In Spanish the word "anno" is called año and has several uses (pronunciation). It will probably be one of the first words you will learn and you can use it both to talk about the weather and to refer to someone's age (or something). The Spanish language also has other useful terms and expressions associated with the word "anno", which can be used in different contexts.
Method 1 of 1: Talk about Time

Step 1. Learn the word año
It literally means "year" in Spanish. In most contexts it is possible to use it just like in Italian, without particular differences. Being a generic term, you can use it as a synonym for more specific words if you can't think of the exact word.
The noun año is masculine, just like in Italian, so be sure to use the masculine form of all verbs, articles and adjectives associated with it. For example, if you mean "the year 2013", you would say el año 2013 ", using the masculine definite article.
Step 2.
Memorizes popular expressions containing the word año.
Just like Italian, Spanish has several expressions widely used to talk about events that recur periodically. Many of them contain the word año.

- For example, if you want to say that something happens annually, you would use the expression cada año, which literally means "every year".
- Este año instead means "this year", while todo el año "all year".
- There are also very common expressions that refer to holidays and other special occasions. For example, feliz año nuevo means "happy new year" and feliz cumpleaños "happy birthday".
Use the word años to talk about longer periods. In Italian it is generally possible to refer to a relatively indefinite period of time by using the term "years". You will probably also know other words that refer to long periods of time. In Spanish there are terms that have this same meaning.

For example, if you want to say that something goes on for years, you could use the expression tarda años, which literally means "it takes years". You could also use a more creative phrase, such as tarda una eternidad, meaning "it takes an eternity"
Use the word siglo to talk about an era or an era. In Italian it is possible to refer to a historical period using various terms, including "century", which in Spanish translates as siglo (pronunciation). Siglo can also be used to refer to long indefinite periods of time, in a hyperbolic sense

For example, you can use this word when you mean you haven't seen someone in years. While you can use the phrase hace años que no te veo ("I haven't seen you in years"), replacing años with siglos is just as good
Learn to refer to a specific year. If you have to talk about a particular date, it is important to first learn the numbers in Spanish, otherwise you will not be able to express yourself correctly.

- Think for example of the year 1986. In Spanish it translates as follows: mil novecientos ochenta y seis, which literally means "one thousand nine hundred and eighty-six". It is therefore important to learn to count in Spanish, so that you know how to refer to units, tens, hundreds and thousands.
- If you had to say "the year 1986", you would use the following expression: el año mil novecientos ochenta y seis.
Refer to Age
When talking about your age, use the expression "tener x años". Tener literally means "to have", so the construction of the sentence is very similar to Italian.
Say Year in Spanish Step 6 - For example, Tengo diez años literally means "I am 10 years old".
- Tener is an irregular verb and is conjugated in the following way: yo tengo, tú tienes, él / ella / usted tener, nosotros / nosotras tenemos, vosotros / vosotras tenéis, ellos / ellas / ustedes tienen.
To ask someone how old they are, use the phrase ¿Cuántos años tienes?, which literally means "How old are you?".
Say Year in Spanish Step 7 Here you can hear the pronunciation of the sentence
Learn the words associated with the various stages of a person's life. Just like Italian, Spanish has many words that refer to particular moments of existence. So you could talk about a certain period by referring to a specific year or use other expressions.
Say Year in Spanish Step 8 For example, if you want to talk about your childhood, you could use the expression en mis primeros años de vida (which literally means "in my first years of life"). You can also say en mi infancia ("during my childhood") or en mi juventud ("in my youth")
Use Related Words
To talk about an academic or school year, use the word curso (pronunciation).
Say Year in Spanish Step 9 - The noun curso is masculine. It literally means "course" in Italian and can have various meanings. In this case it refers to the academic or school year.
- For example, you could say El curso acaba en junio, meaning "The school year ends in June".
Describe an age group using the word generación (pronunciation). It has the same meaning as the Italian word "generation", but can sometimes have different meanings.
Say Year in Spanish Step 10 - Usually in an academic context the word generación is used to refer to a specific group of students, such as "the class of 2017". This group is a "generation" and includes all students who have completed their studies in a given year.
- For example, you could say El príncipe William y yo estuvimos en la misma generación en el Colegio Eton, which means "Prince William and I studied together at Eton College."
Use the word cosecha or vendimia to talk about wine. If you are a wine enthusiast, you have probably heard of good and bad vintages. To refer to these time intervals, the following terms are used in Spanish.
Say Year in Spanish Step 11 - The word cosecha (pronunciation) generally refers to the harvest of ripe fruit and can also be used to speak of wine, while vendimia (pronunciation) means "vintage" or "harvest" and is therefore a more specific term.
- For example, you could say El 1994 fue una buena vendimia or El 1994 fue una buena cosecha, which means "1994 was a good year".
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