can be purchased at a pharmacy or herbalist's shop.

Adults and children have a daily requirement of vitamin D of approximately 600 IU (International Units). Adults over the age of 70 should take 800 IU per day

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 19

Step 11. Drink lots of water

Water, especially water with added fluoride, is the best drink for dental health. In general, the advice is to drink about 8 glasses a day. Most of the public aqueducts dispense water supplemented with fluoride to help the population prevent dental caries. Drinking water also helps keep your body hydrated, allowing you to produce enough saliva. Last but not least, water promotes the removal of food particles from the mouth.

The topic of fluoridated water seems to be very controversial. It is not clear how much impact it actually has on dental health and some fear the possibility of side effects from prolonged intake and exposure

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 20

Step 12. Use natural herbs to prevent tooth decay

There are herbs with antibacterial properties that can be used to keep oral bacteria in check, preventing their proliferation. Some of the most effective include cloves, hydraste, Mahonia Aquifolium, and oregano. You can make concentrated herbal teas using any of these herbs, or dilute them to rinse your mouth.

  • To make herbal tea: Bring the water to a boil, then pour it into a bowl. Add two teaspoons of dried herbs to every half liter of water. Gently toss the herbs in the water, then cover the bowl. Wait for the water to cool completely, then pour it into a resealable bowl by filtering it through a colander (to retain the herbs). Store the herbal tea in the refrigerator for up to two to three weeks.
  • To perform oral rinses: Prepare an antibacterial mouthwash. In a glass, pour water and herbal tea in equal proportions. Use the mixture for rinsing: keep it in your mouth for 1-2 minutes, then wait 5 minutes before rinsing with water.

Part 3 of 3: When to Seek Medical Treatment

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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Consult your dentist

If you know or suspect that you have tooth decay (for example because you have pain or sensitivity in your teeth or have noticed stains on your enamel), the best thing to do is go to your dentist right away. There are a number of treatments that are very effective at stopping tooth decay and improving their health, and they are safer than home remedies.

  • Fillings are the most common form of treatment, in which part of the carious tooth is removed and the cavity "filled" with a suitable material, such as resin or porcelain.
  • Evidence in favor of natural treatments is extremely limited and out of date. The only study that suggests that a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, meat, milk and vitamin D can contribute to dental care dates back to 1932.
  • The best thing to do is to get the necessary care as soon as possible. The sooner the tooth decay is treated by a dentist, the more likely you are to be able to contain the damage. Also, if the caries is treated before you feel any pain, you will most likely not need advanced, and very expensive, treatments such as root devitalization.
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Heal Dental Cavities Naturally Step 11

Step 2. Get regular dental visits

Not later than every six months it is good to plan both a check-up by the dentist and a cleaning of the teeth performed by a dental hygienist. Of course, however, there are no fixed rules regarding the frequency necessary to keep the mouth healthy; For example, if you have dental cavities, your dentist may recommend that you have a checkup every four months.

  • Having regular visits can help prevent new cavities from forming. Your dentist may also identify some that you are not aware of and treat them before they become a more serious problem.
  • Follow your dentist's instructions on how to properly care for your teeth, based on their structure and composition.

Step 3. Contact your dentist urgently if symptoms are serious

Some dental problems require immediate treatment to prevent them from escalating further. If you need urgent care, contact a dentist immediately. You may need urgent medical attention if:

  • One of your teeth is broken, detached or misplaced.
  • You have symptoms of an oral or dental infection, such as swelling around the jaw, difficulty breathing, or sharp pain, especially if it is strong enough to keep you awake even if you take over-the-counter pain relievers.
  • Sudden sensitivity to sweets or hot or cold foods and drinks.


  • Remember that oral health is closely related to that of the rest of the body. Dental problems have been associated with a high risk of developing other diseases, including diabetes and heart disease.
  • The best thing to do is make a commitment to keep your teeth and mouth healthy to prevent cavities from forming. Stick to proper oral hygiene, also limiting sugary drinks and foods.
