Email, live chat, web polls and social networks play a vital role in interacting with customers today, but the telephone remains the preferred means of communication in the business world. How many times have you happened to talk to someone on the phone and find them anything but professional? Make sure others don't say the same about you. Here's everything you need to know to handle calls professionally.
Part 1 of 3: Answering the Phone

Step 1. Keep a pen and paper close at hand
Record calls by noting the name of your interlocutor, the time they called and the reason. It is best to write this information on a pad with carbon paper. This way you will organize the calls received in a single block. When they are not for you, you can give a copy of the messages to the person concerned.

Step 2. Answer the phone after a few rings, as soon as possible
Nobody likes to wait. Responding quickly shows the caller (likely a customer) that your business is efficient. Plus, it lets him know that his phone call is important.

Step 3. Respond by saying your name and company name
Here is an example: "Thank you for calling Vernici & Cartongesso. Maria speaks to you". Similarly, if the caller does not give you information, ask them to identify themselves and where they are calling from, especially if the company has a strict policy on unwanted calls.

Step 4. Ask the right questions
Collect as much information as possible. This allows you to identify unwanted phone calls. Asking questions can be aggressive and intrusive, especially when asked several. In order not to sound pounding, control yourself by using a calm, moderate tone.
- Caller: "Can I speak to Marco?".
- Secretary: "Can you tell me your name?".
- Caller: "Tommaso".
- Secretary: "Where are you calling from?".
- Caller: "From Bologna".
- Secretary: "Can you tell me the name of your company?".
- Caller: "It's a personal phone call."
- Secretary: "Marco is waiting for your call?".
- Caller: "No".
- Secretary: "Okay. Let me see you check that you are available."

Step 5. Always assume that another person in your company is listening to the conversation
Firms that monitor incoming calls usually specify this with a pre-recorded initial message. Even if this is not the case, imagining that the company is listening to you can encourage you to use a professional tone. If they do monitor your calls, you may have the opportunity to listen to yourself again and make appropriate improvements.
Part 2 of 3: Transfer the Call

Step 1. Before putting someone on hold, ask them if they can wait and give them time to respond
Many companies have too long waiting times and this is a mistake. Nobody likes to wait, unless your business gets phone calls mostly from Zen masters. Furthermore, the perceived waiting time is often twice its true duration. Serving the customer as soon as possible can reduce the risk of losing their patience.

Step 2. Make sure the person concerned wants to answer the call
When the customer asks to speak to a certain person, explain that you need to check their availability before putting them on hold. Then, make sure the recipient is actually free and willing to talk to the customer. If not, be sure to let us leave a detailed message and write it down.

Step 3. Use grammar correctly
You have to express yourself clearly and precisely. Formulate sentences that are simple, positive (try to avoid negations as much as possible) and grammatically correct. In particular, pay attention to verbal conjugations (especially the subjunctive) and always define the subject of the sentence. Talk to your interlocutor, unless he asks you to do otherwise.

Step 4. Pay attention to your voice
The tone allows the customer to grasp your true intentions from the other end of the line. On the phone or in person, tone communicates much more than actual words. The key to talking on the phone professionally is to have a good disposition, as if you were in a good mood. Try to smile while doing this.
This trick made a big impression on the senior manager of a switchboard. This prompted him to place mirrors in every single switchboard operator station with the words: "Your image reflects what the customer hears on the phone"

Step 5. Whenever possible, use the name of your interlocutor
This gives the interaction a personal touch and shows that you pay attention. "I'm sorry, Giovanni, but Marco is not available at the moment. Can I do something to help you or would you like to leave me a message?".

Step 6. When you call someone, identify yourself first
For example, it is possible to say: "I am Maria Bianchi, I would like to speak with Luigi Rossi". In any case, don't be verbose. Go straight to the point without getting lost in unnecessary details.

Step 7. End the conversation professionally
In a cordial tone of voice, he says, "Thank you for calling. Have a good day."
Part 3 of 3: Dealing with Difficult Calls

Step 1. Show off your active listening skills
Don't argue or interrupt the customer, even if they are wrong or you can predict their words. Let him vent and take this weight off him. Listening carefully allows you to establish a positive atmosphere and can help calm the anger of your interlocutor.

Step 2. Lower your voice and speak in an even tone
If the client tightens up, start speaking more slowly, in a calm, firm voice. Maintaining an attitude (in open contrast to the agitated attitude of your interlocutor) can help to calm him down. Staying unperturbed even though the customer raises his voice because he is angry or annoyed can make him restrain himself.

Step 3. Try to build a positive mood by using empathy
Put yourself in the customer's shoes. Explain that you understand his dissatisfaction and complaints. Often a little solidarity is enough to calm him down. This technique consists in nodding verbally and allows the interlocutor to feel understood.

Step 4. Don't lose your temper and don't get angry
If the customer offends you or swears, breathe deeply and pretend you haven't heard. Responding in kind will not solve anything and could make the situation worse. Instead, remind him that you want to help and that you can actually do something to fix the problem - often such a statement has a calming power.

Step 5. Don't take it personally
Stick to the issue being discussed and don't make inappropriate comments, however disrespectful the customer is. Remember that he doesn't know you, so he's just taking out his frustrations on a company representative. Gently bring the conversation back to the relevant issue and how you intend to resolve it. Try ignoring personal comments.

Step 6. Remember that you are ultimately interacting with a human being
Everyone happens to have bad days. Maybe your interlocutor got into a fight with his wife, got a speeding ticket, or had a whole series of bad luck. These things have happened to pretty much everyone. Try to make his day better by keeping calm and imperturbable: this behavior will be good for you too.
- When talking on the phone, don't chew gum, don't eat or drink.
- Avoid using frequent interlayers, such as "ah", "uhm", "type" and other unnecessary filler words or sounds.
- Do not mute the sound - you should only do this when you need help from a professional supervisor or trainer.
- After a difficult phone call, customer service representatives should take a 5-10 minute break.
- Remember that not everyone understands the ABCs of professionalism. Be kind even when the courtesy isn't mutual.
- After dealing with a difficult situation, remember that the next phone call will be with a different person. Shake off any negative emotions that the previous client aroused.