Playing as a sniper in Black Ops 2 is not very difficult: even the most inexperienced players can succeed.

Step 1. Choose a sniper rifle that suits you
Don't use what everyone is using, but find the weapon that works best for you. There are currently these 4 sniper rifles in Black Ops 2: SVU-AS, DSR 50, Ballista and XPR-50. Each of them has strengths and weaknesses and they adapt to different styles of play. The DSR 50 is best for one-shot kills, as it allows you to kill with a single bullet above the waist, making it a weapon suitable for those who are not very accurate. The Ballista requires more accuracy, because it only kills from the chest up with a single shot, but it is possible to handle and aim faster. Finally, there are the two semi-automatic shotguns, the SVU-AS and the XPR-50. Both are suitable for firing repeated shots at your enemies. Any shotgun is a great choice, so find the one that's right for you!

Step 2. Remember that movement is a very important element for a sniper
If you stay in one spot shooting all the members of the enemy squad, eventually one of them will find you and kill you. Therefore, to stay alive, you have to move. Movement is important because if you stay in a single area your position will be detected on the map when you shoot; instead you should keep confusing your enemies by constantly moving around. Move after firing a couple of shots, just like a real sniper.

Step 3. Learn about the map you are playing on
This is crucial, because if you don't know the map, you will come to a bad end. The biggest advantage that knowledge of the map gives you is that you will know the best spots to shoot enemies from.

Step 4. Keep your distance and never let enemies get close
Since you are a sniper, you don't excel at close combat with enemies with assault rifles or machine guns, and you would probably lose. With a sniper rifle you can stay at a great distance from enemies and shoot when they least expect it.

Step 5. Shoot who you can kill
If you know that you will likely miss the shot, do not shoot, so as not to reveal your position.

Step 6. Avoid running towards enemies unless you are experienced and know what you are doing
If you are patient on the battlefield, you will avoid dangerous situations and finish the game with fewer deaths.

Step 7. Use the best accessories for you
Some players favor the quick loader or adjustable zoom, but these are personal preferences that can vary a lot.

Step 8. Play slower if you are inexperienced
If you spend more time on each shot, you will be killed more often, but you will be much more accurate. You will improve your speed over time.

Step 9. Improve your accuracy
Try using the laser sight, which makes the crosshair on the screen smaller, to improve shot accuracy.

Step 10. Try to move quickly
If you are an experienced sniper, you have probably already learned how to move and shoot, but remember to keep a good distance from your enemies. Shoot and, if you miss the shot, take out your gun and show your gunslinging skills.
- Play with computer-controlled enemies in training to learn how to use the shotgun of your choice.
- Always look around for enemies in the open.
- If you see an enemy approaching with a more powerful weapon than yours, it's time to move.
- If you see a UAV in the sky, shoot it down - you won't be spotted on the minimap.
- When running through enemies use cover, especially if you are surrounded. You will not be able to kill all the enemies and the best choice is to hide and take them by surprise.
- Use the DSR to kill enemies with a single shot.
- This article is also useful for experienced players to review some concepts.
- You will find that the sniper rifles in Black Ops 2 are much slower than those in Modern Warfare 3.
- Try to stay around the perimeter of the map.
- Use the quick charger if you find yourself in dangerous situations where enemies know where you are. You won't be able to kill them all, but you can certainly kill more than before.
- Don't rush to the spot where the enemies spawn.
- Remember this is still a game, have fun!