How to View Hidden Files: 11 Steps

How to View Hidden Files: 11 Steps
How to View Hidden Files: 11 Steps

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Hidden files are rarely accessible. They are downloaded with each new application. There are hundreds of these hidden files on most computers. If you can't find a file or folder, use the instructions associated with your operating system to show hidden files.


Method 1 of 2: Windows Operating System

Show Hidden Files Step 1
Show Hidden Files Step 1

Step 1. Go to the "Start" menu

Show Hidden Files Step 2
Show Hidden Files Step 2

Step 2. From the list of options in the pop-up menu, select "Control Panel"

Show Hidden Files Step 3
Show Hidden Files Step 3

Step 3. Look for the icon titled "Folder Options"

Click on it.

Show Hidden Files Step 4
Show Hidden Files Step 4

Step 4. Choose the "View" tab in the toolbar

Show Hidden Files Step 5
Show Hidden Files Step 5

Step 5. Scroll down and select "Show hidden files and folders"

You should see new icons appear which were previously hidden files.

Hidden files will appear slightly lighter than other files to indicate that they are not usually shown

Method 2 of 2: Mac OS

Step 1. Select the "Go" menu from the top horizontal bar

Step 2. Choose "Terminal" from the utility program icons

A window will appear where you can type commands that directly affect the operating system.

Step 3. Paste the following code into the Terminal:

"defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE". Press "Enter" to activate the changes and view hidden files.

Step 4. Paste the following code in the next line:

"killall Finder". Press "Enter".

Step 5. The Finder window should close and restart

Step 6. Look for gray files

These were the previously hidden files.

Hide hidden files again by returning to the Utility terminal. Paste the following lines of code: "defaults write Finder AppleShowAllFiles FALSE" and "killall Finder". Hit the Enter button after each line


  • You should reverse your actions and hide the files when you are done. Showing hidden files can make it harder to find files on your computer in the future.
  • You can hide any file on the Mac OS by placing a period before the file name. For example, if the filename was "statements", you can change it to ".instructions" to hide it.
