How to Pass the Final Exams: 12 Steps

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How to Pass the Final Exams: 12 Steps
How to Pass the Final Exams: 12 Steps

Are you anxious or nervous about this semester's final exams? Would you like some helpful tips to help you prepare step by step? Here's how to pass your final exam.


Stop Being Fake Step 3
Stop Being Fake Step 3

Step 1. Review

A final exam is basically a test of everything you have already learned in school. Go back to the tests and notes from previous months, and try to remember what your teacher told you.

Buy Creativets for Your Teenage Friends Step 1
Buy Creativets for Your Teenage Friends Step 1

Step 2. Find your weaknesses

Is there a certain topic where you weren't the best in class?

Be a Better Student Step 2
Be a Better Student Step 2

Step 3. Turn your weakness into a strength

Review and study this topic until you can master its contents.

Be a Better Student Step 4
Be a Better Student Step 4

Step 4. I study everything from the beginning

You don't have to spend endless hours studying, but make sure you have a good understanding of the topics.

Get Ready for Bed Quickly Step 5
Get Ready for Bed Quickly Step 5

Step 5. The night before the exam, try to sleep well

If possible, try to get eight hours of sleep.

Make Cheesy Scrambled Eggs Intro
Make Cheesy Scrambled Eggs Intro

Step 6. Eat a healthy breakfast on the morning of the exam (you won't be able to snack on today

). Make yourself a nice plate of scrambled eggs.

Handle a Long Distance Relationship Step 7
Handle a Long Distance Relationship Step 7

Step 7. Arrive in time for the exam

And try to dress appropriately (don't go in pajamas, just wear something casual). Make sure you have a pen, as it will usually not be provided to you.

If you are having trouble choosing the right clothing, try to deal with it in the afternoon before the exam

Be a Better Student Step 5
Be a Better Student Step 5

Step 8. Sit back, relax and follow the teacher's instructions

Stop Being Fake Step 2
Stop Being Fake Step 2

Step 9. During the exam, try to remember what you have studied, it will be useful to remember the explanations in class as well

If you get stuck on one topic, move on to the next one, you can come back to it later. Don't cheat! Did you know that in some schools it is illegal to cheat during such an important test? Bari even when you make someone copy your answers. If you don't understand the question, you can ask the teacher for clarification, but don't expect suggestions.

Be a Better Student Step 3
Be a Better Student Step 3

Step 10. Use all the time available

If you are done, check your work. If you've already checked, check again.

Smile Like You Mean It Step 2
Smile Like You Mean It Step 2

Step 11. When the time runs out, stop and hand in your test as instructed by the teacher

Stay Up All Night Doing Homework Step 2
Stay Up All Night Doing Homework Step 2

Step 12. Finish reading this article and go back to studying

Good luck!


  • Be sure of yourself, you can do it!
  • Keep calm and trust your abilities.
  • If a teacher offers a study guide, be sure to study it and answer all the questions presented in the book. Most of the information will cover topics from the last semester, and many teachers will likely include questions relevant to the content of the guide in the final exam.
  • Rewrite your notes paying attention to what you write, and refresh your memory on the subject.
  • Before memorizing (if necessary) first try to have a good understanding of the subject. It will help you remember faster and easier.
  • Using chewing gum before taking the final exam can help stimulate brain activity.
  • Try to sleep well. No matter how hard you study before the exam, if you don't get enough sleep your mind won't be able to memorize optimally.
  • Read the material aloud 3 times to memorize the most difficult content; writing summaries can be an additional help. Get a friend to help you with a question and answer game.
  • It is advisable to review your studies at least 3 days before the exam.
  • Ask the teacher if he can help you with practical tests.
  • Set the alarm to get to the exam on time.
  • Go to sleep early so you have the energy you need to pass the test!
  • If you don't like studying alone, study with a friend.


  • In some schools you will be penalized if you are late for the exam. Be on time.
  • Don't pass your notes.
  • Don't cheat!
