The correct translation of the word "fun" in Spanish depends on the context in which it is used. This article offers the translation of several terms associated with the word (adjectives, nouns and verbs). Just like Italian, Spanish also has various related words and expressions that might better suit certain situations.
Method 1 of 3: Learning to Use the Words "Fun" and "Have Fun"

Step 1. The word "fun" can be translated as diverse
It is a feminine noun (la varión) that expresses an idea of fun and pleasure. Hear the pronunciation here. Remember that the accent falls on the last syllable.
For example, you could say Leo por diverseón, which means "I read for fun"

Step 2. To describe a funny thing or person, use the adjective divertido (masculine) or divertida (feminine)
This term is used to describe a funny person, place, thing or idea. To form the plural, add an "s" to the masculine or feminine.
- For example, you could say El museo es divertido, which means "The museum is fun".
- Listen to the pronunciation of divertido here and enjoy it here.
- If you want to use this adjective to describe a person, you could for example say: Él es muy divertido ("He is very funny").

Step 3. Learn to conjugate the verb divertir
Remember that this is an irregular verb in Spanish.
- Since it is an irregular verb, to conjugate it you have to change the root. Similarly to Italian, there is also the reflexive form, ie divertirse ("have fun"). If you use the reflexive verb, remember that the pronoun must be inserted before the conjugated verb, just like in Italian. Consequently, reflexive pronouns must also be learned. For example, you could say Nos divertimos en el parque, "We have fun in the park."
The present indicative of the verb divertirse is conjugated as follows:
- Me diverto (first person singular);
- Te diverts (second person singular);
- Se diverts (third person singular);
- Nos divertimos (first person plural);
- Os divertís (second person plural);
- Se diverten (third person plural).
Say Fun in Spanish Step 4 Step 4. If you want to invite someone to have fun, say 'Diviértete
This is the imperative of the verb to have fun. Hear the pronunciation here.
For example, if your friend Miguel tells you that he is going to go to a game, you might say: ¡Diviértete, Miguel
Method 2 of 3: Using Related Nouns
Say Fun in Spanish Step 5 Step 1. Learn to use the verb disfrutar (pronunciation) and the masculine noun disfrute (pronunciation).
Disfrutar literally means "to enjoy", while disfrute "enjoyment". They are used to refer to an experience that arouses happiness, pleasure or enjoyment.
For example, you could say Espero que disfrutes esta tarde celebrándolo con tus amigos, "I hope you have a nice afternoon celebrating with your friends."
Say Fun in Spanish Step 6 Step 2. To talk about a joyful experience, use the word alegría (pronunciation)
This feminine noun (la alegría) is commonly translated in the following ways: "joy", "cheerfulness" or "joyfulness". For example, you could say El event se celebra con alegría, that is, "The event is celebrated in joy".
Say Fun in Spanish Step 7 Step 3. To talk about entertainment, use the word entretenimiento (pronunciation)
This masculine noun (el entretenimiento) translates as "entertainment" or "attraction". For example, you could say Ella lee revistas de entretenimiento, or "She reads entertainment magazines".
Say Fun in Spanish Step 8 Step 4. Use the word broma (pronunciation) to talk about a joke
This feminine noun (broma) actually means "joke". For example, you might say Eso es una broma divertida, "This is a funny joke."
Say Fun in Spanish Step 9 Step 5. To talk about a mockery or joke, use the word prank (pronunciation)
This feminine noun (the joke) is used to describe a situation in which one person makes fun of another in a playful way. So use it in a light and lively moment.
For example, you could say Él disfruta de las burlas de sus amigos, meaning "He has fun with his friends' jokes."
Method 3 of 3: Using Related Adjectives and Verbs
Say Fun in Spanish Step 10 Step 1. Use the word entretenido to describe a funny thing
If you want to talk about a person or thing that you find pleasant and funny, this is the most appropriate adjective. Entretenido (pronunciation) is the masculine form, while entretenida (pronunciation) is the feminine one.
For example, you might say La novela es muy entretenida, "The novel is very pleasant."
Say Fun in Spanish Step 11 Step 2. If you want to say that a person or thing makes you laugh, use the word gracioso
This adjective is a synonym for "fun", but it can also be used to describe a hilarious experience. The masculine form is gracioso (pronunciation), while the feminine is graciosa (pronunciation).
For example, if a story makes you laugh, you could say El cuento es gracioso
Say Fun in Spanish Step 12 Step 3. To translate the verb "to mock", use burlarse
This verb is adequate to describe a situation in which one person mocks another. Burlarse (pronunciation) is a reflexive verb, so remember to insert the reflexive pronoun before conjugating it (being a regular verb, the standard conjugation rules apply).
- This verb also requires the use of the preposition de (pronunciation) to introduce the person being teased.
- For example, imagine a girl is making fun of her brother. You could say Ella se burla de su hermano, which means "She makes fun of her brother".
Say Fun in Spanish Step 13 Step 4. Use the verb reírse (pronunciation) to describe a situation where one person laughs at another
It can also be used to describe a situation in which a person makes fun of someone, but it is preferable to translate it as "laugh at" or "mock". Enter the preposition de to introduce the person being mocked. Also, consider that it is a reflexive verb, so the relevant reflexive pronoun must be added before the verb.
- Note that reírse is an irregular verb. For example, you could say Te ríes de tu hermana ("Laugh at your sister") or Me reí de tu chiste ("I laughed at your joke").
- The verb reír can also be used without any reflexive pronoun. In this case it simply means "laugh".
Say Fun in Spanish Step 14 Step 5. Use the verb bromear (pronunciation), which means "to joke"
When you talk jokingly or playfully with someone, this is the most suitable verb. When it comes to conjugating it, consider that it is regular and not reflexive.
For example, you could say Bromean conmigo, which means "They are joking with me"
Say Fun in Spanish Step 15 Step 6. When having fun or having a pleasant time, use the verb gozar
The verb gozar (pronunciation) can also be related to the concept of fun, as it can be used to talk about the action of feeling pleasure or enjoying something.
- Gozar is a regular verb, so it does not present particular difficulties in being conjugated. Just remember to insert the preposition de to introduce the object of enjoyment.
- For example, you could say Gozo de mis amigos, "I enjoy the company of my friends".