How to Find the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White

Table of contents:

How to Find the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White
How to Find the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White

You have defeated the bad guys and completed the game, so you feel calm and at peace with yourself, happy to have done your duty. You are wrong, there is still a goal to reach, to find the 7 wise men. This tutorial will guide you through this arduous task, transforming you into the best and taking you where no one has ever gone.


Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 1
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 1

Step 1. 1st Ross Essay:

it can be found at the end of Route 18. He will tell you some past stories about Team Plasma. After talking to him, the sage will give you the TM32.

Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 2
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 2

Step 2. 2nd Celian Essay:

he can be found at the 'Dream Shipyard' after battling the scientists in the basement. Again the essay will reveal some interesting aspects about the game's plot as well as deliver you the MT75.

Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 3
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 3

Step 3. 3rd Verdanio Assay:

it can be found in the Buried Castle inside the 'Desert of Quiet'. It will reveal new aspects of the storyline and deliver the MT04 to you.

Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 4
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 4

Step 4. 4th Violante Essay:

it can be found inside the container in the 'Frigo Depot' at 'Libecciopoli'. He will reveal some dark aspects related to 'Ghetsis', after which he will give you TM01.

Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 5
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 5

Step 5. 5th Saggio Moreno:

It can be found in the basement of the 'Electric Stone Quarry', but before you can reach it you will have to face two members of the 'Team Plasma'. When you reach the essay you will receive TM69.

Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 6
Find All of the 7 Sages in Pokemon Black and White Step 6

Step 6. 6th Sage Janus:

to reach it you will need the special moves 'Surf' and 'Waterfall'. It can be found on the top of the waterfall on Route 14. At your meeting the sage will give you the TM08.
