How to Cook New Potatoes in the Oven: 13 Steps

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How to Cook New Potatoes in the Oven: 13 Steps
How to Cook New Potatoes in the Oven: 13 Steps

New potatoes, sometimes also called early potatoes, are perfect for preparing a practical and tasty dish for lunch or dinner. You can quickly create a tasty side dish in the oven or microwave by seasoning them with just a drizzle of olive oil, salt and pepper. Add fresh or dried herbs, lemon juice or garlic to make this kitchen classic a little more sophisticated.


  • 700 g of new potatoes
  • 30 ml of olive oil
  • Half a teaspoon of salt
  • Half a teaspoon of pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of each of the following spices: dried rosemary, sage and / or oregano (optional)
  • 20ml fresh lemon juice (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of mint or fresh parsley (optional)
  • 2 cloves of garlic (optional)


Part 1 of 2: Season the Potatoes

Bake Small Potatoes Step 1
Bake Small Potatoes Step 1

Step 1. Wash the potatoes and cut them in half

Wash them thoroughly with cold water. Use a wet vegetable brush or dish sponge to gently scrub and clean them if the peel continues to get dirty after washing. Blot them with a clean cloth before cutting them in half.

Bake Small Potatoes Step 2
Bake Small Potatoes Step 2

Step 2. Mix the potatoes with the olive oil in a large bowl

Place the washed and halved potatoes in a large bowl, then pour in 30 ml of olive oil. Mix well and make sure you coat the potatoes evenly with the oil.

Step 3. Season with salt and pepper

Add at least ½ teaspoon of salt and ½ teaspoon of pepper, but you can use larger amounts of these seasonings if you wish. Gently mix the potatoes.

Step 4. Add dried rosemary, sage and / or oregano to flavor them even more

These aromatic herbs go well with roasted potatoes. Smell them before pouring them into the bowl if you've never used them before. Add at least 1 teaspoon of each selected herb.

Step 5. Incorporate cayenne pepper, chili powder and / or chillies to add pungent notes to the dish

These spices are great for those who love spicy.

Step 6. Add garlic and / or lemon juice to flavor the potatoes even more

Garlic lovers can incorporate coarsely chopped cloves. Add some lemon juice to give the potatoes a slight tart note. Mix them well to evenly distribute the various aromas.

You can use bottled lemon juice, but fresh lemon juice can substantially improve the flavor of the dish. Be sure to strain the seeds before pouring the juice over the potatoes

Part 2 of 2: Roasting the Baked Potatoes

Bake Small Potatoes Step 7
Bake Small Potatoes Step 7

Step 1. Preheat the oven to 200 ° C

If your oven does not have a preheat function that warns you when the right temperature has been reached, read the manual to find out if it indicates it by means of an internal thermometer. If not, bake the potatoes after seasoning, but consider that they may take a little longer to roast.

Step 2. Spread the potatoes evenly on a 33 x 23 cm baking sheet

In theory, it is good to use a raised pan on the edges, as it helps to mix the potatoes faster without dropping them. However, a flat pan can also work, the important thing is to be careful when mixing.

Don't worry if the pan isn't exactly 33 x 23 cm, but make sure it's large enough to allow you to evenly distribute the potatoes on the bottom leaving some space between them. This will prevent them from boiling over and becoming soggy

Step 3. Place the pan in the oven and cook for 20 minutes

Place the pan in the center of the rack, where it will receive heat evenly.

Step 4. Gently stir the potatoes into the pan

Once the timer has gone off, take it out of the oven using an oven mitt or pot holder. Gently flip the potatoes with a spatula to cook evenly on both sides. Be careful not to push them towards the edges of the pan and make sure they are evenly distributed.

Bake Small Potatoes Step 11
Bake Small Potatoes Step 11

Step 5. Bake the potatoes for another 20 minutes or until soft

When cooked, you should be able to skewer them with a fork without putting up any resistance. The peel should become slightly puckered and golden, and you should be able to smell a strong smell.

Step 6. Let the potatoes cool for 5 minutes

Remove from the oven, turn off the oven and place the pan on a cooling rack. Let them rest for 5 minutes before removing them from the pan.

Bake Small Potatoes Step 13
Bake Small Potatoes Step 13

Step 7. Serve and garnish

Once cooled, you can coarsely chop some parsley or fresh mint to garnish the potatoes to intensify the flavor. You could also add a drizzle of olive oil if they seem dry.
