French is the language of romanticism; sounds and accents "flow" on the tongue, enveloping the words with a feeling of love. Even sad songs seem to be of love, for those who do not know French. Which sentence is the most appropriate to learn in this language, if not the one that allows you to say that someone is beautiful, just like French itself?
Method 1 of 2: Addressing a Woman
Step 1. Tell a woman that she is beautiful with the phrase:
"Tu es belle". This is the literal translation of "You are beautiful". The first part, "tu es", means "you are" and the word "belle" translates the adjective "beautiful".
"Tu es belle" is pronounced "Tu è bell"
Step 2. Use the formal expression, "Vous êtes belle", when speaking to a superior, older or important person
"Vous" is used in place of "you" and is used in a "formal" conversation. Although there are no strict rules to learn regarding the use of "vous", as a general line, adopt it in situations where, in Italian, you would use the "lei" as a courtesy.
- The pronunciation is "vùs et bell".
- Note that at the end of bell there is no "s", when you address only one person.
Step 3. To tell more women that they are beautiful, say the following sentence:
"Vous êtes belles". This is the plural form of the previous expression. Keep in mind that you can't just add an "s" to bell, but you must also put an "e" (bell - belles) and use the plural formula "you are" which translates as "Vous êtes".
Pronounce the phrase "vùs et bell"
Step 4. Learn the French synonyms for the word "beautiful"
If you want to enrich your romantic vocabulary, there are many terms that replace "belle". Experiment with the following and insert them in the sentence "Tu es _" or "Vous êtes _":
- Jolie: nice.
- Mignonne: pretty.
- Superb, splendid: wonderful.
- Séduisante: seductive.
- Une jolie femme: a beautiful woman.
- Tu es la plus belle fille que j'ai jamais vue: you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
Method 2 of 2: Addressing a Man
Step 1. Tell a man that he is beautiful by saying the sentence:
"Tu es beau". The masculine of the adjective is "beau". The meaning is exactly the same as "belle", but in this case the term was agreed upon for the male sex.
- The pronunciation of the sentence is: "tu è boh".
- "Beau" can also be translated as "comely".
Step 2. Use the formal expression "Vous êtes beau" when talking to a superior, an older person or an important person
"Vous" is used in place of "you" and is used in a "formal" conversation. Although there are no strict rules to learn regarding the use of "vous", as a general line, adopt it in situations where, in Italian, you would use the "lei" as a courtesy.
The pronunciation for this sentence is: "vùs et boh". The "s" of "êtes" is silent and cannot be heard
Step 3. If you want to tell more men that they are handsome, use the phrase:
"Vous êtes beaux". This is the plural version of the previous sentence. To make a word ending in "au" plural, you have to add an "x" at the end, so the word "beau" becomes "beaux". Remember that the subject and the verb must also be agreed in the plural, so you must say: "Vous êtes _".
The pronunciation for this sentence is: "vùs et boh". The "x" is silent
Step 4. Learn synonyms for "beautiful / comely" in the French language
If you want to enrich your romantic vocabulary, there are several terms to use in place of "beau". Try adding some of the examples given here in the sentences: "Tu es _" or "Vous êtes _":
- Joli: cute.
- Mignon: pretty.
- Superb, splendid: marvelous.
- Séduisant: seductive.
- A nice homme: a handsome man.
- Tu es le plus beau garçon que j'ai jamais vu: you are the most beautiful guy I've ever seen.