4 Ways to Eat an Ugli

Table of contents:

4 Ways to Eat an Ugli
4 Ways to Eat an Ugli

Uli is a fruit rich in vitamin C and fiber, which contains less than 40 calories per serving, and makes a great snack for anyone on a low-calorie diet. While it looks unappetizing from abroad, the inside is filled with a sweet, flavorful pulp. These fruits can be eaten raw and on their own, or you can add them to other dishes.


Method 1 of 4: Part One: Select and Prepare Ugli

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 1
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 1

Step 1. Learn where and when to look

Ugli are only available from December to April, and you may need to go to a specialist shop to find them.

  • Ugli is actually another name for the Jamaican tangelo. It was discovered in Giamaca and has become a major export of the nation since 1914.
  • Although the fruit is imported all over the world, its supply is quite limited, which can cause it to be expensive. On average, it costs two to three times more than a grapefruit.
  • Check the stores in your area that import many products from foreign countries. You won't find ugli in most traditional supermarkets, and you will almost never find them in market stalls.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 2
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 2

Step 2. Choose a fruit that looks heavy for its size

You cannot determine the ripeness of an ugli based on its color. Instead, you should look for fruits that look heavy for their size and yield slightly when you press the tip of your thumb into the stalk part.

  • This fruit is not very beautiful on the outside. The peel is yellow-green with orange notes, and is thicker near the petiole. It looks a bit like a tangerine, but has larger pores and a more lumpy appearance.
  • Don't worry about any surface marks, uneven coloration, or peel that peels up. None of these characteristics are an indication of the quality of the fruit.
  • Most ugli are quite large, but smaller ones have a tendency to be sweeter and tastier. The diameter can vary from 10 to 15 cm.
  • If you notice any soft or brown spots on the fruit, press them gently with your thumb. If your thumb gets into the pulp, the fruit is spoiled.
  • The fruit should yield slightly, particularly in the flower part, but it should not be spongy.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 3
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 3

Step 3. Store the fruit at room temperature

You should eat an ugli within 5 days of purchase if you store it at room temperature. If you keep it in the fridge, however, you can also keep it for two weeks.

  • The fruit should not be stored in a container.
  • Check the fruit every day to make sure it hasn't spoiled. Look for soft spots, and press on those spots with your thumb to see if the peel breaks. If this happens, the fruit may already be overripe and partially rotten.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 4
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 4

Step 4. Wash the fruit before using it

Rinse it under cold running water and dry it with clean paper towels. Even if you won't eat the peel, you will touch it when you eat the fruit, so cleaning the peels and hands is still important.

Method 2 of 4: Part Two: Eating Ugli Alone

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 5
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 5

Step 1. Eat the ugli with a spoon

Cut them in half, loosen the pulp and eat it directly from the peel with a spoon.

  • When you open the ui, the inside should be similar to that of an orange, but the fruit should look slightly fresher.
  • Unlike grapefruit, ugli is already sweet enough and does not need added sugar. If you add some sugar, you may find it too sweet.
  • You can enjoy an ugli this way as a simple breakfast.
  • If you want to use the fruit for a light but exotic lunch or dessert, you can cut it in half and sprinkle it with some sherry or kirsch before enjoying it.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 6
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 6

Step 2. Peel and separate the slices

Remove the skin of the ugli and separate the slices, as you would a tangerine. You can eat the slices one by one.

  • The skin is thick but loose and soft, so you should be able to peel it off with your fingers.
  • You will rarely find seeds, so you won't have to worry about this aspect.
  • The slices of the fruit are easy to separate, and again you should be able to do this with your fingers.
  • Enjoy the fruit this way as a snack or side dish for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

Method 3 of 4: Part Three: Using Ugli in Dishes

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 7
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 7

Step 1. Use the ugli in cold dishes

Like many citrus fruits, ugli are very suitable for cold dishes such as salads.

  • For a simple salad, use a variety of green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce, endive, lamb's lettuce, and spinach. Consider adding complementary fruits, such as strawberries, or other flavors such as almonds, cheese, or granola. Avoid adding too many flavors though, because they will risk clashing with that of the ugli.

    As for the dressing, choose a light or flavorful vinaigrette

  • For a simple fruit salad, combine ugli with other tropical or complementary fruits, such as mangoes, pineapples, strawberries, or grapes. Avoid adding other sour citrus fruits, such as tangerines, as their flavors are too similar.
  • In addition to using ugli in cold dishes, you can also use them as a garnish for some desserts, such as cheesecakes.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 8
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 8

Step 2. Substitute the ugli for oranges or grapefruits

The taste of ugli is similar to that of these two citrus fruits, and its structure is also similar, and for this it can be used successfully as a substitute.

  • In fact, as a type of tangelo, ugli is in fact a hybrid of grapefruit and mandarin.
  • The flavor is more like that of an orange than that of a grapefruit, but has a sour note that orange lacks. Typically, these fruits are very juicy and sweet.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 9
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 9

Step 3. Make a jam

You can use the peel and juice of the ugli to make a jam, just like you would an orange.

Combine minced ugli with 180ml white sugar and 1 tablespoon ugli peel in a saucepan. Boil the ingredients over high heat, stirring often, and cook for 7-10 minutes. By the time you're done, the jam should have lost its watery consistency and should become shiny and thick

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 10
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 10

Step 4. Add the slices at the end of cooking

If you use the ugli in a cooked dish, such as a deep fry, you should add the slices at the end of cooking to avoid breaking them.

  • Slices are great for frying with a sweet sauce and sweet vegetables, such as peppers. Cook all the ingredients first and then add the slices in the last 5 minutes, mixing them gently and keeping them on the fire just enough to heat them without breaking them.
  • You could also use the slices as a garnish for a roast duck, ham, or other meats prepared with a tropical or citrus glaze. Let the ugli rest at room temperature before using them as a garnish, or garnish the meat with the fruit and return it to the oven for another 5 minutes to reheat.

Method 4 of 4: Part Four: Using Ugli in Drinks

Eat Ugli Fruit Step 11
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 11

Step 1. Make ugli juice

You can mix freshly squeezed ugli juice with water and sugar to make a lemonade-like drink.

  • Make a simple syrup by mixing 125ml of white sugar with 125ml of water and heating the solution in a small saucepan over medium heat.
  • When the sugar dissolves, put the syrup in a jug and add 250 ml of freshly squeezed ugli juice to the solution.
  • Pour 750 - 1000ml of cold water into the pitcher and mix well to combine all the ingredients. Let it cool until ready to serve.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 12
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 12

Step 2. Prepare a '' hot toddy ''

Mix the ugli juice with rum and a sweetener. Heat it all up for a strong, sweet and comforting drink.

  • Squeeze the juice from two ugli using a juicer. Put the juice in a pot along with 60 ml of dark rum and a tablespoon of honey. Heat over medium heat until the honey is melted.
  • To serve, remove the drink from the heat, sprinkle some cinnamon (if desired) and pour it into two clean cups.
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 13
Eat Ugli Fruit Step 13

Step 3. Make a smoothie

When mixed with sugar, ice, and other fruits or juices, ugli can be made into a flavorful, tangy fruit smoothie.

  • Peel and slice an ugli, then peel and slice a banana. Put them in a blender with 60ml of pineapple juice, 60ml of milk and two tablespoons of sugar or honey. Blend everything until smooth, add 8 ice cubes and blend again to crush the ice.

    This will be enough for about 4 servings, which should be drunk right away

  • You can also experiment with your own variations. Any flavors that you could pair with citrus fruits will do, such as strawberries, mangoes, or other tropical or citrus fruits.