The magnetic compass is an ancient navigation tool used to indicate the four cardinal points: north, south, east and west. It consists of a magnetic needle that aligns with the Earth's magnetic field at the north pole. If you get lost and don't have a compass, you can easily make it yourself using a magnetized piece of metal and a bowl of water. Here's how to get started.
Method 1 of 3: Collecting Materials

Step 1. Decide what to use as a needle for your compass
A compass needle can consist of a piece of metal, which can be magnetized. A sewing needle is a simple and practical choice, considering it is an item you should easily find in a first aid or survival kit, which you should have on hand for a hike. You could also try these other "needles":
- A paperweight
- A razor blade
- A safety pin
- A hairpin

Step 2. Choose a "magnetizer" for the needle
You can magnetize the needle using a variety of methods: rubbing it with a piece of steel or iron, rubbing it with a magnet, or rubbing it with another element that magnetizes it with static electricity.
- A refrigerator magnet works well for this purpose. You can also buy plain magnets at craft stores.
- You can use an iron or steel nail, horseshoe, crowbar, or other household items if you don't have a magnet available.
- Even silk and animal hair can be used to magnetize a needle.
- If necessary, you can use your own hair.

Step 3. Collect additional materials
In addition to a needle and magnetizer, you will need a bowl or jar, water, and a cross section of cork shaped like a coin.
Method 2 of 3: Building a Compass
Step 1. Magnetize a needle
If you are using a sewing needle or other metal object, scrub that object with the magnet. Rub the needle in the same direction, rather than back and forth, using steady, even strokes. After 50 wipes, the needle will be magnetized.
- Use the same method to magnetize the needle with silk, animal hair, or hair. Rub the needle with the object 50 times to magnetize it. Do not use these fragile items if the needle you are using is a razor blade.
- If your magnetizer is a piece of metal or steel, tap the needle repeatedly to magnetize it. Attach the needle to a piece of wood and hit the tip of the needle 50 times.
Step 2. Insert the needle into the cork
If you're using a sewing needle, insert it horizontally into the edge of the coin-sized piece of cork so that the needle penetrates the cork and comes out on the other side. Push the needle until the same portion protrudes from the other side of the cork.
- If you are using a razor blade or other type of needle, simply place it over the cork so that it is evenly balanced in the center. You may need a lot of corks to hold the razor blade in place.
- Any small floating object can be used in place of the cork coin. If you are in a wild environment and need something to float your needle on, you can use foil.
Step 3. Float the compass
Fill a bowl or jar with a few inches of water and place the compass in the water. The magnetized needle will align with the Earth's magnetic field in the north-south direction.
- If the wind hits the compass, you may have trouble aligning it north-south. Try protecting the compass from the wind by using a deeper bowl or jar.
- Currents will also interfere with the compass's direction, so you can't expect to get an accurate reading if you place the compass in a lake or pond. You could use a standing pool of water instead.
Method 3 of 3: Reading the Compass
Step 1. Check if the needle is magnetized
The needle and the cork or paper in which it is located should rotate slowly either clockwise or counterclockwise to indicate the north-south direction. If it doesn't move, rub or tap the needle again to magnetize it.
Step 2. Check which direction is north
Since the magnetized needle indicates the direction from north to south, you cannot use it to check where east and west are located until you know which is north. Use one of the following techniques to get an idea of which direction north is, then mark the side of the compass with a pen or pencil so you can use it to navigate in other directions:
- Read the stars. Locate the North Star, the last star in the handle of the Ursa Minor constellation chariot. Draw an imaginary line from the North Star to the ground. The direction of the line must be north.
- Use the shadow method. Place a pole vertically on the ground so that you can see its shadow. Mark the place where the edge of the shadow falls with a stone. Wait fifteen minutes, then mark the tip of the shadow with a second stone. The dividing line between the stones is approximately the east-west direction. If you are with the first stone on the left and the second on the right, you are facing north.