In Korean, the word beautiful is written like this 예쁜 and is pronounced "yeppeun." With a little practice, you will be able to pronounce this word exactly. Start by following the tutorial steps carefully.

Step 1. Learn the word "beautiful
" If you just want to say the word beautiful, without contextualizing it, here's what you need to know:
- It is pronounced yeppeun.
- Written in Hangul, the alphabet of the Korean language, it is 예쁜.

Step 2. Learn to say "You are beautiful
" This is generally a term used to refer to a loved one, such as a friend or family member. Addressing this word to a stranger could be considered rude.
- It is pronounced dangsin-eun yeppeoyo.
- Written in Hangul is 당신 은 예뻐요.
- Try emphasizing the consonant (ㅂ) (b / p). The double consonant ㅃ is as hard as the b in the word burro "bu"
- If you have a friend who knows Korean, try saying "You're beautiful" in Korean, and find out if he can understand you. If not, ask him to help you correct your pronunciation.
- Practice pronouncing Korean, as learning any other language will take time and effort.
- Korean pronunciation is different from that of any other language, so take the time to practice.