You can use a compass in Minecraft to find your original point of creation. It will point to this point, whether it is in a chest, on the floor, in your inventory or in your character's hand. It won't work in the Nether and The End world though. Here's how to build one.
Method 1 of 3: Get the Materials

Step 1. Get four iron ingots and a redstone
Method 2 of 3: Building the Compass

Step 1. Find out if you need a compass
If you don't have a lot of iron ingots and redstone available, you can save them just by looking at the compass needle after placing the items on the crafting table and not proceeding with building.
- Note that you can also see the compass on the item stats page if you have created one in the past. This means you can see the needle without even having to use the crafting table.
- If you need a compass to make a map, you will need to build it.

Step 2. Build a compass
Place the four iron ingots and the redstone on the crafting table as follows:
- Put the redstone in the center box of the grid.
- Put the four iron ingots in the boxes directly above, below, to the right and left of the redstone.
- Wait for the compass to complete.
- Shift-click the compass or drag it to your inventory.
Method 3 of 3: Create Objects with Your Compass

Step 1. Create a map
To create a map with a compass, surround the compass with paper.
- Open the crafting table and put the compass in the center.
- Put some card in all other empty boxes.

Step 2. Build the map
Click while holding down Shift to put the map in your inventory.