3 Ways to Be a Legend

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Be a Legend
3 Ways to Be a Legend

Being a myth, becoming popular, literally means arousing astonishment. Usually people rarely express this feeling. So to truly impress, you need to find a way to elicit this reaction. There are many ways to do this - the ways described here are not the only ones. To be a myth you have to redefine yourself every day.


Part 1 of 3: Talent

Be Awesome Step 01
Be Awesome Step 01

Step 1. Develop a talent

Whatever your talent is, develop it. The so-called "popular" people invest a lot of their time to get there. Who ever said it's easy to be great?

  • According to some theories, it takes about 10,000 hours of practice before you can truly master something. In reality, it takes 1,000 hours, or even less, to acquire a talent. But really amazing people, gifted with great talent, like: Bill Gates or Mozart, spent a lot of time practicing before they became famous.
  • As you practice your talent, find ways to motivate yourself. Start at the bottom. Once you have achieved your goal, reward yourself: with a snack or a new game.
Be Awesome Step 02
Be Awesome Step 02

Step 2. Show off your talent

You may be the best writer in the world or the most amazing dancer, but you won't be able to surprise people if you don't show your talent. Being a myth, by definition, means exposing yourself, no matter how scary it may be.

  • Start small, work alone, until you reach the goal.
  • In the meantime, think about the stage, places or situations where you can show your talent. The magicians want to perform, the singers want to win first place in the standings, the footballers want to win the world cup, and so on. Don't be afraid to dream big. This is the input that will keep you going.
Be Awesome Step 03
Be Awesome Step 03

Step 3. Ask for an opinion

Whether it's a coach, parents or a guide, having advice on how you can improve your talent is essential. A famous poet once said, "No man is an island." What John Donne meant was that you have to rely on others for help. You can't do it all by yourself.

Ask industry experts questions about how to improve. Connect with other people who have technical skills in the field of your choice

Be Awesome Step 04
Be Awesome Step 04

Step 4. Get a guide

A guide can be someone who has experience in your industry. Able to give you advice and help you in the direction you want to take.

  • Get in touch with other people in the industry, you can learn new things from them.
  • Having a guide or mentor is not a one-way relationship, the teacher shows the student how to proceed. The mentor will be happy to know that he has been helpful to you, that he has helped to shape your talent, to personalize it. This is essential.
  • Try to take the mentor's advice seriously, even if you think some advice is out of place, try before you decline.
Be Awesome Step 05
Be Awesome Step 05

Step 5. Learn from your mistakes

It is a fact that when you develop a talent, you can fail. To err is human. Many people give up. If you really want to impress, you will have to learn from your mistakes, don't let them get you down.

Get rid of the ego. Not only will this help you shake off mistakes more easily, it will also help you achieve a more selfless and humble attitude

Part 2 of 3: Personality

Be Awesome Step 06
Be Awesome Step 06

Step 1. Be fun

Even the most cynical people love those who can make them smile. You can develop your sense of humor to be original. There is no real manual for learning to be fun.

  • You can be funny with words. Puns are a great way to make people laugh. Here are some examples:

    • "Some bring happiness wherever they go, others when they go." - Oscar Wilde.
    • "Men rarely give girls with glasses passes." - Dorothy Parker.
  • Use gestures to be comical. Physical gestures can include imitation or mime. Choose one of these "techniques", practice and add it to your repertoire.
  • Tell great stories. We think people who tell great stories are fun, because we love stories. Learn the basics of storytelling.
Be Awesome Step 07
Be Awesome Step 07

Step 2. Be adventurous

Try to take advantage of the opportunities that come your way every day. There is no need to be Indiana Jones. Every now and then it is enough to be willing to take the path less traveled.

  • Travel and visit interesting places. Traveling doesn't necessarily mean spending a lot of money or wasting a lot of time. Try going somewhere near the city you live in, where you've never been. You will get to know new places, and you will have the opportunity to amaze by telling your travels.
  • Discover unexpected things. Being adventurous also means taking a journey with the mind. It sounds unbelievable but it is absolutely true. The most incredible people in the world visit exciting places both through the mind and on foot …
  • Don't be afraid to break the mold if that's what you want to do! Sometimes the most exceptional and adventurous people are those who turn against others to follow their instincts and inclinations. Be adventurous doing what you like to do and not what others want.
Be Awesome Step 08
Be Awesome Step 08

Step 3. Bring out your qualities

Most surprising people are often unaware of how impressive they can be. They are content only to survive without thinking too much. Either way you don't have to try too hard to be impressive, everything you do has to come from within.

Try not to get too fixated on the idea of always being awesome. Instead, focus on exceptional ideas, such as developing recyclable materials into biodiesel. This way, you can surprise others before they can question the topic

Be Awesome Step 09
Be Awesome Step 09

Step 4. Express your unique features through style

Develop your own style, don't imitate fashion, work your own style, believe us, without worrying about what others will say.

  • Use accessories or wear custom clothing that sets you apart, but don't abuse them. Ignore criticism from envious or insecure people. Trust yourself and your way of being.
  • Sometimes even the fact that you don't have a style can set you apart. Some people don't care about clothing or accessories. Because they are absorbed by other activities. If you belong to this category and don't need a fancy style, don't judge those who spend time on clothing.
Be Awesome Step 10
Be Awesome Step 10

Step 5. Have a fun personality

Realize that your personality reveals your character, more than your outward appearance, although the latter can be important. Be kind, friendly, understanding and charming (inside and out). People don't like mediocre, selfish, unfriendly and boring people.

  • Some traits that people recognize as surprising / mythical:

    • Dedication and Loyalty. Consistency and dedication in any type of business.
    • Reliability. Person you can always rely on when needed.
    • Kindness and Generosity. Be willing to take your shirt off, too, if that can make someone else happy.
    • Ambition. Even if we have noble goals, one must never step over someone else to achieve them.
    • Perspectives. We know that the simple things in life, friends, family, love and health are often the ones we neglect the most.
    • Principles. Know what you believe in, have good reasons for doing it.

    Part 3 of 3: Be an Example to Others

    Be Awesome Step 11
    Be Awesome Step 11

    Step 1. Be an example for the youth

    You can be a role model in so many ways. Given this, if you decide to help children, you need to be sure you are doing it for the right reasons. Helping children just because you want to appear is a bit like going on a diet to please someone and not because you want to be healthy.

    • Volunteering and teaching. Teach kids how to read or how to practice math. Try to be patient, not all children learn the same way!
    • Be a mentor for the children. You will become a guide for some of them. Often, children ask questions, try to be a source of information for them on various topics. You can do this especially with those you have particularly taken a liking to.
    • Go out for a walk with them. If you are happy, they will be too, positivity is contagious. You won't have to do much to be impressive in their eyes. Pay attention to what they tell you, give them some time and you will find that being outdoors with them can be a lot of fun.
    Be Awesome Step 12
    Be Awesome Step 12

    Step 2. Throw yourself into politics

    How often do we complain about politics? All time! How often do we do something about it? Never!

    If you are young, you can enter student politics. Maybe it won't be like doing politics in municipal or state offices. But it is equally important and you will be able to learn many things

    Be Awesome Step 13
    Be Awesome Step 13

    Step 3. Help the less privileged

    There is no legal obligation to be charitable, but it is a moral responsibility. If you have received help from someone in your life, or believe in these principles, guide the less fortunate to find their way.

    • Search for charities in your area and join them.
    • Consider the idea of a "micro credit". This is a small loan of money (€ 20 for example) that you can lend to someone through a credit institution. The people who will benefit from this loan are usually from very poor countries, this money is used to build hospitals, schools or to buy generators. This is a great way to make a difference in the world.
    • Use random gestures of kindness. Keep the door open for someone, donate part of your lunch to a homeless person, or tell a colleague how much you appreciate their work. These little acts of kindness take no energy away and have a big impact
    Be Awesome Step 14
    Be Awesome Step 14

    Step 4. Actively participate in the cause you believe in

    What do you believe in? In animal rights? Then join any animal rights associations or groups. Do you believe in the fight against global warming? Take part in environmental demonstrations. Whatever it is … take action!


    • Just be yourself. At first, people may criticize you, but then they will understand your worth.
    • Be gentle.
    • Don't ask for more than what you give.
    • Bring out your qualities, they probably just have to come out.
    • Become popular. It's easy to be when you behave in solidarity with people. Be a leader, but not to have control over others!


    • Don't do stupid things. Impressing doesn't mean risking your life.
    • Do not try to be what you are not, because if by doing so you can earn the respect of others, you will lose yours. But you can start to engage in new activities, change interests.
    • Don't act like a peasant, nobody likes peasants.
    • Don't go around bragging about how awesome you are, people will see for themselves.
    • Don't give too many things to others, otherwise they will only consider you for giving them things.
