How to Make Hips Smaller (with Pictures)

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How to Make Hips Smaller (with Pictures)
How to Make Hips Smaller (with Pictures)

When men and women gain weight, they can take on a "pear" shape, with excess fat accumulated in the thighs and hips. To reduce the size of your hips you will need to burn fat and strengthen your muscles. Follow these tips with faith and your hips will shrink in days or weeks.


Part 1 of 3: Burn the Fat

Make Hips Smaller Step 1
Make Hips Smaller Step 1

Step 1. Go for a run

Remember that you cannot burn fat locally, so if you have buildup on your hips and thighs, you need to burn fat all over your body. If you can do cardio exercises, running for 20-30 minutes at least 3 times a week is the best way to lose weight.

Make Hips Smaller Step 2
Make Hips Smaller Step 2

Step 2. Walk uphill, swim, or cycle for a slower impact workout

These workouts focus on the legs, but are easier on the joints. Increase training times from 30 to 45 minutes for these types of physical activity.

Make Hips Smaller Step 3
Make Hips Smaller Step 3

Step 3. Take the stairs

Taking the stairs requires a lot of work on the muscles of the hips, quadriceps and lower abdominals. Run up the stairs for 2-5 minutes and then do them normally for 5-10 minutes, 3 times a week.

Make Hips Smaller Step 4
Make Hips Smaller Step 4

Step 4. Jump rope

Again, if your back and joints are okay and you can do high-impact exercises, jumping rope for 5-10 minutes can burn you an extra 500 calories a week. Alternate single jumps with double jumps.

Part 2 of 3: Strengthen Your Hips

Make Hips Smaller Step 5
Make Hips Smaller Step 5

Step 1. Do a series of "hip bridge" exercises

Wear sports clothes and trainers, and get a mat. Lie on your back, bend your knees and keep your feet apart, at hip height.

  • Keep your spine relaxed. Contract your stomach muscles.
  • Slowly raise your hips until you have achieved a horizontal position, from the shoulders to the knees.
  • Hold for 3 seconds and then slowly lower yourself.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.
  • Maintain the position of the last repetition. Lower your hips by about 2.5 cm and then go back upwards. Do it for a minute. Then, go back to the ground.
Make Hips Smaller Step 6
Make Hips Smaller Step 6

Step 2. Do squats

Stand with your feet perpendicular to your hips. Contract your abs and put your weight on your heels.

  • Lower yourself as if you were sitting in a low chair.
  • Keep your knees behind your toes. Do this exercise in front of a mirror in profile to check your posture.
  • Pause for 3 seconds when you have reached the maximum point where you can bend over.
  • Push on your heels and return to a standing position.
  • Repeat 10-20 times.
Make Hips Smaller Step 7
Make Hips Smaller Step 7

Step 3. Make bows

The bow is a different version of a single-leg squat. Requires more hips work.

  • Stand with your feet at hip height.
  • Put your right foot behind your left foot, as if bowing to a ruler.
  • Bend both knees and bend over. Try to lower your right leg to the ground as much as possible.
  • Contract your muscles to keep your back straight. Don't lean forward.
  • Repeat 10-20 bows on each side.
Make Hips Smaller Step 8
Make Hips Smaller Step 8

Step 4. Take side steps

Find a small, circular-shaped gym band. Put it at knee height.

  • The elastic must exert resistance when you take the side steps.
  • Take a step to the right as wide as possible.
  • Slowly, join the left leg with the right.
  • Take side steps to the right for about 3 meters.
  • Then take lateral steps towards the other direction, in order to train the left leg.
  • Repeat for about 6-12 meters in each direction.
Make Hips Smaller Step 9
Make Hips Smaller Step 9

Step 5. Repeat these exercises every other day

Do them all together and then take a day off.

Part 3 of 3: Specific Exercises for Hips

Make Hips Smaller Step 10
Make Hips Smaller Step 10

Step 1. Do the lateral Pilates series the same day you do the resistance exercises

This series allows you to isolate the right and left flank, but also the adductor and abductor muscles on the inside and outside of the thigh.

Make Hips Smaller Step 11
Make Hips Smaller Step 11

Step 2. Lie on your left side in the mat

Your body must be straight and perpendicular. Then, lift your legs and take them to the other side.

A sheer position will reduce the load from your lower back while your muscles are tense

Make Hips Smaller Step 12
Make Hips Smaller Step 12

Step 3. Bend your right foot

Fold it up to hip height and stop. Slowly, lower it.

  • Repeat 20 times.
  • Place your hand in front of your body for added stability.
  • Keep your hips on top of each other during this series of exercises.
Make Hips Smaller Step 13
Make Hips Smaller Step 13

Step 4. Move your hips back and forth

Choose movements that allow you to keep your hips together and your stomach contracted. Repeat 20 times.

Make Hips Smaller Step 14
Make Hips Smaller Step 14

Step 5. Lift your right leg as high as possible

Then raise the left one to join the right. Lower your left leg to the ground. Repeat 20 times.

Make Hips Smaller Step 15
Make Hips Smaller Step 15

Step 6. Bend your knees so they are level with your hips on the ground

Raise your right knee, keeping your ankles together. Repeat 20 times.

Make Hips Smaller Step 16
Make Hips Smaller Step 16

Step 7. Repeat this exercise higher

Lift your feet off the ground, but keep your knees on the ground. Lift your right knee while keeping your feet up and then lower it back down.

Repeat 20 times

Make Hips Smaller Step 17
Make Hips Smaller Step 17

Step 8. Position yourself in the baby position (balasana in yoga, or fetal position)

Then turn around and repeat the series on the other side.


  • Follow the exercises for the hips and do some stretching.
  • Stretch the outside of your hips following the figure four position, where you bend your right calf over your left thigh and pull your left leg towards you. Stay in position for 30 seconds and switch sides.
  • The flexion stretch is done like this: Get into the starting runner position and put your arms inside your legs, near your ankles. Stand still for 30 seconds and switch sides.
