If you have recently studied Spanish, the words "mom" and "dad" will be among the first you will learn. The most used term for "dad" in Spanish is dad. You can also use the word "father", which is more formal. In many Spanish-speaking countries, these terms are also used in slang as a term of endearment to refer to a male person with whom you are in a romantic relationship.
Method 1 of 3: Say Dad

Step 1. Learn the word dad
As you can see, this term is very similar to the Italian "papa". Just consider this small difference: at the time of writing it, the accent placed on the second syllable is acute rather than grave.
- The pronunciation is the same as that of Italian, so it does not present any difficulty.
- Never forget the accent. In fact, in Spanish there is also the word papa, which however means "potato". If you make a mistake, a native Spanish speaker will still be able to understand you thanks to the context, but it's always best to express yourself correctly.

Step 2. Use the definite article él with the word dad
Being a masculine noun (as in Italian), it must be preceded by a masculine article, ie él ("the") or un ("a").
For example, you could say Ha de ser el papá de Pedro, which means "He must be Pedro's dad"

Step 3. Learn to use the word dad to refer to an older man
In some Spanish-speaking countries it is considered appropriate to use the term dad to refer to an elderly person, despite having no family relationship. This custom is particularly widespread in Central America.
In general, try to avoid this unless you hear the word spoken by the locals. In any case, even in this case it is good to ask for clarification on this before using it
Method 2 of 3: Say Father

Step 1. Learn to use the word "father"
The pronunciation is identical to Italian and the meaning is the same. This word is also used to refer to a religious leader, especially within the Catholic Church.
Adults generally use the word father to refer to their male parent. Some people continue to use dad even in adulthood, especially in Latin America

Step 2. Accompany the word father with the definite article él
Just like dad, father is a masculine noun and therefore requires masculine articles. When you use the term father as a title, for example to refer to a founder or a religious leader, you should always accompany it with the definite article.
For example, to talk about the priest of a church you can use the expression el padre, which is also used by some native speakers to refer to their boss or the owner of a company

Step 3. Use the word father to refer to a stepfather
Here is an example: Juanjo es el padrastro de Tania, meaning "Juanjo is Tania's stepfather".
Method 3 of 3: Using Related Slang Terms

Step 1. Use the word papi to address your partner
In Latin America, especially in Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic, the term papi is a term of endearment for the slang language used to refer to one's partner or to a male individual considered attractive.
In Puerto Rico, papi is not only used in the context of a romantic relationship, it is also used between friends. When one man calls another pope, the noun takes on another meaning, namely "friend" or "brother"

Step 2. If you want to talk about an attractive man, use the expression papi chulo (pronunciation)
The word chulo means "cute" or "handsome", so the expression literally translates as "handsome daddy", but it can also mean "pimp". It is typically used to talk about a handsome guy or a man in whom you have a sentimental interest.
- This nickname is particularly popular in the Dominican Republic, where it happens often.
- Beware of using the word chulo in other countries, as it may be considered an insult.

Step 3. Try using the slang term papito, which literally means "daddy"
This slang word is also used to refer to your partner or a man you are flirting with. It can also be used to refer to one's father, but this use is generally limited to children.