3 Ways to Use Banana Peels

3 Ways to Use Banana Peels
3 Ways to Use Banana Peels

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Regardless of your intentions, whether it's trying to reduce waste or avoid throwing away a portion of the nutrient-rich banana, you can learn how to use the peel of this fruit in many different ways. Banana peel has a high content of fiber, vitamins (B and C), potassium and magnesium, so it is great for enriching the diet. If the idea of eating it doesn't appeal to you, you can use it for skin care or take advantage of its properties in the garden, to make the soil richer.


Method 1 of 3: Using Banana Peels in the Kitchen

Use Banana Peels Step 5
Use Banana Peels Step 5

Step 1. Make an herbal tea with banana peel to promote sleep

Bananas are naturally rich in melatonin, a hormone that regulates the sleep cycle. To relax before bed, put a banana peel in a saucepan and cover it with water. Bring the water to a boil, then reduce the heat and let it simmer for 10 minutes. When the tea is ready, remove the banana peel from the saucepan using the kitchen tongs and pour the infusion into the cup.

  • You can leave a small portion of the pulp attached to the peel to make the tea sweeter and more pleasant.
  • Adjust the heat so that the water simmers gently during the brewing period.

Step 2. Use the banana peel to soften the roast

If you want to prevent the meat from drying out as it cooks, spread some banana peels in the pan and place the roast on top. Bake it in the oven until tender and flavorful. When cooked, the skins will have softened and you can eat them with the meat or throw them away.

During cooking, the banana peels will release their moisture, which will be absorbed by the meat, so the roast will remain soft

Use Banana Peels Step 1
Use Banana Peels Step 1

Step 3. Incorporate the banana peel into a smoothie

If you want to take advantage of all the nutrients contained in the banana peel, blend it with the fruit. Banana peel is almost tasteless, so it won't affect the taste of the smoothie. Follow your favorite recipe and add the banana peel to the other ingredients on the list. Keep blending until you can no longer make out the peel pieces inside the smoothie.

For example, you can incorporate the peel into a smoothie made with strawberries, berries or peanut butter and bananas

Step 4. Cook the banana peel in a pan or oven to increase your fiber intake

Banana peel can also be eaten raw, but cooked it is easier to digest. Cut it into bite-sized pieces and add it to the vegetables when you stir-fry them. If you prefer, you can add it to oven-cooked or grilled vegetables.


it is better to use the peel of a ripe banana because it is sweeter and thinner.

Step 5. Try the recipe for pickled or candied banana peels

Cut them into small pieces (2-3 cm) and follow the same recipe you use for pickling vegetables. Wait a few days before eating them. If you prefer sweet flavors, cut them and put them in a pot with the sugar syrup, then let them simmer until soft. At that point, arrange them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and let them cool so that they harden.

  • Store the candied banana peels in an airtight container.
  • Pickled banana peels should be stored in the refrigerator.
Use Banana Peels Step 4
Use Banana Peels Step 4

Step 6. Use banana peels to flavor the vinegar

You can use them to make a slightly fruity vinegar that you can dress your salad with. Put 450 g of peels in a large glass jar, then add 65 g of sugar and 120 ml of vinegar. Fill the jar with water, seal it and mix the contents once a day for a week. Let the vinegar ferment for another 7 days before straining it to remove the skins.

Let the vinegar ferment for another 4 weeks if you want it to develop an even more intense taste

Method 2 of 3: Use Banana Peels for Skin Care

Step 1. Relieve itching by rubbing the peel of a banana on the irritated skin

This folk remedy is especially useful for relieving itching caused by contact with poison ivy. Gently rub the banana peel into your skin and repeat the application as often as needed.

This remedy is also effective in relieving itching caused by insect bites

Step 2. Use banana peel to make skin radiant

Rub the inside of the peel all over your face. Keep scrubbing until the peel turns brown. The banana peel gently exfoliates the skin and leaves a light sheen that acts as a beauty mask. Leave it on for 30 minutes, then rinse your face and apply your usual moisturizer.


More research is needed to investigate the effects of banana peel on the skin, but many people confirm that it has a cooling effect.

Step 3. Use banana peel to reduce acne and skin blemishes

While there are still no scientific studies that confirm the validity of this method, you can try to rub the inner side of the skin on the areas of the face affected by acne or on the spots. Dry the patina left by the peel on the skin. Rinse your face after about 5 minutes.

Banana peel has antibacterial properties that can help you reduce acne

Use Banana Peels Step 10
Use Banana Peels Step 10

Step 4. Use banana peel to reduce puffiness under the eyes

If you have tired and swollen eyes, cut two pieces of peel 5 cm long. Place them under your eyes with the inner side facing your face and let the beneficial substances act for 5 minutes, then rinse your face.

Place the banana peel in the refrigerator for 30 minutes before applying it to the skin for a cooling effect

Method 3 of 3: Using Banana Peels for Plants and Animals

Step 1. Use banana peels to make an inexpensive, natural fertilizer for houseplants

Put the peel in a glass jar and add a liter of water. Cover the jar without sealing it and store it at room temperature. After 2 days, remove the banana peel from the jar. At this point the fertilizer is ready and you can use it to feed the houseplants in a completely natural way. Pour a small amount directly into the soil or transfer it to a spray bottle and spray it at the base of the plant.

Since houseplants are sensitive to changes in the soil, keep them monitored after using fertilizer. Stop using it if they start to wilt or lose their leaves

Did you know that?

This fertilizer is rich in nutrients, such as potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Use Banana Peels Step 12
Use Banana Peels Step 12

Step 2. Put the banana peels in the compost bin

Banana peels can be added directly to compost, but it can take several months for them to decompose. If you want to speed up the time, cut them into small pieces, bearing in mind that the smaller the pieces are, the more the decomposition process accelerates. Once cut, add them to the compost.

Cutting the peels into small pieces before adding them to the compost will prevent them from attracting insects

Use Banana Peels Step 13
Use Banana Peels Step 13

Step 3. Dry the skins, grind them and feed them to the animals

If you raise chickens, pigs, rabbits or other poultry, you can use banana peels as a supplement to meet their nutrient needs. Leave them to dry to make the animals digest them easier. When they are dry and crumbly, grind them to a fine powder and add it regularly to their meal.

Some animals, such as cattle and pigs, like banana peels that are still green cut into pieces, so try feeding them in a variety of ways

Use Banana Peels Step 14
Use Banana Peels Step 14

Step 4. Bury the banana peels in the garden to keep insects away

Cut them into pieces about 1 cm in size and bury them in the ground about 3 to 5 cm deep. This will keep away the aphids and, consequently, the ants as well.

Do not bury the peels whole or they will keep insects away, but they will attract rodents


  • Many people argue that rubbing banana peel on your teeth makes them whiter, but there is no solid evidence to support this.
  • If you intend to eat the peel of bananas, choose them from organic farming, to avoid ingesting pesticides and other chemicals that are dangerous to health.
  • Do not rub the banana peel on the leaves of the houseplants to avoid attracting insects.
