Brock is the first trainer you will meet while playing Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. He specializes in handling "Rock / Ground" type Pokémon and by defeating him you will earn the "Rock" medal and "TM39", with which you can teach your Pokémon the "Rock Tomb" special move. The Pokémon available to Brock are all of the "Rock / Ground" type, specifically you will have to fight with a level 12 Geodude and a level 14 Onix. Try to include elements in your team of Pokémon that have powerful and effective attacks against this "Rock / Ground" type Pokémon, such as: Squirtle or Bulbasaur, Mankey, Nidoran, Rattata and Butterfree.
Part 1 of 3: Grouping Your Pokémon

Step 1. Get ready
The first Brock Gym Leader can be easy or relatively difficult to defeat, it all depends on the type of Pokémon you have in your selected team. In the FireRed and LeafGreen versions of the game, Brock has 2 Pokémon at his disposal: a level 12 Geodude, who knows the "Action" and "Shroud" moves, and a level 14 Onix, who knows the "Action" moves., "Legatutto", "Strengthener" and "Rocciotomba". Brock is a particularly challenging Gym Leader to deal with as both of his Pokémon know moves that can temporarily increase their defense ("Shelter" and "Harden"). The Pokémon that you have selected will have to use mainly "Physical" attacks and will have to be able to do so as soon as possible. The fight could get progressively more and more difficult, based on the number of times Brock's Pokémon Geodude and Onix will be able to use the moves "Shroud Curl" and "Harden".
Brock's Geodude knows only one attack move, namely "Action": a "Normal" type attack. This means that any Pokémon is able to KO it using a "Normal" type attack

Step 2. Create a team of Pokémon that are particularly strong and effective as they have to fight against "Rock / Ground" type elements
To do this, you need to know which type of Pokémon has an advantage when battling "Rock" -type elements. Here are the types of Pokémon you should include in the team:
- "Waterfall";
- "Grass";
- "Ice";
- "Land";
- "Struggle";
- "Steel".

Step 3. Carefully consider your choice of starter Pokémon (Charmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur)
Combat will be easier if you decide to use Bulbasaur or Squirtle, while it will be more complicated, but certainly not impossible, if you choose Charmander.
- The easiest way to defeat Brock is to choose Bulbasaur or Squirtle as your starter Pokémon. Both "Water" and "Grass" type attacks do double damage when attacked against "Rock / Ground" type Pokémon. As an initial bonus, you will also have Squirtle's "Water Gun" special move ("Water" type), which will therefore not lose its effectiveness due to the moves of Brock's Pokémon capable of increasing the level of defense ("Shroud Curl" and "Strengthener").
- If you choose Charmander as your starter Pokémon, you may encounter difficulties during battle. "Fire" type Pokémon are very weak when facing "Rock" type elements. You can support Charmander by flanking it with Pokémon that have an advantage when facing "Rock" -type elements, such as Mankey ("Fighting" -type Pokémon) and Rattata ("Normal" -type Pokémon, which however does not take double damage. from "Rock" attacks).

Step 4. Try not to use those Pokémon that are in trouble when they have to fight with "Rock" type elements
Catch a Pidgey ("Flying" type Pokémon), Caterpie, Weedle, Kakuna, Metapod ("Bug" type Pokémon) or Pikachu ("Electric" type Pokémon). This will make the team stronger as the game progresses, but in this fight they won't help you much as "Rock" type Pokémon deal double damage to "Fire", "Flying" and "Beetle".
- A team that includes Pokémon Charmander, Pidgey, Caterpie, Weedle, Kakuna, Metapod, and Pikachu can still come out on top in a fight against Brock's team, provided they have a large number or have reached a sufficiently high level.
- Pikachu will be very useful during the fight that sees you take on the second Gym Leader in the game, but it won't be of much help against Brock. While none of Brock's Pokémon have "Ground" -type moves, which deal double damage to Pikachu, Pikachu would not be able to cause any damage during combat as Geodude and Onix are immune to "type attacks." Electric "being a" Rock / Ground "type Pokémon.

Step 5. Consider facing Brock with the following Pokémon team:
- Bulbasuar or Squirtle at level 14 (as a starter Pokémon): You can also raise it to level 16 as Bulbasaur would evolve into Ivysaur and Squirtle in Wartortle at that point.
- Butterfree at level 12: can be obtained from the evolution of Caterpie and Metapod, which you found in the "Emerald Wood".
- Mankey at level 12: found on "Route 3", near the "Pokémon League" located west of Viridian City.
- Pikachu level 10: found in the "Emerald Forest". As mentioned Pikachu won't be of much help in this fight, but he will be when you have to face the next gym leader. Pikachu is a very rare Pokémon, before seeing it and being able to catch it you will therefore have to walk a little through the "Emerald Wood", focusing your attention where the grass is highest. Before taking on the second Gym Leader in the game, consider getting him to level 26 so you can teach him more powerful "Electro" -type moves.
- Pidgey at level 10: found along "Route 2", the road that connects Pallet Town to Viridian City. Pidgey can learn the "Sand Whirlwind" move which can decrease the accuracy of Geodude and Onix's attacks.
- Nidoran level 12: In the rest of the game, you can evolve it into Nidoking, a very powerful Pokémon.
Part 2 of 3: Train Pokémon for Combat

Step 1. Go through the "Bosco Smeraldo"
Brock's Gym is located in Pewter City, if you want to face him and defeat him, then you have to go there. Before continuing, remember to completely heal all the Pokémon on your team by taking them to a Pokémon Center; Also, bring some Pokéballs with you. When you are in the "Emerald Wood", you will have the opportunity to capture a specimen of Caterpie, Pikachu and perhaps even Weedle.

Step 2. Train the starter Pokémon to get it to level 14
To do this, you'll need to walk into tall grass areas to fight any wild Pokémon you encounter (even if they're only level 3). Challenge all the coaches you meet along the way. Keep battling wild Pokémon until your starter Pokémon is almost close to Knock Out, then, before it's too late, head to a Pokémon Center to heal it. Keep training him until he has learned the most powerful moves:
- If you chose Bulbasaur or Squirtle as your starter Pokémon, you were lucky. By the time it comes to take on Brock, he should have already learned the most effective moves against "Rock" -type Pokémon in a completely natural way, such as "Razor Leaf" and "Whip" learned from Bulbasaur as soon as he reaches level 7 or " Bubble Beam "and" Water Gun "learned from Squirtle at level 7.
- If you chose Charmander, you may have a hard time beating Brock. However, you can do this by taking advantage of this Pokémon's "Brazier" attack. Train it to get it to level 13 so that it learns the "Iron Claw" move, this is a "Steel" type attack that is very effective against "Rock" type Pokémon.
- By taking it to level 16, Charmander will evolve into Charmeleon. At that point, he may be strong enough to hold his own with Brock. You can also do the same with Bulbasaur and Squirtle, which will evolve into Ivysaur and Wartortle respectively. Remember, however, that focusing all of your hopes of victory on just one Pokémon is often not a wise move.

Step 3. Train a Rattata specimen
If you've chosen Charmander as your starter Pokémon, it can be a great idea to partner with a well-trained Rattata. It is a "Normal" type Pokémon, which means that it takes half damage from "Rock" type attacks and normal damage from "Ground" type attacks. That way the battle should be a little easier. You can catch a wild Rattata in areas where tall grass is present.

Step 4. Capture a Caterpie, then train it to level 10
When it reaches level 7, it will evolve into a Metapod by acquiring the "Harden" special move. Upon reaching level 10, this Pokémon will evolve into its final form, Butterfree, by acquiring the "Confusion" move. The latter is a very powerful attack for a Pokémon with such a low level, so having one on the team that knows this move simplifies the task of defeating Brock. While the "Confusion" move is less effective against Brock's Pokémon, it still causes significant damage.
You can meet a Caterpie and Metapod specimen by walking in the tall grass areas near the "Emerald Wood". It may be better to catch a Caterpie rather than a Metapod, this is because Caterpie already knows the "Action" attack, while the wild examples of Metapod only know the "Harden" move (a purely defensive move)

Step 5. Capture a Mankey, then train him until he learns the "Hit Karate" move (which will take place at level 11)
A level 11 Mankey can defeat Brock's level 14 Onix in just two turns. The "Karate Strike" move is a "Fighting" type attack and is extremely effective against Brock's Pokémon. In this situation you should therefore be able to win very easily.
- If you are having trouble solely defeating Onix, you simply need to train your Mankey until he learns the "Low Strike" move. Normally, Mankey learns this move at level 9, but there is a chance he will also learn it at level 6. This is a very useful attack against Onix, as the damage dealt is directly proportional to the opponent's level (plus the level is high, the greater the damage).
- You can find a Mankey specimen along "Route 22", the road that leads to "Via Vittoria" which is accessed by exiting from the left side of the Viridian city. Follow this path until you reach an area with tall grass. Note: You will find your rival in this area, so take your strongest Pokémon with you.

Step 6. Capture Nidoran (male or female), then train him until he reaches level 12
You don't have to have a Nidoran on your team, but owning it is much more useful than having a Pidgey or Pikachu. You can meet a specimen of Nidoran in the same area where you spotted Mankey, ie along "Route 22" which you take when exiting the west side of the Viridian city. Nidoran evolves into Nidorino or Nidorina (based on gender) and later into Nidoking or Nidoqueen, two of the strongest Pokémon in the game.
Part 3 of 3: Fighting Brock

Step 1. Train your Pokémon until they are strong enough
At least a level 12 Mankey, a level 14 Bulbasaur, a Squirtle or a Charmander and a level 12 Butterfree should appear in the squad you have selected. It won't hurt to have a level 12 Nidoran or Rattata too. the elements of your team are strong enough, you are ready to face Brock and win the first medal.

Step 2. Before entering the gym, restore all Pokémon to optimal health
Visit a Pokémon Center, then make sure that all Pokémon's energy levels are reset to maximum. Purchase as many potions as possible by going to a Pokémon Market. During battle, you can use a potion to increase the health of any team member by a whopping 20 HP (Health Points). However, you will lose a turn using this healing tool, so when you heal your Pokémon you are unable to attack the opponent. However, this is one more weapon at your disposal during the battle with Brock.

Step 3. Enter Brock's Gym located in Pewter City
Face and defeat the first manager you encounter upon entering. In order to fight Brock later, you must first overcome this obstacle. The first fight should give you an idea of what to expect from the next fight against Brock: both of these trainers use "Rock" type Pokémon, although Brock's team turns out to be stronger. After defeating the first Trainer, return to heal your Pokémon before facing Brock. The goal is to have your Pokémon team in top form.
If you can't defeat the first trainer you meet by entering the gym it simply means that you are not ready to face and beat Brock yet. Continue the training phase of the Pokémon until they reach the level of sufficient strength

Step 4. Before facing Brock, save your progress in the game
Before entering any gym to face its gym leader (or before taking on an important phase of the game), you should always save the game. This way you can always start over if something doesn't go the right way.

Step 5. Fight Brock
Once you've trained your team of Pokémon sufficiently, beat the first trainer, restored each team member to maximum health, and saved the game, you'll be ready to take on Brock. Walk towards the character standing in the center of the gym, then talk to him. He will only speak a few words, after which the battle will begin. Brock will start the fight with Geodude, so he will use Onix.

Step 6. Begin the battle with the Pokémon that is strongest when facing "Rock / Ground" type elements
Attack quickly and effectively to prevent Geodude and Onix from having time to use their special moves to increase the defense level. The more times they are able to use these moves, the harder it will be to defeat them. Use the Pokémon and attack moves that are most powerful and effective against "Rock / Ground" type Pokémon. During combat, if necessary, use Potions to keep your Pokémon's health at an adequate level.
- If you have a Pokémon that is particularly strong when facing "Rock" type opponents, use its special moves. If you have a Bulbasaur, use the "Whip" and "Blade Leaf" moves. If you have a Squirtle, use the "Bubble Beam" and "Water Gun" moves. If you have a Mankey, use the "Low Strike" and "Karate Strike" moves. If these Pokémon have reached a sufficiently high level of evolution, the confrontation with Brock should last very little.
- If you have a Pidgey, attack repeatedly using the "Sand Whirlwind" move to decrease the accuracy of Brock's Geodude and Onix attacks. Pidgey has no chance of defeating Geodude, the goal of this move is to make it easier for the other Pokémon on the team to achieve victory. In this case you will simply have to use the "Turbosand" move as much as possible.

Step 7. Get the "MT39"
When you beat him, Brock will give you the "TM39" as a reward, with which you can teach the "Rock Tomb" move to one of your team's Pokémon. This is an excellent "Rock" type attack move, capable of decreasing the speed of the opponents. Do not use "TM39" until you have captured a "Rock" type Pokémon (such as a Geodude or Onix) that is able to use it effectively.

Step 8. Continue the adventure
After defeating Brock, there is no other important activity to do in Pewter City. Take the road east of the city (or if you prefer on the right side of the screen), then walk towards the "Moon Mountain" from which you can reach the city of Celestopoli to continue your adventure in the world of Pokémon.