Have you ever wondered how others manage to make their aquariums incredibly fabulous? Would you like to learn how to create a beautiful aquarium too? This article contains numerous tips and steps on how to do this.

Step 1. Choose sand or gravel of a natural color
It will simulate the natural habitat of the fish and, in addition, is more aesthetically pleasing than a fluorescent pink or a teal color. One way to give your aquarium a natural look is to put natural aquarium sand (1/2) with play sand (1/2), like the one you put in the sandbox. Sand that comes from the beach or pet store should be rinsed well with a fine mesh net. Be careful though as play sand in a marine aquarium will cause diatoms to form and sand in general may prevent other plants from growing.
However, freshwater fish (many Tetra species) from the Amazon River area, or Gourami or Betta, prefer a dark base. Furthermore, if the sand is too thin or too deep (about 4 cm), it will create an environment of anaerobic bacteria with an unpleasant odor and which will cause the roots of the plants to rot. A thin layer of sand is fine, but it should be placed on top of an approximately 1/2 cm layer of gravel and perhaps even a biological layer underneath to feed the plants

Step 2. Live plants make the aquarium populate
There is something special about nature that plastic or silk will never be able to replicate. It is recommended to choose live plants because they not only produce oxygen and improve water quality, but also because fish prefer an environment similar to their natural habitat. There are many plants that are easy to maintain, but research on how to care for them is recommended. If you still prefer artificial plants, make a refined choice and tasteful, no sharp edges or thick or pointed edges, to prevent the fish from getting hurt. Green and red are natural colors preferable to use in an aquarium, choose beautiful shades and cute sizes. However, it depends on your tastes and preferences: would you rather have a sand bed in a tub or an aquarium that looks like a wonderful underwater garden? Most fish prefer a "jungle" and feel more comfortable in an aquarium with lots of plants, but some species eat them, so if you like plants, choose the breed of fish carefully.

Step 3. Choose the decorations
It's best to use natural decorations like driftwood pieces or coconut shell cut in half. With this type of decoration there is little chance that your fish will get hurt. If you decide to use artificial decorations, use logs, rocks or sticks that look natural, with harmonious contours and without edges and above all made with materials that do not contain toxic elements. The health of your fish must always be a priority.

Step 4. Buy a black background (including garbage bags or construction paper)
Black adds depth and makes the aquarium look better than a simple tank with no background or a background with too many colors. Think of a photograph: how would you prefer a photo of yourself? With a background with lots of different things or with a simple background that highlights your image? An aquarium with a black background will be perfect for both photos and your living room.

Step 5. Start decorating the aquarium
Try to position the base as if it were tilted, to make it look like there are hills and valleys. It will look neat and tidy, as well as very interesting to look at compared to a classic flat backdrop. If you place it a certain way, the aquarium will seem even deeper!

Step 6. Place the main piece (the most eye-catching one or the one you want to highlight) towards the center-left of the aquarium
Or, if you have a set of rocks attached, try placing them in such a way that they go from the right or left towards the center. Make sure there is enough room for the fish to both move and hide. Use a broken, upturned ceramic mug covered in plants - this is a great idea (try some moss varieties, they can be purchased at pet stores).

Step 7. Place the plants
It is recommended to place taller plants on the back and low ones in front to create more depth inside the aquarium and to see your fish better.

Step 8. Try various lights
Add several lights to create cool effects in the aquarium. It is strongly recommended to try the moonshine effect.

Step 9. When the aquarium is ready, it is recommended to fill the aquarium and run the water for two weeks before placing the fish
When the tank is empty it is recommended to put in fish food (occasionally). This time period is called a fish-free cycle. During this time, good bacteria (which keep the ammonia level in fish feces under control) grow in the aquarium filter. Don't skip this cycle and do extensive research on it.
- Create separate areas. For example, leave some space for food or shade. Or areas where small fish can hide from larger and more aggressive ones.
- Make sure you have the following items before decorating and placing fish in the aquarium: 1. Filter (mechanical, biological or chemical filtration). The most used are the electric and basket ones for medium-large aquariums and the sponge ones for smaller aquariums. 2. Food rich in vitamins and possibly also supplements. 3. Heating and / or air pump, depends on the breed of fish.
- Live plants make a big difference - they give the aquarium a healthy look. Caring for it takes time, but it's worth it.
- Know in advance if fish of different species get along well together, as they could damage the scales between them. In some cases, they can even kill or eat each other.
- If your fish is happy, the aquarium will be happy too. If the fish does not feel "at home", it may become stressed or otherwise uncomfortable, and the appearance of the aquarium will suffer.
- Place tall plants on the back and low ones in front. Also use an embossed plane and not just the background!
- Gravel or dark sand make the aquarium colors richer, while gravel or light sand make the colors lighter. This depends on the species and colors of the fish you want to put in the aquarium.
- Collect pretty pebbles - they will enhance the natural look of the aquarium. Do not put decorations that come from the sea, such as shells, as they could change the water conditions and the PH.
- If you use stones or pebbles that you found on the beach or in the garden, boil them and soak them for about a week. That should be enough to kill any harmful bacteria. Remember that they could change the pH value of the aquarium.
- Natural looking aquariums have become very popular, especially among artists like Amano. Plus, your fish will be much happier if you cut down on or eliminate artificial decorations altogether.